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Name Description Category Updated User Cards Stars
Fund Disease 14 Diseases of the Integumentary system Medical 2014-05-20 adrouillard 74 0 edit
Integumentory Integumentory FOBF Chpt 8 Medical 2014-05-20 adrouillard 79 0 edit
Pharm Health Pro 2 Apothecary Units of Measurement Medical 2014-05-20 adrouillard 17 0 edit
Basic Arrhythmia Waves & Measurment - Chpt.2 Medical 2014-05-20 adrouillard 35 0 edit
BA - Review Chapters 1-8 Unfinished 2013-06-12 adrouillard 54 0 edit
ERP Week 6 Subcutaneous Injections Medical 2014-06-18 adrouillard 10 0 edit
ERP Week 1 Basic Safety and Infectious Control Chapter 6 pgs 98-142 Medical 2014-05-18 adrouillard 36 0 edit
ERP Week 1 Chain of Infection Chapter 6 Medical 2014-05-18 adrouillard 14 0 edit
ERP Week 1 Body Substance Isolation - BSI Medical 2014-05-18 adrouillard 10 0 edit
ERP Week 1 Dealing with Biohazard Waste Chpt. 6 Medical 2014-05-18 adrouillard 18 1 edit
ERP Week 1 Sterilization Chpt. 6 Medical 2014-05-18 adrouillard 27 1 edit
ERP Week 1 Vital Signs and Measurements Chpt 37 - Blood Pressure Medical 2014-05-18 adrouillard 46 1 edit
ERP Week 1 Vital Signs and Measurements Chpt 37 - Temperature Medical 2014-05-18 adrouillard 55 0 edit
ERP Week 1 Vital Signs and Measurements Chpt 37 - Pulse /Apical pulse Medical 2014-05-18 adrouillard 25 0 edit
ERP Week 1 Vital Signs and Measurements Chpt 37 - Respirations Medical 2014-05-18 adrouillard 18 0 edit
ERP Week 2 Examination/Treatment areas Chpt. 9 128-142 Medical 2014-05-19 adrouillard 30 0 edit
ERP Week 2 Patient Interview and History Chpt. 36 389-409 Medical 2014-05-19 adrouillard 11 0 edit
ERP Week 2 The Six C's of Charting Pg 397 Medical 2014-05-19 adrouillard 8 0 edit
ERP Week 2 Standardized Client Assessments(list 22) Medical 2014-05-19 adrouillard 22 0 edit
ERP Week 2 Standardized Client Assessment breakdowns Medical 2014-05-23 adrouillard 204 1 edit
ERP Week 3 Asst. Physical Exam - General Chpt.38 pg 428-446 Medical 2014-05-30 adrouillard 31 1 edit
ERP Week 3 Screening for Visual Acuity Medical 2014-05-30 adrouillard 16 1 edit
ERP Week 3 Assisting with Gynecological Exam Medical 2014-05-30 adrouillard 16 0 edit
ERP Week 3 Breast and Testicular self-exam (BSE) Medical 2014-05-27 adrouillard 14 0 edit
ERP Week 3 Physical Therapy & Rehabilition Chpt 54 pgs. 808-829 Medical 2014-05-28 adrouillard 17 0 edit
ERP Week 3 Ambulatory devices Medical 2014-05-30 adrouillard 22 0 edit
ERP Week 4 Assisting with Minor surgery Chpt. 44 pgs. 556-585 Medical 2014-06-02 adrouillard 23 0 edit
ERP Week 4 Instruments used in Minor Surgery Medical 2014-06-03 adrouillard 18 0 edit
ERP Week 4 Minor surgery Supplies Medical 2014-06-02 adrouillard 43 0 edit
ERP Week 4 Wounds Medical 2014-06-03 adrouillard 29 0 edit
ERP Week 4 Dressing and Bandages Medical 2014-06-03 adrouillard 45 0 edit
ERP Week 5 Electrocardiography Medical 2020-08-31 adrouillard 37 1 edit
ERP Week 5 X-Ray and Epistaxis Medical 2014-06-09 adrouillard 12 0 edit
ERP Week 5 Blood Sugar Testing Medical 2014-06-09 adrouillard 27 0 edit
ERP Week 5 SMBG - Self Monitoring Blood Glucose Instructions Medical 2014-06-09 adrouillard 20 0 edit
ERP Week 5 Stool Guaiac Test Medical 2014-06-09 adrouillard 18 0 edit
ERP Week 5 FOBT Single and Home slides Medical 2014-06-09 adrouillard 22 0 edit
ERP Week 5 Urine Reagent Testing proceedure Medical 2014-06-09 adrouillard 15 0 edit
ERP Week 5 Clean catch (Midstream) Urine procedure Medical 2014-06-13 adrouillard 9 0 edit
ERP Week 6 Medication Administration Medical 2014-06-16 adrouillard 17 0 edit
ERP Week 6 Syringes and Needles Medical 2014-06-16 adrouillard 17 0 edit
ERP Week 6 Intradermal (ID) Injection Medical 2014-06-16 adrouillard 12 0 edit
ERP Week 6 Intramuscular Injections Medical 2014-06-18 adrouillard 17 0 edit
Med-Abbreviations [Health Occupations Class] Medical Abbreviations Medical 2014-04-17 j03fr0 61 2 edit
NHA CCMA Exam Certified Clinical Medical Assistant Exam Practice 2011 Clinical Skills 2024-01-29 100000717108218 341 138 edit
STUDY CCMA for NHA2 Flashcards made for studying for CCMA exam through NHA Clinical Skills 2024-07-19 ilovemedicine 291 118 edit
NHA CCMA STUDY GUIDE Questions from study guide Unfinished 2024-07-19 81403352 168 43 edit
NHA CCMA test NHA CCMA test Phlebotomy 2022-12-19 100000150873358 35 6 edit
NHA CCMA TERMS NHA CCMA TERMS Unfinished 2022-11-05 kieraholmes 94 12 edit

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