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GT Lecture Four

Gender and Medicalization

What is the difference between gender and sex? Sex is the sum of those differences in the structure and function of the reproductive organs that distinguish male and female while gender is a suphemism of the sex of someone often intended to emphasize the social and cultural as opposed to biological
In general, sex is best defined as.....? and gender is best defined as.....? gender is best defined as differences in sex chromosome while gender is best defined as role differences
There are shades of grey with "sex" (physical intersx conditions) and these are....? Androgen insensitive syndrome where person has physical appearance of a female but have male genitals (has XY) and Andrenogenital syndrome where they are female (have XX) but have a pseudo penis.
Read and write out the thing that define gender :)
What are the four gender role stereotypes for males? Masculine, Culture (work), war, agency (focus on self)
What are the four gender role stereotypes for females? Feminine, Nature (health), Nurturing, Communion (focus on others)
Males are more focused on themselves, their own goals and achievements while females are focused on looking after....? their husband and children
Gender is typically operationalized as an u______________ c______________ going from unmitigated c_______________ (complete focus on others) to unmitigated ______________ (complete focus on self). So these are the two extremes of the gender role continuum unidimensional continuum, communion, agency
In regards to this continuum 'abnormality' can be defined as not sticking to the correct ____ of the gener role ________ for ones physiological sex end, continuum
What is this describing? "an overwhelming desire to belong to the opposite sex. Desire to e the opposite sex" Transexualism
What is this describing? "the condition of having an abnormal desire to dress in the clothes of the opposite sex" Transvestism
What is this describing? "when an individual's identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male and female gender but combines or moves between them" Transgendeism
What does GID stand for? Gender Identity disorder
What age does GID have to be detected before? Age 3 years old
GID is defined by behaviour plus....? attitude
Functional impairment for GID must be significant stress or impairment in...? social, occupational or other important areas of functioning
There are 3 main criteria for GID. What are they? And then write them out. 1. Strong and persistent cross gender identification (desire to be the other sex) 2. Persistent discomfort about ones sex 3. No physical intersex condition - no other condition can fit.
There is a prevelance of 1 in 5000 with the desire for sex reassignment and this is mainly going from _____ to _______? males to females
Sex reassignment can only be obtained after....? living as the sex that they wish to become for 12 months and taking relevant sex hormone supplements for 6 months
Surgeries mainly consist of..? Bone shaving or augmentation, breast implantation or removal or genital inversion
Why is sex reassignment not called sex change? Because it is not changing the sex, it is just aligning the sex with what they feel is their sex in their head.
If they feel unhappy about their sex and say that they will be happy if they have the surgery then this brings about the idea of....? constantly wanting to improve things
Surgeons insist that people are transvestites before they...? have the surgery
What is the problem with medicalizing gender? Surgeons see it as a black and white process - it creates a direct pathway for changing sex BUT some people want to go back and forth and maintain organs so that they can have babies/conceive.
Created by: alicemcc33
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