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India vocabulary

Ancient India vocabulary words

Monsoon winds that mark the seasons in India
Citadel a strong central fortress built on a brick platform
Raja a prince who ruled an Indo-Aryan state
Indo-Aryans nomadic people that migrated from north of the Black and Caspian Seas
Vedas a great work of Indo-Aryan religious literature
Sanskrit the Indo-Aryan language
Vedic Age the period of India's history from 1500 to 1000 B.C.
Brahmins special priest who were very important to the Indo-Aryan society
Epics long poems
Caste System complex form of social organization that began to take shape after the Indo-Aryan migration
Varnas distinct social classes within the Indian Caste system
Monism belief in the unity of god and creation
maya Hinduism belief that the world we see is an illusion
Reincarnation the belief in the rebirth of the soul
Nirvana perfect spiritual peace
Upanishads the written explanation of the Vedic religion
Bhagavad Gita the last 18 chapters of the Mahabharata it stresses the idea of proper coduct in the varna
Siddhartha Gautama founder of Buddhism, known as "Buddha" or "The Enlightened One"
Chandragupta Maurya established the Mauryan empire
Asoka Chandragupta's grandson who sent Buddhist missionaries throughout Asia
Chandra Gupta II ruled from 374-415 A.D., society prospered and progress was made in the arts during his reign
polygamy cutstom of men having more than one wife
Suttee a practice of widows committing suicide by throwing themselves on top of their husband's flaming funeral pyres
Inoculation practice of infecting people with a mild form of a disease to protect them from serious illness
Panchatantra fables from the Guupta period
Nalanda famous Buddhist university
Aryabhata mathematician, one of the first people known to have used algebra and solved quadratic equations
Created by: tlewis213
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