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Chapter 4

Behavior geneticists people who study our differences and weigh the effects
Environment every non-genetic influence from prenatal nutrition to the people and things around us
chromosomes threadlike structures made of DNA that contain genes
DNA complex molecule containing genetic
Genes small segments of the giant DNA molecules
Genome the complete instructions for making an organism
Identical Twins twins who develop from a single fertilized egg that splits in two
Fraternal Twins twins who develop from separate fertilized eggs
Temperaments emotional excitability
Heritability extent to which variation among individuals can be attributed to their different genes
interactions the interplay that occurs when one factor depends on another factor
molecular genetics studies of the molecular structure of genes
evolutionary psychologist the study of the evolution of behavior and the mind
natural selection those that can reproduce more and survive more will most likely have traits passed on to future generations
mutations random error in gene replication that leads to change
culture behavior, ideas, attitudes, values, and traditions shared by a group
norms rules for accepted and expected behavior
personal space the zone we like to maintain around us
individualism giving priority to one's own goals and identity over the groups
collectivism giving priorities to goals of the group instead of personal goals and identity
aggression physical and verbal behavior intended to hurt someone
X chromosome chromosome from mother
Y chromosome chromosome only in males
testosterone most important of the male sex hormones
role set of expectations about a social position
gender role set of expected behaviors for males or for females
gender identity sense of being male or female
gender typing the acquisition of a traditional masculine or female role
social learning theory the theory that we learn from social behavior and observing it by intimidating it.
Created by: Laurenhibbler
Popular Psychology sets




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