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Research speech path

research midterm #2

what is an ultimate outcome? type and level of performance a clinician hopes that client will ultimately achieve
What is a cost-benefit analysis Part of treatment efficacy that includes cost of treatment, length and frequency of treatment to establish benefit of treatment
What is treatment efficacy? an investigatory tool for examining effects of environmental variables(Tx) on organismic variables (communicative behaviors)
What is the EBP triad? 1) client expertise 2) client/patient values 3) current best practice
What is required for treatment efficacy? performance is shown to be: 1) derrived from Tx rather than extraneous variables 2) real and reproducible 3) clinically important
Ideal treatment... 1) causes large changes 2) in meaningful outomes 3) with limited variablility across clients
treatment efficacy research must have what? 1) Internal validity 2) statistical significance 3) practical significance
What 2 methods can we use for external validity? 1) Randomization 2) Sample Size
What is external validity? ability of research for generalization across populations, settings, or other variables
What are the methods of randomization 1) simple random sampling 2) stratified random sampling 3) cluster sampling 3) multi-stage sampling
what are advantages of group designs? 1) subjects can be randomly assigned to Tx groups 2) non-treatment group provides independent reference 3) can generalize from representative sample 4) can calculate effect size with meta-analysis
What are disadvantages of group designs? 1) not as flexible 2) intrasubject variation not measured or controlled 3) Random sampling or close-matching of subjects needed 4) needs larger number of subjects
What are advantages of Single subject design? 1) smaller number of subjects who act as own controls 2) avoids subject matching problems 3) examines behavior of individual subjects over time 4) Intrasubject variation can be measured and controlled
What are disadvantages of Single subject designs? 1) less generalizeable 2) greater need for replication 3) Intersubject variability not well accounted for 4) requires more time and effort be subject
What are 4 threats to external validity? 1) subject selection 2) interactive pretest 3) reactive arrangements 4) multiple treatment interference
What is subject selection concern? are subjects chosen representative of population wished to generalize
What is Internal Validity? Does the it measure what it says to measure (does Tx work?)
What must be controlled for internal Validity? 1) History 2) Maturation 3) Reactive Test-retest practice effects 4) Instrumentation 5) statistical regression 6) differential selection of participants 7) mortality/attrition 8) Interaction of factors
What must be controlled for internal validity in a qualitative study? 1) credibility 2) researcher bias 3) researcher reactivity
What are 3 questions regarding Tx efficacy? 1) does Tx work? 2) how does Tx alter behavior? 3) does Tx work better than another?
What do you do to frame a question? 1) ask a well-built question 2) select evidence sources 3) Implement search strategies 4) Appraise evidence 5) Apply the evidence 6) Evaluate application of evidence 7) Disseminate findings
What are some Pre-test Experimental designs? 1) One-shot case study design 2) Don-group Pretest-posttest design 3) static group comparison design
What are some quasi-experimental designs? 1) non-equivalent control-group design 2) time-series design
What are some true experimental designs? 1) Randomized pretest-posttest control group designs 2) Solomon randomized 4 group design
Created by: ersa0501
Popular Speech Therapy sets




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