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A&P1 joints DelTech

Anatomy and Physiology 1 at DelTech Owens Campus - Joints

What is another word for "joint" as it relates to the joints in the body? Articulate
Joints __ bones together. bind
What are the 2 basic classifications for joints? Functional, Structural
What are the 3 kinds of functional joints called? diarthrosis, amphiarthrosis, synarthrosis
What are the 3 kinds of structural joints called? Fibrous, cartilagenous, synovial
Diarthrosis joints fall under what basic category of joints? Functional
Diarthrosis joints are __ __. Freely moveable.
Amphiarthrosis joints fall under what basic category of joints? Functional
Amphiarthrosis joints are __ __. Slightly moveable.
Synarthrosis joints fall under what basic category of joints? Functional
Synathrosis joints are __ __. Mostly unmovable.
Fibrous joints fall under what basic category of joints? Structural
Fibrous joints have no __. Cavity
Fibrous joints have little __. Movement
What kind of joints are bound together by connective tissue? Fibrous
What are the 3 kinds of fibrous joints? Sutures, gonphoses, syndesmosis
Where are suture joints found? Skull
Where are gonphses joints found? Connect teeth to jaw
Where are syndesmosis joints found? Forearm and leg.
Syndesmosis joints are bound together by __ only. ligament
Cartilagenous joints fall under what basic category of joints? Structural
What 2 kinds of joints are cartilagenous? Synchondrosis, Symphysis
Cartilagenous joints have __ movement. slight
Synchondrosis joints are found where? ribs articulate with the sternum
Symphysis joints are found where? pubic bone
Symphysis joints expand during __. childbirth
Synovial joints are 2 bones separated by a __. space
Synovial joints fall under what basic classification of joints? structural
The fluid that lubricates joints in the space between the bones connected by synovial joints is called __ __. synovial fluid
Bones joined by synovial joints are covered in __ __. hyaline cartilage
Hyaline cartilage is also called __ __. articular cartilage
Tendons connect bone to __. muscle
Ligaments connect bone to __. bone
Tendon injuries are called __. strains
Ligament injuries are called __. sprains
Injuries to tendons and ligaments are graded in __. degrees
A hinge joint is a kind of __ joint. synovial
A pivot joint is a kind of __ joint. synovial
An ellipsoid joint is a kind of __ joint. synovial
A saddle joint is a kind of __ joint. synovial
A ball and socket joint is a kind of __ joint. synovial
A gliding joint is a kind of __ joint. synovial
Elbows, knees, ankles, all have what kind of joint? hinge
The radio ulna of the forearm and the C1 and C2 vertebrae are what kind of joints? pivot
The wrist is what kind of joint? ellipsoid
The thumb is what kind of joint? saddle
The hip is what kind of joint? ball and socket
The sternoclavicular and costovertebral joints are what kind of joint? gliding
Another word for gliding joint is __. facet
A fluid filled sack that keeps bones from poking through our flesh is called __. bursae
Shape is one of the three factors affecting the stability of __ joints. synovial
Number of ligaments and the strength of the muscles affects the __ of synovial joints. stability
The stability of the hip is __. high
The stability of the shoulder is __. low
When the bending movement decreases the angle between bones, it is called __. flexion
When the bending movement increases the angle between bones, it is called __. extension
Moving a limb away from the body's midline is called __. abduction
Moving a limb toward the midline of the body is called __. adduction
Raising a bone vertically is called __. elevation
Lowering a bone vertically is called __. depression
Moving the jaw forward horizontally is called __. protraction
Moving a jaw back horizontally is called __. retraction
Moving a jaw from side to side is called __ __ __. lateral medial excursion
Moving a limb in a circular motion is called __. circumduction
When a bone turns on its long axis, like the head or the trunk, this is called __. rotation
Facing the palm upward is called __. supination
Facing the palm downward is called __. pronation
Moving the foot so the sole turns medially toward the body is called __. inversion
Moving the foot so the sole turns faces laterally away from the body is called __. eversion
Lifting the foot up toward the body is called __. dorsiflexion
Pointing the foot toward the ground is called __. plantar flexion
Pressing the fingers together is called __. opposition
Created by: IsaacJ
Popular Science sets




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