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AQA GCSE chapter 04 calculations

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

work out the formula mass of NaCl. Atomic masses of Na=23; Cl=35.5   Formula Mass of NaCl = 1xMass Na + 1xMass Cl = 23 + 35.5 =58.5  
work out the formula mass of NH4NO3. Atomic masses of N=14, H=1, O=16   14*1 + 1*4 + 14*1 + 16*3 = 80  
CHALLENGE work out the formula mass of (NH4)2SO4; Atomic masses of N=14; H=1; S=32; O=16   Formula mass of (NH4)2SO4= (massN x1 + mass H x4)x2 + massS x1 + massO x4= (14x1 + 1x4)x2 + 32x1 + 16x4 = 132  
work out the formula mass of MgSO4; Atomic masses of Mg=24; S=32; O=16   Formula mass MgSO4 = MassMg x1 + MassS x1 + MassO x4= 24x1 + 32x1 + 16x4 = 120  
how do you work out the formula mass of a compound?   multiply the mass of each element by the subscript that follows; then add the masses together; MgCl2  
CHALLENGE Fe2O3 + 3 CO -> 2 Fe + 3 CO2; what mass of iron is produced when 80g of Iron(III)oxide is reacted? ( Atomic masses of Fe=56; O=16)   Formula mass Fe2O3=56x2+3x16=160; moles Fe2O3=mass/formula mass=80/160=0.5; ratio of BIG numbers says moles Fe= 2x molesFe2O3 =0.5x2=1; mass Fe=moles Fe x formula mass=1x56=56g; remember to use BIG numbers in ratio ONLY  
2 KClO3 -> 2 KCl + 3 O2; What mass of KCl is produced when 122.5g of KClO3 reacts completely? (Atomic masses of K=39; Cl=35.5; O=16)   Formula mass KClO3=39+35.5+3x16=122.5; form.mass KCl=39+35.5=74.5; moles KClO3=mass/formula mass=122.5/122.5=1; ratio of BIG numbers says moles KCl= moles KClO3 =1; mass KCl=moles KCl x formula mass=1x74.5=74.5g  
CuCO3 -> CuO + CO2; What mass of Carbon Dioxide is produced when 12.4g of CuCO3 reacts completely? (Atomic masses of Cu=64; C=12; O=16)   Formula mass CuCO3=64+12+3x16=124; form mass CO2=12+16x2=44; moles CuCO3=mass/formula mass=12.4/124=0.1; ratio of BIG numbers says moles CO2=moles CuCO3 =0.1; mass CO2=moles CO2 x formula mass=0.1x44=4.4g  
how do you work the mass of a compound, given the equation for the reaction and the mass of the reactant?   set up the calculations under the equation: first line is mass; second line is formula mass; bottom line is moles; then go down (divide mass by formula mass); across (look at the BIG numbers); and up (multiply moles by formula mass)  
how do you work out the yield of a reaction?   yield = 100 x mass of product actually produced / maximum theoretical mass of product  
2 NaHCO3 --> Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2; if 16.8g of NaHCO3 are reacted and only 9.2g of Na2CO3 are produced, what is the percentage yield?   RFM(NaHCO3)=84; moles(NaHCO3)=16.8/84=0.2; moles(Na2CO3)=0.5xmoles(NaHCO3)=0.1; RFM(Na2CO3)=116; theoretical mass(Na2CO3)=0.1x116=11.6; percentage yield=100x9.2/11.6=79.3%  
CaCO3 --> CaO + CO2; if 200t of CaCO3 are reacted and 98t of CaO are produced, what is the percentage yield?   RFM(CaCO3)=100; moles(caCO3)=200/100=2; moles(CaO)=moles(CaCO3)=2; RFM(CaO)=56; theoretical mass(CaO)=2x56=112; percentage yield=100x98/112=87.5%  
Give 3 reasons why percentage yield are less than 100%   chemicals are lost during transfer from one place to another during separation; reaction is reversible; there may be side reactions producing other products  
What is a limiting reactant?   The reactant that gets used up first in a reaction; the reactant that is found in the smallest number of moles  
What is the relative atomic mass?   It is the average mass of one atom of an element compared to 1/12th of an atom of Carbon-12  
What is the empirical formula?   he empirical formula of a compound is the simplest WHOLE number ratio of atoms of each element in the compound. (so the smallest number must be 1: CH2 is correct, C0.5H is wrong  
How do you work out the empirical formula from the masses of each element in a compound?   set up the calculations under each element: first line is mass; second line is Ar, atomic mass; bottom line is moles (mass divided by Ar); then divide each mole by the smallest mole  
A sample of Magnesium oxide contains 2.4g of Magnesium and 1.6g of Oxygen. What is the empirical formula? Atomic mass (Ar) of Magnesium is 24g and Ar of Oxygen is 16g   Calculate moles of Magnesium: 2.4g / 24g = 0.1 mole; Calculate moles of Oxygen: 2.4g / 24g = 0.1 mole; divide both moles by the smallest: here in each case 0.1 / 0.1 = 1; the empirical formula is Mg1O1 or simply MgO  
A sample of Copper Chloride contains 3.15g of Copper and 3.55g of Chlorine. What is the empirical formula? (Atomic mass (Ar) of Copper is 63g and Ar of Chlorine is 35.5g   Calculate moles of Copper: 3.15g / 63g = 0.05 mole; Calculate moles of Chlorine: 3.55g /35.5g = 0.1 mole; divide both moles by the smallest: here for Cu 0.05 / 0.05 = 1 and for Cl 0.1/0.05=2; the empirical formula is CuCl2  
What is the molecular formula?   Empirical formula is the simplest whole number ratio of atoms of each element in a compound, like CH2 Molecular formula is the ACTUAL number of atoms of each element in a compound. (so it may not necessarily be 1), like C2H4 or C3H6  
How do you work out the molecular formula from empirical formula?   Add up the atomic masses of the atoms in the empirical formula (ie, calculate the formula mass of the empirical formula); then divide the Mr by the formula mass of the empirical formula; the number found is the is the multiple of empirical formula  
The empirical formula of a hydrocarbon is CH2 and its Mr is 42. Work out the formula of that hydrocarbon .   Add up the atomic masses of the atoms in the empirical formula so 12x1+1x2=14g; then divide the Mr by the formula mass of the empirical formula so 42 / 14 = 3; the number found is the multiple of empirical formula so 3(CH2), the molecular formula is C3H6  


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Created by: ursulinechem2
Popular Chemistry sets