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Science Midterms 8


One complete revolution of Earth around the sun takes about: one year
Earth has seasons because: Earth's axis is tilted as it moves around the sun.
When the north end of Earth's axis is tilted toward the sun, North America will experience: More direct rys and longer days
The phase of the moon you see depends on: How much of the sunlit side of the moon faces earth
One complete revolution of Earth around the sun takes about: one year
Earth has seasons because: Earth's axis is tilted as it moves around the sun.
When the north end of Earth's axis is tilted toward the sun, North America will experience: More direct rys and longer days
The phase of the moon you see depends on: How much of the sunlit side of the moon faces earth
From new moon phase to full moon phase you see; an increasing amount of the lighted side of the moon.
For a solar eclipse to occur: when the moon is directly between the sun and the earth
Day and Night are caused by: Eath's Rotation on it's axis
during what phase can a lunar eclipse occur? full moon
when are tides highest? when the sun, earth, and moon are nearly in line.
Tides are caused mainly by: differences in how much the moon pulls on different parts of Earth.
Geosynchronus satellites above the equator: stay above the same point on eaeth
How large is the moon compared to earth? about 1/4
scientists think the moon was formed when a large object struck earth, and material from both bodies combined.
Inthe southern hemispher, the summer solstice occurs when the sun is directly overhead at 23.5 south latitude
An equinox occurs when neither end of Earth's axis is tilted toward or away from the sun
neap tides occur when the sun's pull is at right angles to the moons
There are two low and high tides on earth every day because: The moons gravitational pull on earth.
summer solstice: June 21st
winter solstice: december 21st
autumnal equinox september 21st
vernal equinox march 21st
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wavelengths that are a little bit shorter than visible light are ultraviiolet
most of earths incoming ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by ozone
most of thje energy that heats earths atmosphere is infared radiation
the total energy of motion in the molecules of a substance is called thermal energy
heat from a campfire reaches you by radiation
convection takes place because cold air is more dense than warm air
cool air masses tend to be more dense and flow under warm air masses
local winds differ from global winds because they are caused by unequal heating within a small area
land breezes occur because land cools off faster than water
relative humidity can be measured with a psychrometer
when an air mass rises up a mountain side the temperature decreases and the relative humidity increases
Created by: smiley621
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