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Hydrocarbons Made by Hydrogen & Carbon Atoms only
Physical Properties: Hydrocarbons Size
Viscosity: Hydrocarbons Increases as Molecular Increases
Boiling Point: Hydrocarbons Turns Gas as Molecular Increases Size
Hydrocarbons, Combustion Releases Energy, useful Fuel
During Combustion C & H in fuels Oxidised
Complete Combustion Hydrocarbon Carbon Dioxide + Water
Hydrocarbons can be broken down To Useful, more In Demand
Cracking (Stage 1) Large Hydrocarbons heated, vaporise it
Cracking (Stage 2) Hydrocarbon vapour passed over Hot Catalyst
Steam Cracking (Stage 1) Large Hydrocarbons Heated, in order to vaporise them
Steam Cracking (Stage 2) Mixed, water vapour, Heated (High temp)
Products of Cracking AlkEnes & Smaller AlkAnes
Use of Alkenes Alcohols
Bromine Used to test for Alkenes
Bromine water + Alkenes (Orange) Colourless Result
Common Alkali's Hydroxides, Sodium, Potassium & Calcium
Acid + Alkali --> Salt + Water
Acid + Metal Oxide --> Salt + Water
Acid + Carbonate --> Salt + Carbon Dioxide +Water
Neutralisation Reaction
Thermosetting Plastics H Melting Point Strong Covalent Bonds, Rigid Structure
Uses of Thermosetting Plastics Glues
Thermosoftening Plastics L Melting Point, Weak intermolecular forces, Stretchy
Uses of Thermosoftening Plastics Clothing
Created by: Shahed-02
Popular Chemistry sets