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Global regents

Africa White mans burden; scramble for Africa; natural resources (Berlin Conference-cut up Africa for Colonial powers-like a cake- with no regard to ethnic/tribal boundaries)
Age of Exploration Europeans looking for new trade routes
Akbar Religious toleration; accept diversity
Ancient Greece First democracy; Geography=islands, mountainous, irregular coastline=small city states
Appeasement Britain & France's policy toward Hitler's Germany-give a lollipop to a misbehaving child to keep him happy
Kemal Ataturk Modernization/westernization of Turkey; rights for women
Bantu Migration Cultural Diffusion; spread languages
Black plague Black death, bubonic plague; spread by trade; Middle ages
Boxer rebellion & Sepoy Mutiny Keep out foreign influence
Buddhism 8-fold path, nirvana, 4 noble truths
Byzantine Empire Justinian code=law=legal system; Orthodox church; influence Russia
China Huang He (Yellow) River; Yangtze River; Oracle Bones; Daoism; gunpowder
China Opium War; Boxer Rebellion (Imperialism leads to bad stuff); spheres of influence
Code of Hammurabi Code=law=legal system
Columbian exchange Cultural diffusion; Europe (East) & Americans (West)
Commercial Revolution Mercantilism (European mother country exploits raw materials produced by the colonies); established banking (financial)
Communism Command economy run by government
Free Market All private ownership
Mixed economy Government+ private ownership
Traditional economy Barter
Congress of Vienna Balance of Power
Conquistador Conquest of Mesoamerica by European; superior weapons/spread of disease; European defeated Aztecs and Incas
Crusades Holy War; cultural diffusion
Cultural Diffusion Through trade/war/exploration; spread of ideas and language; spread of disease
Cultural Diffusion examples Phoenician Alphabet, Silk Roads, Muslim and Greco-Roman, Hellenistic Culture, Greco-Roman/western civilization, Cyrillic alphabet, Results of the Crusades, Columbian Exchange, Mestizo culture, Hanseatic league, Mansa musa, Westernization of Russia
Deforestation Cutting down trees
Desertification Expanding of desert
Divine Right Theory Mandate of Heaven=Power from God
Egypt Nile river, Papyrus, pyramids
English bill of rights & Magna Carta & Habeas Corpus Limited monarchy=constitutional monarchy
Enlightment and Scientific Revolution Period of questioning; Use of reason, Locke, Montesquieu, Voltaire=people who have a say in natural rights
Environmental pollution Global warming, greenhouse effect, nuclear waste
Fall of Berlin Wall Symbolic end of cold war
Feudalism No central government
Europe emphasis on religion
Feudal japan middle ages=Manorialism
French Revolutions Robespierre, Reign of Terror, Louis the 14th, 3 estates, enlightenment
Garibaldi Nationalistic leader of Italy
Geographic features Rivers=farming and trade, Mountain and islands=protect and isolate,, Irregular coastlines=safe harbors/good for trade
Ghandi non-violence; boycotts; Salt March; India Independence
Glasnost & Perestroika GO PE soviet union fall, Glasnost=glass=opening up soviet union, Perestroika=economic restructuring with some capitalism
Golden age Islam mosques, medical books, and algebra
Green revolution growing more food
Gupta India; Concept of 0 and decimal system; monsoons
Han Dynasty Civil service system, paper, wheel
Hinduism Dharma, reincarnation, karma
Hitler+ Mussolini+ Franco Fascist leaders; deny individual rights
Ho Chi Minh Nationalist/independence leader of Vietnam; backed by the communist
Human Rights violations examples Pogroms, Russia's Bloody Sunday, Armenian Massacres, Amritsar Massacre, Nanjing Massacre, Great purge, Final solution. Cultural revolution, Apartheid, Khmer Rough, Tiananmen square massacre, Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, Rwandan genocide, Darfur genocide
Imperialism Stronger nation takes over a weaker nation to exploit natural resources
India Indus river valley, Ganges River, Monsoons. Sepoy Mutiny; keep foreigners out
Industrial Revolution England; urbanization; farming to factory; establish labor unions to protect worker rights
Ireland Northern Ireland-under British control; Republic of Ireland- Independent Country; IRA=terrorist group wants northern Ireland independence; Irish potato famine; Irish migration
Islam Ramada, Koran, 5 pillars, Mecca
Islamic Fundamentalism Strict interpretation of Koran
John Locke Natural rights, rights to life, liberty, and property
Judaism, Islam, Christianity All Monotheistic
Karl Marx Class Struggle, proletariat, Communist Manifesto, exploitation of working class
Kenyatta; Kwame Nkrumah Nationalist/independence leaders in africa
Louis the 14th Sun king, Absolute ruler
Louis the 16th French revolution, was beheaded
Machiavelli The prince, rule by power, fear over love
Mali+Ghana Mansa Musa+ Muslim+ Gold and Salt Trade
Mandate of heaven/Dynastic cycle & Divine right ruler chosen by gods
Mao Zedong Great Leap Forward; Cultural revolution; communism
Marco Polo+ Ibn Battuto Cultural diffusion; recording travels
Meiji- Japan Meiji=Modernization; Matthew Perry ends policy of isolations; Japan begins policy of imperialism for natural resources
Mercantilism Colonial wealth, raw materials
Mesopotamia Tigris and Euphrates; fertile crescent
Mongols Great Wall was built to keep them out of China; Mongol Empire=Asia; use of Silk road
Monotheism One God=Christianity, Judaism, Islam
NAFTA, EU, Hanseatic League Trade agreements; trading rights
Napoleon & Hitler Invasion of Russia in winter=bad idea
Natural disasters tsunami; monsoon
Neolithic Revolution Stop/drop/crop (stop nomads, drop belongings, grow crops, domesticate animals)
Otto von Bismarck Nationalist/Unification leader of Germany; blood and iron
Ottoman Empire Bridge Europe & Asia; central location; cultural diversity
Partition of India India was divided following independence=India(Hindus) Pakistan(Muslims)
Pax Romana Pax=good times; peace & prosperity
Peter the Great; Catherine the Great; Meiji Westernization+modernization
Pol Pot + Armenian Genocide+Holocaust Genocide; human rights Pol Pot=Cambodia, Khmer Rouge
Primary source Diary, letter, speech, map, photo
Protestant Reformation Martin Luther; 95 thesis; indulgences Gutenberg=printing press=spread of ideas
Renaissance Rebirth; humanism; cultural achievements; secularism; Individualism
Roman Empire First Empire; 12 tables= law= legal system
Russian Revolution Bolshevik (communist), Lenin, "Peace, Land and Bread"
Science & Technology Interdependence; global economy
Secondary source Newspaper account, textbook, encyclopedia
Shintoism, Daoism, Animism Nature
South Africa Apartheid, Mandela
Stalin Totalitarian rule; collective farm; 5 year plan
Terrorism PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization); IRA (Irish Republican Army)
Tiananmen Square China; Goddess of democracy; student protests; fight for democracy
Toussaint L 'Ouverture & Simon Bolivar & San Martin Nationalist leaders; Latin American Revolutions influenced by American and French Revolutions
Treaty of Versailles Ends WW1; Contributes to outbreak of WW2
World Health Problems AIDS (S. African nations); infant death rate
WW1 Archduke Ferdinand= powder keg= Baltic
WW2 Starts with German aggression; ends with US dropping Atomic Bomb
Zionism Israeli homeland
Created by: adrexinger



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