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APP Applicatorful
APPT Appointment
SUP Suppository
CAP, CAPS Capsule, Capsules
DA Dental Appointment
ES, ERS Emergency Supply
STAT Immediately
TX Treatment
SX Symptom
U Units
INC Increase
INCT Increse to
DEC Decrease
DECT Decrease to
MAX Do not take more than
NMT No more than
NTE Not to exceed
UT Up to
REP Repeat
TK Take
TN Then
DC Then stop
F For
TA Thereafter
TC Unitl Clear
LR Last refill
MR, MRF May refill
NS No substitute
MREP, MR4 May repeat in, May repeat in 4 hours
TG Till gone
HO By the instruction sheet (handout), Pharmacy handout
NP By the nurse practitioner
RPH By the pharmacist
PA By the physician's assistant
PRN If needed
PF, PRNF If needed for
SL Dissolve under the tongue
SS Swish in mouth then swallow
SSP Swish in mouth then spit
SDNC Swallow, do not chew
PO By mouth
AU In both ears
AL In the left ear
AD In the right ear
OU In both eyes
OS In the left eye
OD In the right eye
EN In each nostril
SUBQ, SQ, SC Subcutaneously
TOP Topically
AUD Apply as directed
CSUD Chew and swallow as directed
TUD Take as directed
UUD Use as directed
UD As directed
DUP Discard unused portion
WHA While awake
W With
PC After meals
AC Before meals
WMS With meals
WF With food
WFMI With food or milk
WMI With milk
J, FJ, OJ Juice, Fruit juice, Orange juice
WOJ With orange juice
WJ, WFJ Water or juice, water or fruit juice
MIWJ Mixed with water or juice
FULGLWA In a glass of water
8GH20 With an eight ounce glass of water
ABDD For abdominal discomfort
ABDP For abdominal pain
ACH For aches
ACN For acne
AGI For agitation
ALLSX For allergy symptoms
ANX For anxiety
ART For arthritis
AST For asthma
BAP For back pain
BC For birth control
BP For blood pressure
BPA For blood pressure and angina
BM For bowel movement
BTP For breakthrough pain
BRE, BREAT For breathing
BRON For bronchitis
CP For chest pain
CHOL For cholesterol
COF For cough
CC For cold and cough
CWH, COFWH For cough and wheezing
CRA For cramps
DEP For depression
DIAB For diabetes
DIAR For diarrhea
DIZ For dizziness
HF For hayfever
HCON For head congestion
HA For headache
HT For heart
HB For heart burn
HEMS For hemorrhoids
HTN For hypertension
INFE For infection
INFL For inflammation
I For itching
MIG, MHA For migraine, For migraine headache
MP For mild pain
N For nausea
NV For nausea and vomiting
NVD For nausea, vomiting, and diahrrea
P For pain
K For potassium
PMS For prementrual syndrome
PSO For psoriasis
SEI, SZ For seizures
SHA For seizure headaches
SP For severe pain
SOB For shortness of breath
Created by: trishbuckland
Popular Pharmacology sets




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