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Blood A fluid medium containing formed elements and liquid plasma.
Hematopoiesis The process of blood cell development
Erythrocytes Red blood cells that transport oxygen to cells
Hemoglobin Gives blood its characteristic red color. It's an iron based protein combines with oxygen and carbon dioxide so that gases can be transported and then released.
Leukocytes White blood cells. Part of the body's immune system, protects the body from invading pathogens by removing dead cells and substances.
Thromboctyes Platelets. Fragmented cells that are important in blood clotting or coagulation.
Plasma A straw colored liquid that helps transport blood cells.
Type A. Presence of antigen A. antibodies against antigen B.
Type B Presence of antigen B. Antibodies against antigen A
Type AB Presence of antigens A and B. no antibodies
Type O Absence of both antigens. Presence of antibodies against both antigens A and B.
Universal Recipient This person has no antibodies. A person with this blood type can receive all other blood types
Universal Donor This person has no antigens. Does not react to any other blood types.
Rh Factor Antigenic substance present in erythrocytes of 85% of the population.
Heart hollow organ about the size of clenched fist
Pericardium A double sac layer that surrounds the heart
Epicardium A thin outer connective tissue layer. Possesses adipose tissue and blood vessels that nourish the heart.
Myocardium The thick muscular layer that makes up the bulk of the heart wall
Endocardium Thin inner lining and is continuous with the endothelial lining of the heart chambers and blood vessels
Left atria Take blood in through large veins and then pump it to the inferior chambers.
Ventricles The lower chambers, right and left ventricle pump blood to the body's organs and tissues.
Atrioventricular valves Allow blood to flow into the ventricles
Bicupsid mitral valve Located between the left atrium and left ventricle
Tricupsid valve Located between the right atrium and right ventricle
Aortic Valve Located between the left ventricle and aorta
Pulmonary Valve Located between the pulmonary trunk and the right ventricle
Hyperemia Increased local blood flow
Arteries Vessels that move blood away from the heart
Aterioles Arteries cont. to branch off into smaller and thinner vessels.
Pulse The expansion effect that occurs when the left ventricle contracts producing a wave of blood that surges through and expands arterial walls
Capillaries Have thin permeable membranes. The functional unit of the cardiovascular system as exchange of gases, nutrients, and wastes occur across its cell walls.
Created by: thebesttherapist



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