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ME Nerves HeadNeck

what are the basic components of the nervous system central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
cranial nerve I is olfactory
cranial nerve I functions smell, is sensory
cranial nerve I exits through the cribriform plate of ethmoid
cranial nerve II is optic
cranial nerve II funtions vision, is sensory
cranial nerve II exits through the optic foramen
cranial nerve III is oculomotor
cranial nerve III exits through the superior orbital fissure
cranial nerve III functions eye movement, pupil constriction. is motor.
cranial nerve IV is trochlear
cranial nerve IV exits through the superior orbital fissure
cranial nerve IV functions eye movement. is motor.
cranial nerve V is trigeminal
cranial nerve V exits through the V1 - superior orbital fissure V2 - rotundem v3 - ovale
cranial nerve V functions somatosensory information (touch, pain) from face and head. muscles of mastication. is mixed.
cranial nerve V1 is abducens
cranial nerve VI exits through the superior orbital fissure
cranial nerve V1 functions eye movement. is motor.
cranial nerve VII is facial
cranial nerve VII exits through the stylomastiod
cranial nerve VII functions taste (2/3 anterior of tongue), somatosensory information of the ear, muscles facial expression. is mixed.
cranial nerve VIII is auditory (vestibulocochlear)
cranial nerve VIII exits through the internal auditory meatus
cranial nerve VIII functions hearing and balance. is sensory.
cranial nerve IX is glossopharyngeal
cranial nerve IX exits through the jugular foramen
cranical nerve IX functions taste (1/3 posterior), somatosensory info of tongue, tonsil, pharynx. controls some muscles of swallowing. is mixed.
cranial nerve X is vagus
cranial nerve X exits through the jugular foramen
cranial nerve X functions sensory, motor, and autonomic functions of viscera. (glands, digestion, heart rate). is mixed.
cranial nerve XI is accessory (spinal)
cranial nerve XI exits through the jugular foramen
cranial nerve XI functions controls muscles used in head movement. is motor.
cranial nerve XII is hypoglossal
cranial nerve XII exits through the hypoglossal canal
cranial nerve XII functions controls the muscles of the tongue. is motor.
what are the divisions of the trigeminal nerve V1 - opthalmic nerve V2 - maxillary nerve V3 - mandibular nerve
what does the opthalmic nerve exit through superior orbital fissure
what does the opthalmic nerve innervate eye, forehead, ethmoid sinus, sphenoid sinus, frontal sinus, medial part of nose
what does the maxillary nerve exit through foramen rotundem into pterygopalatine fossa, all remaning branches branch from there
the maxillary nerve innervates what upper jaw and cheek
(branches from max) the zygomatic nerve has what two branches zygomatico-temporal nerve, zygomatico-facial nerve
(branches from max) the zygomatic nerve exits through inferior orbital fissure into the zygomatic bone through the zygomatico-orbital foramen. branches from there.
the zygomatico-temporal nerve exits and innervates what exits through the zygomatico-temporal foramen. supplies skin over anterior fourth of temporalis muscle
the zygomatico-facial nerve exits and innervates what exits through the zygomatico-facial foramen. innervates skin overlying lateral surface of zygoma
lesser palatine nerves exit through and supply what exit through lesser palatine foramen. supplies palatine tonsils and soft palate.
grater palatine nerve exits through and supplies what exits through greater palatine foramen. supplies posterior 2/3 of hard palate and palatal gingiva of area.
the posterior inferior lateral nasal nerves exit and supply what exit off greater palatine nerve. supply mucosa of inferior nasal concha, middle and inferior meati
nasopalatine nerve exits and innervates exits through sphenopalatine foramen. innervates septal mucosa, palatal mucosa, palatal gingiva on anterior 1/3 of hard palate. may supply max. central incisors.
posterior superior lateral nasal nerves exits and innervates exits medially through sphenopalatine foramen. supplys mucosa of middle and superior nasal conchae and superior part of nasal septum.
posterior suprerior alveolar nerves exit and innervate branches off max in pterygopalatine fossa, descends through pterygomaxillary fissure into maxilla through posterior superior alveolar foramina. innervates max molars (not mesiobuccal root of 1st), buccal gingiva & mucosa of same area, mucosa of max sinus
infraorbital nerve exits exits onto face through infraorbital foramen.
middle superior alveolar nerves supplies max premolars, mesiobuccal root of max 1st molar, buccal gingiva and buccal mucosa of same area, mucosa of max sinus
anterior superior alveolar nerve supplies max anterior teeth, labial gingiva and mucosa of max sinus.
the terminal branches of the infraorbital nerve exit through onto face through infraorbital foramen
palpebral branches to skin and conjunctiva of lower eyelid
external nasal branches to skin of side of nose
superios labial branches to mucous membrane and skin of upper lip, to facial gingiva of max anterior and premolars
V3 Mandibular nerve is mixed. leaves through foramen ovale to distribute to lower jaw and chin
the mandibular nerve's motor branches are 1. nerve to tensor veli palatini muscle 2. medial pterygoid nerve to muscle 3. nerve to tensor tympani muscle
posterior deep temporal nerve and anterior deep temporal nerve motor. innervate temporalis muscle
masseteric nerve motor. to masseter muscle and tmj
lateral pterygoid nerve motor. supplies lateral pterygoid muscle
buccal nerve sensory. innervates mucosa and skin of cheek and buccal gingiva of mand molar sometimes premolar
auriculotemporal nerve sensory. gives general sensation to parotid gland, innervates skin of temporal region anterior to ear, capsule of tmj, and the external auditory meatus
lingual nerve sensory. innervates lingual gingiva of mand arch, mucous membrane of sublingual region, gives general sensation to anterior 2/3 tongue
inferior alveolar nerve sensory. innervates all mand teeth, facial and lingual gingiva of mand arch
mylohyoid nerve motor. innervates mylohyoid muscle and anterior belly of digastric muscle
dental branches posterior and middle go to mand posterior teeth. anterior branches (incisive nerve) go to mand teeth
mental nerve exits mental foramen. supplies skin of chin. skin and mucosa of lower lip.
temporal branch supplies frontalis, superior part of orbicularis oculi, ant and sup auricular muscles, corrugator supercilii, procerus nasi
zygomatic branch supplies inferior part of orbicularis oculi, zygomaticus muscles
buccal branch supplies muscles of upper lip, infraorbital region and nose, buccinator, risorius, portion of orbicularis oris
mandbular branch supplies muscles of lower lip and chin
cervial branch supplies platysma
Created by: mnerion
Popular Dentistry sets




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