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World History Ch. #1

Chapter 1

What was unique about Homo Habilis? first to use tools, used all fours to get around (didn't walk upright) What was Stonehenge and what was its purpose? a Neolithic archaeologist site in England, typically used a burial ground What is a river delta? a broad, marshy triangular area with deposits of soil, typically at the mouth of the river
Which species of early humans was identical to modern man? Cro-Magnons Where did early humans originate? Africa What was the Epic of Gilgamesh? an epic myth about an unsuccesful search for immortality; Sumerian
What are nomads? people who travel from place to place, following their food source; no permanent shelters What species was the first to leave Frica? Homo erectus What is Hammurabi's Code? 1st code of laws in history; Babylonian king Hammurabi wrote them; there are 282 specific laws with cruel+harsh punishments-"an eye for an eye"
What is domestication of animals? they kept animals in oens or fields nearby to provide a constant source of food for the people; tamed animals in the sense that they no longer ran wild What is irrigation and why was it used? the process of supplying land with water by means of ditches or channels; it was used to water crops in the fields with water from the river What is ancestor worship and which river valley civilization practiced it? the practice of giving attention and respect to your ancestors because they determine the fortune of your family; used in Huang He civilization
Why are metal tools better than stone tools? more durable, can be made sharper, can be shaped more accurately, are easier and and less cumbersome to use Why do we know so little about the Indus Valley civilization? their written language was never deciphered
What are churning rapids along a river? cataracts What are Egyptian god-kings? pharoahs What is a theocracy? a form of government when the ruler is a divine figure
What is the best way to project the earth and why? globe-it's the same shape as the earth (sphere) and won't need to be distorted What modern-day religion did the Indus Valley have access to? Hinduism What are Upper and Lower Egypt? Upper is further south, near the source of the Nile River; Lower is near the delta of the Nile River
What were the accomplishments of Homo Erectus? first to walk upright, first to use fire, first to move from Africa, used more advanced tools What are the five features of civilization? cities, specialized workers, complex institutions, record keeping, and advanced technology How did Egypt treat women? women were equal to men and could change classes
What was the Neolithic (Agricultural) Revolution? the shift from hunting and athering to farming; lead to permanent farming villages What was the Mandate of Heaven? divine approval of a just ruler; used in Huang He to determine which dynasty should rule (based on what happened in the civilization) How did Sumer treat women? women had some rights but were not educated
What geographic features isolated the Huang He civilization? Plateau of Tibet, Himalayan Moutains, Yangtze and Huang He Rivers What was the first civilization in Mesopotamia or the Fertile Cresent? Sumer How was farming better than hunting and gathering? constant source of food, you didn't have to go out searching for excess; allowed for trade increase; better nutrition and more variety
Created by: studygirl303
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