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6th Grade:History

landlocked having no border with ocean or sea
pass space people can use to travel through a mountain range
navigable referring to a body of water wide and deep enough for ships to use
deciduous trees that lose their leaves in the fall
coniferous referring to evergreen trees that have their seeds in cones
mistral cold, dry winter wind form the North that strikes southern France
sirocco hot winds from Africa that blow across Southern Europe
classical referring to the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome
city-state independent political unit that includes a city and a surrounding area
reunification the act of being brought back together
neutrality refusal to take sides in a war between other countries
dry farming agriculture that conserves water and uses crops and growing methods suited to semiarid environments
autonomy having independence from another country
subsidy special payment made by a government to support a particular group or industry
command economy economic system in which the government to support a particular group or industry
market economy economic system in which individuals make the decisions about how resources are used and what goods and services to provide
potash mineral salt used in making fertilizer
ethnic cleansing forcing people from one ethnic or religious group to leave an area so that it can be used for another group
democracy form of limited government in which power with the people, and all citizens share in running the government
republic government in which people choose their leaders
emperor all-powerful leader
pope head of the Roman Catholic church
feudalism form of government in which power is divided between the federal or national government and the state government
nation-state country formed of people who share common culture and history
revolution one complete circuit around the sun;sweeping change
Holocaust mass killing of 6 million European Jews by Germanys Nazi leaders during WW11
communism system of government in which the government controls the ways of producing goods.
ethnic group people with a common language, history, religion and some physical traits
welfare group country where the government is the main provider of support for the sick, needy, and the retired
fertility rate average number of children born to each woman
urbanization growth of cities
secular nonreligious
consitutional monarchy form of government in which a monarch is the head of state but selected officals run
parliamentary democracy form government in which voters elect representatives to law making body called Parliament, and members of Parliament vote for an official called the prime minister to head the government
peat plants partly decayed in water which can be dried and burned for fuel
bog low swampy area
productivity measure of how much work a person produces in a set amount of time
geyser spring of water heated by molten rock inside the earth that, from time to time shoots hot water into the air
fjord narrow u-shaped coastal valley with steep sides formed by the actions of glaciers
geothermal energy electricity produced by natural underground sources of steam
specialization focusing on certain economic activities to make the best use of resources
high-technology industry areas of business that include making computer and other products with sophisticated engineerings
bilingual accepting two official languages; able to speak two languages
polder reclaimed wetlands that use a system of dikes and pumps to keep out the sea water
multinational company company that has locations in more than one country
Created by: lgraupner
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