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RegA 2 A

CanColl May12 RegA 2 A

tenia coli modification of the muscularis(outermost) layer of GI Tract - three tape-like strips of lingitudinal MM on colon
rugae large fold in the mucosa layer in stomach
villi - finger-like projections that increase absorption rate of small intestine
Duct of Wirsung aka major pancreatic duct
Order of duct work liver - gall bladder - pancreas - into duodenum
salivary amylase digestion of starch
lingual lipase digestion of fat
hydrochloric acid kills bacteria, denatures protein
pepsin digests proteins
intrinsic factor allows absorption of vitamin B12
gastric lipase digestion of triglycerides & fats
bile digests fats and dilutes foods + helps with digestion
uvula closes naso-pharnyx during swallowing
epiglottis closes trachea during swallowing
cystic duct drains gall bladder
pharnyx passes air/food, houses tonsils, forms resonating chamber for sound
type 1 alveolar cells main site of gas exchange in lungs
type 2 alveolar cells secrete alveolar fluide which contains a surfactant - which lowers the surface tension of the alveolar fluid and reduces tendency of alveoli to collapse
fibroblasts build connective tissue
macrophages eat cells
arterioles regulate blood flow to capillaries
capillaries permit exchange of nutrients and wastes
metarterioles thoroughfare channel - bypass capillaries directly to venules
venules collect blood from capillaries
mastication chewing
deglutition swallowing
peristalsis waves of contraction in the GI tract
segmentation alternating contractions of the ring mm's in the lower GI tract
hydrothorax water in the pleural cavity
pneumothorax air in the pleura cavity
hemothorax blood in the pleural cavity
how many teeth does an adult have 32
three phases of swallowing voluntary, pharyngeal, esophageal
stomach cells: gastric gland cells secrete gastric juices
stomach cells: chief cells secrete pepsinogen and gastric lipase
stomach cells: parietal cells secrete HCl and intrinsic factor
what stuctures does the pyloric sphinctor join? stomach and duodenum
the loop made by the duodenum surrounds what structure? the head of the pancreas
how many lobes does the liver have 4
where is the gall bladder located looking from the front - it is under (behind) the liver
where is bile stored gall bladder
where is bile produced liver
which cells in the pancrease produce insulin islets of langerhans
what structs make up the respiratory portion of the respiratory system? respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, alveoli
what struc is known as the Adam's Apple the thyroid cartilage
what type of fluid is found in the pleural cavity serous fluid
what does contraction of the diaphragm lead to? increased lung volume, decreased pressure - air comes in
layers of arteries - from inside out tunica interna (intima), tunica media, tunica externa
three types of capillaries continuous, fenestrated, sinusoid
what is the most common type of capillaries continuous
where are sinusoid capillaries found? liver
where are fenestrated capillaries found? kidneys, small intestines, endocrine glands
where are continuous capillaries found? skeletal mm, smooth mm, connective tissue, heart
where is BP usually taken brachial artery
what to the plumonary veins carry? oxygenated blood
which is the largest vein in the body Inferior Vena Cava
what makes up the azygos system? right thoracic wall, thoracic viscera, abdominal wall, - all into the superior vena cava
what is the longest vein in the body? the great saphenous vein - drains medial leg, groin, genitals and abdominal wall
Created by: Hanz Onn
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