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What is the make up of blood 60% plasma, 40% elements
what is the liquid portion of the blood? plasma
What does the cardiovascular system include Blood, Blood Vessels, blood circulation, heart
How many chambers does the hear have? 4
What are the 3 layers of the heart pericardium, parietal, and visceral
What is the space that lies between the inner layers and contains fluid? pericardial space
What are the walls of the heart? epicardium, myocardium, endocardium
What does the right side of heart do? receives deoxygenated and sends to the tissues
What does left side of heart do? receives oxygenated blood and sends its to body
Left ventricle pumps blood to all blood vessels in body
Right Ventricle pumps blood to lungs
What do the valves of the heart do? ensure flow of blood in one direction
How is the right atrium and right ventricular divided tricuspid valve
how is the left atrium and left ventricular divided mitral valve (bicuspid valve)
What prevents back flow of blood from arteries into ventricles semilunar
What is the sinoatrial node SA, pacemaker, electrical impulses originate here Firing of the node triggers atrial contraction
AV Node Atrioventricular Node, conductive transmits the electrical signals from the atria into the ventricles. There is a delay here This allows the atria to finish contracting before the ventricles start.
Bundle of His move the impulses
Automatic nervous system two divisions parasystematic and symphathetic
Parasympathetic divsion reduces impulse conduction and constricts arteries Division of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the body for 'rest and repair'. (decreases heart rate)
sympathetic increase heart rate an impulse conduction Division of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the body for 'fight or flight'. (increases heart rate)
Systole contraction of the atrioventricular valves
diastole relaxation and closure of the pulmonary and aortic valves
When the artia contract blood is forced into? ventricles through the bicuspid and tricuspid valves
When atria relax blood is enters? artial chambers from the pulmonary veins and veenea cavea
3 types of blood vessels arteries, capillaries, and veins
Arteries carry what types of blood oxygenated
Arteries walls composed of 3 layers 1. tunica adventitia= protective layer; gives structure 2. tunica media = made from smooth muscle and elastic tissue; maintains shape and diameter = homeostasis 3.tunica intima= single celled permeable membrane = gaseous exchange; slippery lining
pulse pressure difference between the systolic and diastolic
portal circulation blood carried to liver via portal vein
Describe the systemic loop ans on phone
Describe the Pulmonary circulation loop ans on phone
How do veins get low pressure blood back to the heart? valves prevent blood from flowing backwards, run alongside muscles so when we move blood is pushed along, Negative pressure within the thoracic cavity means blood is pulled towards the heart
homeostasis a self-regulating process by which an organism can maintain internal stability while adjusting to changing external conditions.
describe the pericardium Tough, fibrous outer layer. Serous fluid found between the layers of the pericardium.
describe the myocardium Muscular layer
describe the endocardium a thin smooth membrane that provides a non-stick coating to prevent the blood from becoming blocked.
what does the vagus nerve supply? (parasympathetic) supplies mainly the SA and AV nodes and atrial muscle. Vagal stimulation reduces the rate of SA node £iring, decreasing the rate and force of the heartbeat
what does the sympathetic nerves supply? supply the SA and AV nodes and the myocardium, and stimulation increases the rate and force of the heartbeat.
how do you calculate cardiac output? stroke volume x heart rate
what factors can affect stroke volume? Venlricular end-diastol:i.c volume (VEDV- preload) Venous return: Position of the body Skeletal muscle pump Respiratory pump Strength of myocardial contraction Blood volume
What odes the p wave represent? The P wave represents the impulse from the SA node sweeping over the atria (atrial depolarisation). (atrial contraction)
What does the T wave represent? The T wave represents the relaxation of the ventricular muscle (ventricular repolarisation). (ventricular relaxation)
What does the QRS waves represent? The QRS complex represents the depolarization of ventricles. It shows the beginning of systole and ventricular contraction.
tricuspid valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle
pulmonary semilunar valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery, allows fro blood to flow from the heart to the lungs
Mitral valve (the bicuspid valve) Between the left atrium and the left ventricle
Aortic semilunar valve Between the left ventricle and the aorta, which carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body
Systolic blood pressure peak pressure in your arteries when your heart contracts (high pressure)
Diastolic blood pressure the pressure in your arteries when the ventricles are relaxed (low pressure)
what are the 3 stages of the cardiac cycle • atrial systole - contraction of the atria • ventricular systole - contraction of the ventricles • complete cardiac diastole - relaxation of the atria and ventricles.
Cardiac output and how to calculate it the amount of blood ejected from each ventricle every minute. cardiac output= stroke volume x heart rate
Stroke volume Th.e amount of blood expelled by each contraction of each ventricle
how is short term blood pressure controlled? The cardiovascular centre sends autonomic nerves (both sympathetic and parasympathetic) to the heart and blood vessels It controls blood pressure by slowing down or speeding up the heart rate and by dilating or constricting blood vessels.
in what two ways is blood pressure controlled? • short-term control, which involves mainly the baroreceptor reflex, and also chemoreceptors and circulating hormones • long-term control- involves regulation of blood volume by the kidneys and the renin-angiotensin-adosterone system (RAAS)
Baroreceptors when BP rises they are sensitive to pressure. If BP rises they respond by stimulating the CVC to increases parasympathetic nerve activity to slow heart down. sympathetic stimulation to the blood vessels is also inhibited. causing vasodilation resulting in BP decreasing
Baroreceptors when BP falls If BP falls, the rate of Baroreceptors also falls. CVC stimulates sympathetic nerve activity to speed heart up. sympathetic stimulation to the blood vessels is also inhibited. causing vasoconstriction resulting in BP rising
how is long term blood pressure controlled? ADH - antidiuretic hormone and RAAS regulate blood volume and therefore blood pressure ANP- a hormone released by the heart itself, causes sodium and water loss from the kidney and reduces blood pressure, opposing the activities of both ADH and the RAAS.



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