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Equine Anatomy T1

Dorsal--Ventral Top of Back--Bottom of Barrel
Cranial--Caudal Front above knee-- Back above hock
Proximal--Distal above fetlock--below fetlock
palmar--plantar back of front leg below knee--back of back leg below hock
Abaxial--Axial away from axis-- near axis
cancellous spongy bone
cortical compact bone
epiphysis end of bone
diaphysis middle (long part) of the bone
trabeculae spongy looking
periosteum lining of the bone, contains all nerves and blood vessels
medullary cavity open inside, holds marrow
articular cartilage only in epiphysis
ligament bone to bone, strong, inelastic
tendon muscle to bone, strong, elastic, capable of storing energy, dense fibrous tissue
contracts muscle actin and myosin
outside synovial structure dense, fibrous, anatomoses with periosteum
inside synovial structure synovial membrane(synovium), coers entire inside of joint minus the articular cartilage
types of synovial structures joint capsule, bursa, sheath
coffin bone to ground angle 1-5 degrees
line through the spine of the scapula should be parallel to the _ _ _ HPA- Hoof Pastern Angle
normal hoof angles 45-50 degrees on front and 50-55 on hind
valgus legs go laterally (out)
varus legs go in
calf kneed back at the knee (like a calf)
buck kneed looks like knees will buckle (Wills)
ankle joint name meta carpo phalange joint
bottom joint of knee Carpal metacarpal joint
top joint of knee Radio Carpal joint
shoulder joint Scapulo Humero joint
periople coronary band, connects hoof to skin
stratum externum outtermost layer of hoof
stratum medium middle layer of hoof wall, tubular/intertubular horn
stratum internum contains laminae
pastern proximal phalanx(top part) and middle phalanx(middle part)
distal phalanx coffin bone in hoof
distal sesmoid bone navicular bone
extensor tendons in lower leg common(front, inserts on coffin bone), long(inserts on back of middle phalanx), lateral(inserts on front of middle phalanx)
distal sesmoid bone can turn to bone(sidebone), in the hoof, absorbs concussion
extensor tendons in lower leg common(front, inserts on coffin bone), long(inserts on back of middle phalanx), lateral(inserts on front of middle phalanx)
collateral ligaments in every joint
impar ligament connects navicular to coffin
T ligament connects navicular to middle phalanx
triceps brachii & anconeus originate on olecranon, extends elbow joint
digital sesmoidean ligaments straight, long, oblique(inner, hides, sides)
three heads of triceps brachii long(origin:scapula), lateral & medial(origin:humerus)
deltoideus & cleidobrachialis originate on clavicle, advance the limb
biceps brachii origin: supraglenoid tubracle, inserts: radius
triceps brachii & anconeus originate on olecranon, extends elbow joint
tensor fasciae antebrachii extends elbow, or: scapula, in: olecranon
three heads of triceps brachii long(origin:scapula), lateral & medial(origin:humerus)
three heads of deep digital flexor humeral, ulnar, radial
biceps brachii origin: supraglenoid tubracle, inserts: radius
heads of flexor carpi ulnaris humeral & ulnar
tensor fasciae antebrachii extends elbow, or: scapula, in: olecranon
flexor carpi ulnaris inserts on accessory carpal bone
three heads of deep digital flexor humeral, ulnar, radial
flexor carpi radialis or:humerus & in:M2(cannon)
heads of flexor carpi ulnaris humeral & ulnar
common digital extensor radial head(in: proximal phal.) & humeral head(in: distal phal)
flexor carpi ulnaris inserts on accessory carpal bone
accessory carpal bone potato chip thing
flexor carpi radialis or:humerus & in:M2(cannon)
passive stay apparatus shoulder joint(biceps), elbow(carpal/digital flexors), carpal(
common digital extensor radial head(in: proximal phal.) & humeral head(in: distal phal)
accessory carpal bone potato chip thing
passive stay apparatus shoulder joint(biceps), elbow(carpal/digital flexors), carpal(extensor carpi radialis), fetlock(suspensory app.[ligament, sesmoid bones, distal sesmoid ligs], deep dig flex, super dig flex)
T ligament navicular to middle phal.
joints of foot coffin, pastern, fetlock
another name for hoof wall tubular horn
club forward
coon back
Created by: 1412501264
Popular Science sets




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