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NWHSU Mash GA1Q4 bones and their landmarks

A deep HORIZONTAL groove extending from the internal occipital protuberance and joining the "sulcus for the sigmoid sinus"? Sulcus for the transverse sinus
A pair of projections for muscle attachments on the anterior INNER surface of the mandible? Mental Spines
Basilar portion of occipital bone, anterior to the foramen magnum and fused to sphenoid; term means "declining part"? Clivus
Bone contributing LEAST to the bony orbit? Palatine
BONE that articulates posteriorly with the ethmoid and anteriorly with the frontal process of the maxilla. Lacrimal
Curved ridge/line extending laterally from the EOP? Superior Nuchal Line
Forms part of the bony nasal septum; articulates with the vomer inferiorly? Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
Large opening on floor of orbit separating the orbital plate of the maxilla and greater wing of sphenoid? Inferior orbital fissure
L-shaped bone that contributes to the orbit, hard palate, and lateral wall of nasal cavity? Palatine
Midline projection in anterior cranial cavity - falx cerbri, a sheet of dura, attached here; also known as the "cock's comb"? Cristae Galli
Name given to the closed anterior fontanelle? Bregma
Name given to the CLOSED anterolateral fontanelle? Pterion
Name given to the closed posterior fontanelle? Lambda
Name given to the closed posterolateral fontanelle? Asterion
Name given to the large space between the lesser and greater wings of the sphenoid; it transmits certain cranial nerves? Superior Orbital Fissure
Name given to where the ramus and body of the mandible meet? Angle of mandible
Name the structure transmited by the following skull openings: a. foramen rotundum b. jugular foramen c. condylar canal d. cribiform plate a. foramen rotundum - Maxillary Nerve (Trigeminal N. CN V2) b. jugular foramen canal - CN IX (Glossopharyngeal) Internal Julgular v. c. condylar canal - Emissary v. d. cribiform plate - CN I (Olfactory n.)
Name the structure transmitted by the following foramina: a. foramen cecum b. foramen spinosum c. condylar/condyloid canal d. foramen ovale a. foramen cecum - Emissary Vein b. foramen spinosum - Middle Meningeal Artery c. condylar/condyloid canal - Emissary Vein d. foramen ovale - Mandibular Nerve (Trigeminal N. CN V3)
Name the structure(s) transmitted by the following foramina: a. foramen rotundum b. condylar/condyloid canal c. cribriform plate d. mandibular foramen a. foramen rotundum-Maxillary Nerve (Trigeminal N. CN V2) b. condylar/condyloid canal-emissary vein c. cribriform plate-CN I d. mandibular foramen-N.V.A.
Name the structure(s) transmitted by the following foramina: a. mastoid formaen b. internal acoustic meatus c. foramen rotundum d. jugular foramen a. mastoid foramen -Emissary Vein, b. internal acoustic meatus - CN VII and CN VIII, foramen rotundum CN V sub 2, jugular foramen - Internal Jugular v. and CN IX, X, XI
Name the structure(s) transmitted by the following skull openings: a. stylomastoid foramen; b. foramen cecum; c. mandibular foramen; d. internal acoustic meatus; e. foramen rotundum; f. condylar/condyloid canal a. stylomastoid f.-Some of CN 7; b. f. cecum -Emissary Veins; c. mandibular- Inferior Alveolar NAV; d. IAM - CN 7,8; e. f. rotundum - CN 5 Trigeminal Division 2 (V2); f. condylar/condyloid canal-Emissary Veins
Name the structure(s) transmitted by the following skull openings: g. Cribiform Plate; h. mastoid foramen; i. jugular foramen; j. foramen spinosum; k. foramen ovale; g. Cribiform Plate-(filaments of)CN1; h. mastoid f.-Emissary Veins; i. jugular f.-internal jugular v., CN9 glossopharyngeal, 10 Vagus, 11 Spiral Accessory; j. f. spinosum-middle meningeal a.; k. f. ovale-1/3 mandibular division of trigeminal n.;
Named part of the maxilla containing the maxillary sinus? Body
Named PORTION of the temporal bone containig the INNER ear? Petrous Portion
Origin of the inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle. Lateral surface of medial pterygoid plate
Origin of the masseter muscle? Zygomatic arch
Origin of the scalene muscles (do not give ORIGIN of each individual muscle) TP's of cervical vertebrae
Origin of the superior head of the lateral pterygoid m.? Greater wing of the sphenoid
Part of the bony nasal septum that articulates with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid? Vomer
Part of the sphenoid on which the hypophyseal fossa is located; this part is also known as "Turk's Saddle"? Sella Turcica
Pointed projections extending over the sella turcica for attachment of sura; they are located on lesser wings of sphenoid? Anterior Clinoid Process
Portion of the maxilla bearing teeth sockets? Alveolar Processes
Ridge over each orbit? Supracilliary Arch
Smooth area in the midline between the the 2 supracilliary arches? Glabella
Suture between the squamosal part of the temporal bone and the parietal bone? Squamosal Suture
Suture present in fetus; usually disappears on adult? Metopic(frontal)Suture
Created by: AnatomyMash
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