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Photoshop Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Vocabulary

Represents the amount of color data that can be stored in a given file format and determines the color model used to display and print an image. Color Mode
Determines how pigments combine to produce resulting color, determined by the color mode Color Model
An image displayed on your monitor, a geometric arrangement of different color dots on a rectangular grid. Bitmap
Each dot in a bitmapped image that represents a color or shade pixel
The range of displayed colors in a color mode Gamut
The color reflected from or transmitted through an object and expressed as a degree. Hue
The strength or purity of the color, representing the amount of gray in proportion to hue. Saturation
The measurement of relative lightness or darkness of a color. Brightness
Used for lightning, video, and computer monitors; color is created by adding together red, green, and blue light. (RGB) Additive colors
The absence of cyan, magneta, yellow, and black creates white. Subtractive colors
Uses black or white color value to represent image pixels. Bitmap mode.
Uses up to 256 shades of gray. Grayscale mode
A blend of colors used to fill a selection of a layer or an entire layer. Gradient fill
A method of changing foreground and background colors by copying existing colors from an image Sampling
A feature that lets you choose color from a color spectrum Color picker
A visual display of colors you can choose from Swatches panel
Emphasizing an image by placing a border around its edges. Stroking the edges
Predesigned gradient fills that are displayed in the gradient picker Gradient presents
Can contain up to 256 shades of gray Greyscale images
The remaining light and dark value that result when a color image is converted to greyscale Luminosity
Photoshop commands that can significantly alter an image's appearance. Filters
Controls how pixels are mad either darker or lighter based on underlying colors. Blending mode
The original color of an image Base color
The color applied to the base color when a blending mode is applied to a layer. Blend color
The outcome of the blend color applied to the base color Resulting color
The image your are working with Target
The image that contains your perfect color. Source
Increases the contrast of adjacent pixels and can focus on a blurry image. Sharpen more filter
Three colors used to reproduce colors on screen Channels
Mode in which components are combined to create new colors (RGB). RGB Mode
The lightest colors are assigned the highest precentages of ink and is used in four-color process printing (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key(Black) CMYK Mode
By dafault this color is black and is used to paint, fill and apply a border to a selection. Foreground Color
By default this color is white and is used to make gradient fills or fill in areas of an image that have been erased. Background Color
Created by: richars1
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