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Atomic Structure

Atoms and Elements Review

The charge of a proton is.. positive
The charge of an electron is... negative
An element has 3 protons, 4 neutrons and 3 electrons, what is the mass? 7
This atom has 2 electrons on the first level, 3 electrons on the second level. What element is it? boron
Which scientist described electrons existing in the atom in specific energy levels (orbitals) ? Bohr
In the periodic table, elements with similar chemical properties are found in? vertical columns
Rows in the periodic table are also referred to as? periods
The element with atomic number 11 is most likely to have similar chemical properties to the element with atomic number 19
How many groups of elements are there in the modern periodic table? 18
Which of the following groups of elements contains only metalliods? A. Ge, As,Sb,Te B. Li,Na,K,Rb C. Ge,As,Sb,Bi D. Ge,Pb,Au,Ag A
Which of the following elements would you expect to react in a manner most similar to nitrogen A. phosphorus B. sodium C. neon D. oxygen oxygen
The group of the elements that sometimes behave like metals and sometimes non-metals metalloids
All atoms of gold have _____ electrons 79
Symbol for fluorine F
The mass number subtract the atomic number is the number of ? neutrons
Symbol for Potassium K
The maximum number of electrons in the 3rd orbital? 8
Element #______ is named after the person who made the periodic table we use 101
The cathode ray tube helped discover? electrons
The two liquid elements are ? mercury/bromine
Which two subatomic particles are the largest? protons and neutrons
The most reactive halogen is? fluorine
The least reactive alkali metal is? lithium
The smallest subatomic particle? electron
How many natural types of elements are there? 92
The four most abundant elements in the human body are? oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen
The atomic model has been modified many times over the years. This happened because? new evidence became available
Moving down the column in the periodic table, the number of valence electrons in the outer orbital? increase
Under ordinary room temperature conditions, the greatest number of elements are? metallic solids
The noble gases are very unreactive because? outer orbitals are full
In which group of the periodic table are the alkali metals found? 1
An atom of an element belonging to the halogen family has? two outer shell electrons
Created by: sdpemberton31
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