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GT Lecture One

Health in a social context

The Biomedical model is concerned with anything that.....? disrupts the body's function
In the biomedical model, each illness has one underlying cause (_____________) and once that is removed it assumes that ....? biological, the patient will be healthy again
What is acute illness? Rapid onset and quick to resolve and usually self-treated such as a cough, cold, teething.
What is chronic illness? Long-lasting, sometimes self-manageable such as diabetes, but often not self-manageable, and can onset from an acute illness. Cases can be progressive or cyclical
What is the main focus of health psychology? Chronic or Terminal illness? Chronic
What are some examples of acute illnesses? Food poisoning, sprained ankle, cough, cold
What would be some examples of cyclical illnesses? Herpes, back pain, MS, arthritis
It is not just mental health conditions that are cyclical!! ...
The distinction between actue and cyclical depends on what two things? The illness onset as a set of symptoms (or disease prototype) or the timeframe of an episode of illness (major depression)
What is the biopsychosocial model concern with? Physical processes/pathology, mental processes, structural context
Who out the biopsychosocial model together? Engel
What model is the main model used by physicians for diagnosing diseases? The biomedical model
What s the name of the Māori model that is an extension of Engel's biopsychosocial model? Te Whare Tapa Wha
Hoe is Te Whare Tapa Wha an extension of Engel's biopsychosocial model? Because it includes the same elements - physical, social and mental wellbeing but has added on spiritual wellbeing because Māori believe that spirituality can influence health
Māori believe that without spirituality you will lack _________ and be more prone to __________? wellbeing, illness
A study put the Te Whare Tapa Wha to use when looking at smokers. Read over this study and find out what they found from it....? ....they found that taking part in a Māori focused programme which bought back ideas of Māori spirituality was a good predictor for quitting smoking.
The definition of health psychology is quite similar to the definition of______________________. They overlap. clinical psychology
There are several different ways that SES can be defined/operationalized. What are they? Education attainment, Income/social benefit status, job category, access to amenities (neighborhood status), and in material terms such as transportation (access to car) and property ownership.
What is the lowest possible SES? Being homeless - having no home address.
What are the differences between Structural and Sem-Structural Interviewing?? Structural quantitates participants views and involves closed questions, fixed answer choice, a specific set order while semi-structured investigates participants views and involves open questions, no leading questions, no set order and ability to probe
Created by: alicemcc33
Popular Psychology sets




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