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Comparitive Test 1

Christianity and Rituals n dimensions

Top Five Religions Christianity, Islam, Hindu, CHinese Universalist, Buddhism
Catholic Church's view on other religions We can enlighten ourselves and find truth in studying other religions.
HUman COndition Reason why we suffer. Ex: Sinful nature
Transcendance conquering of the struggles we face caused from human condition
Cosmology understanding of the nature of the universe. its origin
spiritual perfection fulfilling your spiritual potential to the maximium amount. highest form of faith
2 types of Buddhist meditation Concentration: "Samatha" Insight: "Vipassana"
Reasons to concentratively meditate Sharpen mind and discipline
Purpose of insightful meditation Awareness of everything, finding big questions
Cosmological questions on phenomena outside of the person: who created the world? us?
existential Questions about people and society: Where do i come from? why am i like this?
Purpose of religion to answer cosmological, existential questions
Religion anchors a person to the divine; what you DO
Faith happens in your head; to believe even without proof; TRUST in an idea
Spirituality sense of wonder and awe; FEELING God
Myth creation story, Adam and Eve, Gods kingdom
ritual examples Baptism, Eucharist, COnfirmation, Marriage; rituals give us experiences
Experience prayer, service work, retreats; occurences which connect to faith; helps to understand myth
ethics how we live: GOlden rule, love each other
doctrine basic things to know; actual teachings; Trinity, heaven/ hell, original sin
social christians as a whole or in their groups: franciscans, the CHurch, Benedictines, SOciet of jesus, parishes
Material sacredness of physcial things like crosses, temples, bibles
Mythic source of sacred truth powerful enough to give life meaning; teaches truths; not always historical
ritual formal practices we do to worship or adhere to religion. leads to experience. EX: Mass
apocalypticism world is under control of evil
Incarnation Christ is divine and human
Trinity GOd is 3
Core CHristian doctrines incarnation, trinity,
Nicene Creeed Jesus and God are One. They are equal.
Church leaders bishops, presbyters, deacons
Jesus focused on 2 themes human repentance and kingdom of god coming
credo i believe
Roles of Trinity God: creator/judge. Spirit: reconciler/sactifier Son: redeemer
Created by: BboyTrue
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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