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Chapter Ten FC

Chapter 10 Flashcards

What patterns did the Byzantium continue from the Roman Empire? roads, military, centralized bureaucracy and laws
Who did Byzantium continue to fight with? Persia and later the Muslims
What were divergences of the Byzantium and Roman Empire? a new gov system and the idea of combining the Church and the state.
How was the Byzantium's gov different than Rome's gov? it let individual generals raise their own armies to protect land.
What was the idea of combining the Church and state called? caesaropapism
How were the Eastern Orthodox church and the Roman Catholic Church different? EO was connected with gov, Catholic was independent
The Byzantine Church (EO) was more urban, so... the Catholic Church was more diverse.
Who made up the Catholic Church? Germans, Celts and Indians
Who was the founder of Constantinople? Consantine which split Rome
After Rome (west) fell what happened to the Byzantine Empire? it stayed together
What advantages did the Byzantine Empire have? richer, more urban, access to Med. Sea and Black Sea, better army, smaller-easier to rule, tight political authority, ect.
Who represented God in the Byzantine Empire? the emperor
What was the Byzantine Empire all about? collecting taxes and keeping order
What happened to the Byzantine Empire after 1085? it shrank bc it was invaded by Catholic Crusaders and Turkic Muslims
How was EO Christianity differnet from Roman Catholicism? Catholic Church was mostly independent from state, while the Byz Emperor was the Ceaser which was the pope and the head of state
What languages were used on the EO and RC? EO-Greek RC-Latin
What did Byzantine thinkers want to formulate Chirstian doctrine in? terms of Greek philosophical concepts.
How do the two churches see the Holy Spirit as? EO- says Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father RC- says it proceeds from the Father and Son
What do Byzantium peope pray to as a "prayer boost"? icons which are pictures of saints and holy figures
Characteristics of the priests in each church? EO- priests had long hair and beards and could not marry RC-couldn't marry, shaved their heads, and remained celibate
Politically, how was the Byzantine Empire linked to a wider world? contionued the long term struggle with the Persian Empire.
Economically, how did the Byz Empire link to the wider world? a central player in long distance trade of Eurasia
Who was the Byz Empire commerically linked to? Western Europe, Russia, Central Asia, the Islamic World and China
Culturally, how was the Byz Empire linked to the wider world? preserved Greek learning and transmitted classical heritage to Islamic world and the Christian West
Who did the Byzantine's religious culture spread widely to? Slavic speaking people in the Balkans and Russia
What led to the 1054 Schism? Byz emperor rivialed pope for power, 2 very diff cultures, language, philosphy, church practices, Crusades pressing Constantinople
How long did the Catholic Church take over Constantinople? for 50 years at one time
Who was Cyril and Methodius? 2 EO missionaries
what did they do? developed Greek alphabet that could write Slavic languages
what did this lead to? led to the Bible and other religous texts to be converted easier.
What religions did Prince Vladmir consider before actually choosing Byzantium? Judaism, Islam, Roman Catholicism, and Greek Orthodoxy
Why did Prince Vladmir reject Islam? bc it prohibited alcholic drink and "drinking is the joy of the Ruses"
What did Kievan Rus borrow from Byzantium? architectural styles, Cryllic alphabet, and icons
What political and religous aspects did Kievan Rus borrow from Byzantium? ideas of imperial control of the Church and a monastic tradition stressing prayer and service
Why did Russia proclaim the doctrine of the "third Rome"? 1. Rome betrayed Christianity 2.Constantinople was over taken by Muslims 3. Moscow would be protector of the correct "Orthodox" Christianity.
What is the Russians taking over Eastern Orthodoxy known as? Russification
When did the Roman Empire collapse? in 476 CE
What happened to trade outside of Italy after the collapse of the Roman Empire? long distance trade dried up
What happened to trade in Rome? the roads started deteriorating
What happened to the money exchanging during trade in Western Europe after the Roman Empire collapsed? money gave way to barter in many places
What disadvantages of trade declining cause in Western Europe? decline in literacy, pop drop 25% and it became more rural
What replaced the Roman order in Western Europe? the Feudal System Vassals-Knights Serfs-peasants
Who controlled the land in Western Europe? kings and vassals (the vasslals got the land from the kings)
What did the vassals do with the land once they got it from the kings? they would protect the land for the king in exchange
Vassals didnt want to work the land so what did they do? they made a deal with the serfs (peasants)
What was the deal between the vassals and the serfs? the serfs work the land for crops, give the crops to the vassals to sell and use in exchange for the privelege to live on the land.
What influenced the Feudal System in Western Europe? Roman slavery
What was this system sort of like? a "trust the slaves" mentality
What did Western europe keep many of? Roman laws
What did some try to do but did not work? to get something like the Roman Empire again like Charlemagne's (France and Germany) and Saxony (Germany)
Who was Charlemagne? the first Holy Roman Emperor
What does Charlemagne mean? Charles the Great
When was Charlemagne made emperor? On Christmas Day year 800
What countries did he unite? France, Germany and Italy
What did everybody think it was that Charlemagne was doing? the new Roman Empire, but it soon split up
What did China and the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) have in common? they both got wealthy and peole said it lost its way.
Like Buddhism what did the citizens of RCC do? followed their rulers into the Church
Like Buddhism, how did RCC spread? it spreaded due to stories of miracles
What else did Buddhism and RCC have in common as far as answering prayers? healing, rainfall, fertility and victory in battle
How did RCC deal with the range of earlier cultural practices, with regards to the conversion of Western Europe to Christianity? they adapted a lot of things to fit with the pagan ideas
What did amulets and charms have pictures of on them? of Jesus and Mary
Where were the churches? on sacred pagan places to make the pagans see the church as holy.
Why was December 25th chosen for Christmas? to keep pagans from partying on the Winter Solstice in the 300s
What was like a hybrid? the spreading Christian faith and the new politcal framework of European civilizations
Years after 1000 are considered...? the High Middle Ages
How did European civilizations change after 1000? pop increase, more long distance trade, trading centers, towns grew back (merchants, doctors and scholars)and guilds began to form
what are guilds? local organizations of workers with a goal to promote the profession to the gov and the community
What new opportunities were women offered between the 11th and 13th centuries? they wove, milled, became mid wifes, laundered clothes, prosituted and could also become nuns.
What changed in women opportunities in the 15th century? women's guilds were gone and they couldnt join men's guilds, men ran brothels, lost technology, animals began grain mills, and large looms which were to heavy for women
This changing of women's opportunities in the 15th century was like what? China with the silk industry
What impact did the Crusades have on European economies? missionaries, travelers, merchants traveled as far as India, China and Mongolia by 1300s
What did traveleing lead to as far as the economy? limited but prolonged global trade
What is a Crusade? a war that God told me to fight, Pope authorized it and gave indulgences to fighters. They could use indulgences for themselves or dead people they liked
What were the most famous crusades aimed at doing? taking back Jerusalem and the holy places associated with Jesus from Islamic control and returning them to Christendom
What did the Crusades win back? 4 small Christian areas in Israel and Turkey, but they lost them pretty quick
Other Crusades? Spain (Iberian Penninsula) Constantinople/Istanbul (Turkey) Russia Didnt really change Middle East
How did the Crusades change Western Europe? gave pope super control, cutural barriers stronger, opened contact w/ world.
What did Europe take from Arabs, Greeks and Indians bc of the Crusades? scientific, philosophical and mathematical concepts also found old Greek texts that Arabs preserved
What did the Europeans get from China bc of the Crusades? paper, gunpowder, and horse use
What did the Crusades do for Europe by the 1500s? caught them up with the rest of the world
What did the Muslims think Europeans were? barbarians
What did Europeans say "God's Will" was during the crusading notion? building empires, especially in the Americas.
How could leaders get anything they wanted or do anything they wanted? they just said that "God said it was alright"
By 1500, what had Europe done? caught up with and even surpassed China and the Islamic world.
What were some ag technological breakthroughs that Europe got from China and Islam? heavy wheeled plows, horseshoes, horse collar, and three field crop rotation.
What were some war and sea technological breakthroughs that Europe got from China and Islam? gunpowder to use for cannons, magnetic compass, and stern post rudder from China, lateen sail (triangle) from the Arabs
Why didnt Europe achieve political unity that China experienced? it had tons of conflicts between states and wasnt a strong empire like China, didnt have geographic barriers or ethnic diversity.
What impact did this have on the history of the European multi centered political system? shifted power from different states rising and falling
How did the struggle among the elites elevate the European urban based merchant class? since kings, warrior aristocrates and the Church were always fighting, the merchants got a lot of power w/o a lot of fight.
What did the struggle among the elites do? it made laws and appointed officials more important than merchants
What came around 1700? led the merchants to get richer and more powerful and it led to *capitlism.
How does Europe's merchant class compare to China's merchant class? landowners and officials were much more important than merchants
What did Chinese gov control? salt and iron industries and limited most things the merchants did
Who was Thomas Aquinas? 13th century theologian that thoroughly integrated Aristotle's ideas into a logical and systematic presentation of Christian doctrine.
What did Thomas Aquinas do around the year 1000? brought univerisities and intellectual life
What did Aquinas apply reason to? medicine, law, and nature
Who found Aristotle's books and other things? the Arabs and they shared them with Europe
What was Thomas' foundation of the universities? Aristotle's view of logic and reason
How did the Byzantines handle all of the Aristotleism? Byzantium focused mainly on antiquity works of humanities, not phioloshies, they didnt really trust the pagan ancient Greeks
How did the Muslims handle all of the Arisotleism? they were really into it, but it challenged their faith and as they grew more powerful, they dropped Greek philosophy all together
Created by: 1213meganhouk
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