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NWHSU Mash GA1Q3Nerv

NWHSU Mash GA1Q3 Nerves

three letter classification given to the neurons located in the anterior horn of the spinal cord GSE
3 letter classification (eg. SVA) given to the neurons located in the lateral horn of the spinal cord. GVA, GVE
functional composition (use 3 letter classification) of the posterior horn of spinal cord GVA, GSA
The median nerve runs immediately deep to this muscle during most of its course through the forearm. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Muscle
Bony landmark that best gives the level at which the radial nerve splits into its two main branches. Lateral Epicondyle of Humerus
L1 spinal nerve forms the ________ and ________ nerves and contributes to the genitofemoral nerve. Iliohypogastric Nerve, Ilioinguinal Nerve
Besides the superior root of the ansa cervicalis. NAME(no segments) the other 2 nerves that leave the hypoglossal nerve near its anterior end to supply muscles. Nerve to geniohyoid and thyrohyoid
what nerve could possibly be injured because of a severe hit to the mid upper arm. How could you check for damage? Radial N. Could check for sensation on skin of the posterior portion of the arm and forearm. Also check for weakness of post. arm muscles
A baseball batter of thin build was severly hit by a wild pitch in the posterolateral aspect of the upper arm about midway up. What nerve would be checked for possible injury? Now breifly explain how you would perform the check. Radial Nerve, Check loss of function in: Triceps, Anconeous, Extensors of the Forearm. Could also check for loss of sensation in the Posterior Lateral Portion of the hand.
Injury to this specific nerve could produce anaesthesia over the lateral part of the posterior hand and the posterior surface of radial 2 1/2 or 3 1/2 digits over proximal phalanx; no muscles would be affected. Superficial Branch of the Radial Nerve
Consider a deep (to the bone) laceration of nervous components across the lower ANTERIOR wrist. a)what escapes injury b)what is first cut a) Superficial Branch of the Radial Nerve b) Median Nerve
The superficial branch of the radial nerve mainly runs deep to this muscle. Brachioradialis
Nerve that travels immediately deep to the brachioradialis muscle. Superficial Branch of Radial Nerve
innervation of brachioradialis Radial n.
Bony LANDMARK with which the axillary nerve is associated. Surgical neck of humerus
nerve which crosses the wrist superficial to the flexor retinaculum Median Nerve
Innervation of the rhomboid muscle. Dorsal Scapular Nerve
Innervation of the levator scapulae. Dorsal Scapular Nerve, Spinal Nerves
Innervation of the platysma muscle. Facial Nerve (CN VII)
Name the 2 branches given off by an intercostal nerve that penetrates the intercostal muscles to supply the skin. Lateral Cutaneous Nerve, Anterior Cutaneous Nerve
innervates the superior belly of the omohyoid muscle c1 dorsal ramus
What innervates the superior belly of the omohyoid? (Do not give the spinal cord segments involved) Superior root of ansa cervicalis or desendens hypoglossi
What does the ansa cervicalis innervate? BE SPECIFIC! Sternohyoid, Omohyoid, Sternothyroid (SOS)
Innervation of the subclavius muscle. Subclavian Nerve
Innervation of the Subscapularis M Upper and Lower Subscapular Ns.
What muscular paralysis results from injury to the axillary nerve. Deltoid, Teres Minor
Innervation of the serratus anterior muscle. Long Thoracic Nerve
Innervation of the latissimus dorsi. Thoracodorsal Nerve
Innervation of the pectoralis major muscle clavicular head: lateral and medial pectoral ns, sternocostal head: medial pectoral n.
Innervation of the pectoralis minor muscle. Medial Pectoral Nerve
This nerve passes between the deep & superficial heads of pronator teres. Median Nerve
Specific Branch of a spinal nerve which supplies the meninges and blood vessels of the spinal cord. Meningeal (Recurrent) Branch
Innervation of the triceps brachii. Radial Nerve
Besides the flexor carpi ulnaris, list 4 muscular components innervated by the ulnar nerve. Flexor Digitorum Profundus of the two Ulnar fingers, Adductor Pollicis, Hypothenar Muscles (Palmaris Brevis and Abductor, Flexor, and Opponens of Digiti Minimi), Interossei (palmar and dorsal)
Besides the flexor carpi ulnaris, list MUSCULAR components innervated by the ulnar nerve. Flexor Digitorum Profundus (ulnar 2 fingers)
Injury to the musculocutaneous nerve would affect what muscles? Biceps Brachii, Coracobrachialis & Brachialis
Innervation of the brachialis. Musculocutaneus Nerve
The musculocutaneous nerve pierces the _________ muscle, then runs between the biceps and brachialis. Coracobrachialis
The musculotaneous nerve runs primarily on the anterior surface of this muscle. Brachialis
At the level of the lateral epicondyle, the ___is given off. After being given off, it immediately penetrates the ___muscle to provide innervation to various components. deep branch of radial nerve, supinator
Innervation of the opponens pollicis Median Nerve
Innervation of the palmaris brevis Ulnar Nerve
the cervical plexus communicates with which cranial nerves vagus, hypoglossal, ansa cervicalis
Name 2 CUTANEOUS branches of the cervical plexus. Also give the specific spinal cord segments involved. Great Auricular N.: C2-3; Transverse Cervical N.: C2-3,
The medial pectoral nerve arises from the ___of the brachial plexus Medial Cord
The lower subscapular nerve arises from the _____________ (NO SEGMENTS!)(BE VERY SPECIFIC!) of the brachial plexus. Posterior Cord
The thoracodorsal nerve arises from the ________of the brachial plexus. Posterior Cord
The upper subscapular nerve arises from the ________ (be very specific) of the brachial plexus. Posterior Cord
The suprascapular nerve arises from the ____ of the brachial plexus TRUNKS
The obturator nerves arises from the ___________ division of __________ plexus. Anterior; Lumbar
The iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves are branches of the ____________ plexus and carry _____________ cord segment(s). Lumbar, L1
The femoral nerve arises from the ___division of the ___plexus posterior division, lumbar plexus (L2-4)
the common peroneal/fibularis n. arises from the _________ division of the _________ plexus posterior, sacral
The common peroneal/fibularis nerve arises from the __________ (be very specific) of the sacral plexus. posterior division
The superior gluteal nerve arises from the _____division of the _____plexus. posterior, sacral
The tibial nerve arises from the ___________ of the sacral plexus and carries fibers from cord segments _____________. Anterior Division; L4-S3
Spinal Nerves (levels of the cord) that have gray rami communicates. All
specific component(s) that travel (s) through gray rami communicantes Incoming Post-Ganglionic Sympathetic Fibers
What do gray rami communicantes carry? (Be specific as possible) Incoming Post-Ganglionic Sympathetic Fibers
Alternate name for specifically the C3 dorsal ramus (posterior primary division) The 3rd Occipital Nerve
What do white rami communicantes carry? BE SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE! Outgoing Pre-Ganglionic Sympathetic Fibers, Incoming Visceral Afferent Fibers
specific part of a spinal nerve to which the white ramus communicans is attached T1- L3
spinal nerves (level) which have white rami communicantes T1-L3
Alternate name for the superior root of the ansa cervicalis. Descendens Hypoglossi
What forms the suboccipital nerve? Dorsal Rami at C1
Give specific spinal cord segments that usually form the A. descendens cervicalis B. Supraclavicular Nerves. C2, C3 : C3,C4
Innervation of the trapezius. Accessory n. (CNXI) spinal part (motor) C2,3; spinal nn.
cord of the brachial plexus from which the musculocutaneous nerve is derived Lateral Cord: C5-7
The musculocutaneous nerve carries fibers from the spinal cord segments C5-C7
The radial nerve carries fibers from these spinal segments. C5-T1
Give specific cord segments that usually form the following: (A) brachial plexus (B) Great auricular nerve C5-T1:C2,3
the axillary n. carries fibers from these spinal cord segments C5,6
Injury to any of these spinal nerve roots may affect the function of the ulnar nerve. C7, C8, T1
What forms the greater occipital nerve? BE SPECIFIC AND COMPLETE! Mostly C2 some C3
Give specific spinal cord segments that usually form the following: a) lumbar plexus, b) inferior root of the ansa cervicalis L1-4, C2,3
Give specific spinal cord segments that usually form the a) tibial nerve, b) iliohypogastic nerve, c) femoral nerve L4-S3; L1; L2-4
Give the specific spinal cord segments that usually form the following: A. Lumbar Plexus B. Inferior Roots of the ansa cervicalis C. Greater auricular nerve A. Lumbar Plexus:L1-L4 B. Inferior Roots of Ansa Cervicalis:C2-C3 C. Great Auricular Nerve:C2-C3
Give the specific spinal cord segments that usually form the following: a) sacral plexus b) great auricular nerve a) L4-S3 b)C2-3
specific spinal cord segments the usually form the A: sacral plexus B: supraclavicular nerves A:L4-S3 B:C3/4
Give specific spinal cord segments that usually form the... A. Sacral Pexus B. Supraclavicular Nerves C. Transverse Cervical Nerve A. Sacral Plexus:L4-S3 B.Supraclavicular Nerve:C3-C4 C. Transverse Cervical Nerve:C2-C3
On the palmar view of the hand below, SHADE & LABEL the cutaneous area supplied by the median nerve. Be neat and accurate! thumb, first two fingers, and half of ring finger (ulnar n. supplies remaining 1 1/2 fingers)
Nerve affected when one hits the "crazy bone of the elbow. Ulnar Nerve
Created by: AnatomyMash
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