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Meds for infection

Action of Penicillins Destroy bacteria by weakening the bacterial cell wall, short 1/2 life, IM only injection, bacterialcidial
Therapeutic Action of Penicillins Choice drug for gram positive cocci –pneumonia, meningitis, endocartitis, pharyngitis; 1st choice for gram negative cocci – Neisseria meningitis; Tx of syphilis
#1 Side Effect of Penicillins to look out for HYPERSENSITIVITY Allergies/anaphylaxis ***OBSERVE 30 MINS AFTER ADMIN FOR HYPERSENSITIVITY REACTION****
Side/Adverse Effects of Penicillins allergy, renal impairment, hyperkalemia, dysrhythmias
Contraindications/precautions for Penicillins if allergic to penicillin-allergic to cephalosporin, and or imipenem
Med/Food Interactions of Penicillins Aminoglycosides – penicillin inactivates it when mixed in IV and Oral contraceptives decrease efficacy
Interventions for Penicillins take with full glass of H2O 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals, Penicillin V, amoxicillin, amoxicillin-clavulante, and bacampicillin may be taken with meals
Broad-spectrum Penicillins Augmentin
Antistaphlcoccal Penicillins Unipen, methicillin
Antipseudomonas Penicillins Geocillin, Timentin, Zosyn
Action of Cephalosporins beta-lactam abx- destroy bacterial cell walls causing destruction of microorganisms
Cephalosporins are grouped into four generations; each generation is more effective against gram-____organism and anaerobes; less likely to be destroyed by___-____; and able to reach ___(when meningies are inflamed) negative, beta-lactamase, CSF
Therapeutic Action of Cephalosporins broad spectrum bactericidal meds with high TI; treat UTI, post-op infections, pelvic infections, meningitis
Side/Adverse Effects of Cephalosporins Allergies/anaphylaxis, bleeding tendencies, thrombophebitis, pain with IM injections, Abx ass’d pseudomembraneous colitis
Contraindications/precautions of Cephalosporins if allergic to penicillin-allergic to cephalosporin, and or imipenem; caution with pt with renal impairment; caution when using a combination of this drug with meds that promote bleeding (anticoagulants, antiplatelets, thrombolytics, NSAIDS)
Med/Food Interactions of Cephalosporins disulfiram reaction (intolerance to alcohol), probenecid – delays renal excretion
Interventions of Cephalosporins take until full course is complete; oral cephalosporin with food,
1st generation Cephalosporins Keflex, Cefadyl
2nd generation Cephalosporins Ceclor, Cefotan
3rd generation Cephalosporins Rocephin, Claforan (increased half life, Q day, best on gram neg, Ind: sepsis, menigitis, Int: N/V/D)
4th generation Cephalosporins cefepime
Action of Carbapenems (beta-lactam abx) destroy bacterial cell walls causing destruction of microorganisms
Therapeutic Action of Carbapenems broad antimicrobial spectrum effective for serious infections (pneumonia, UTI etc); a combination of antipseduomonal meds should be used so resistance does not develop
Side/Adverse Effects of Carbapenems Allergies/anaphylaxis, GI symptoms, Suprainfection
Contraindications/precautions of Carbapenems Caution in pt’s with Renal impairment
Interventions of Carbapenems take until full course is complete
Other Medications of Carbapenems Primaxin, Merrem IV
Action of Monobactams (Aztreonam) beta-lactam abx- destroy bacterial cell walls causing destruction of microorganisms (gram neg aerobic); kills everything in the body even your memory B cells so the body doesn’t remember the bacteria
Therapeutic Action of Monobactams (Aztreonam) antimicrobial of choice for serious infections caused by MRSA; Med of choice for antibiotic-ass’d pseudomembranous colitis
Side/Adverse Effects of Monobactams (Aztreonam) Ototoxicity, Infusion reactions, Thrombophlebitis
Therapeutic action for ototoxicity monitor vancomysin levels, assess for signs of hearing loss, Because of the cellular damage of the level of vancomysin
Contraindications/precautions of Monobactams (Aztreonam) caution with pt with renal impairment
Interventions of Monobactams (Aztreonam) vanco peak blood levels should be collected 1-2 hrs after completion of IV infusion. Peak levels are between 30-40ug/ml; admin vanco slowly over 60 mins and rotate injection sites
Other Medications of Monobactams (Aztreonam) Vancomyosin, Azactam, Monurol
Action of Tetracyclines Inhibit microorganism growth by preventing protein synthesis (bacteriostatic)
Therapeutic Action of Tetracyclines Med of choice topically and orally for acne; 1st line med for ticks disease, infections of urethra or cervix, GI infections caused by H. Pylori, anthrax
Side/Adverse Effects of Tetracyclines GI discomfort, Tooth discoloration, Photosensitivity, Suprainfection of the bowl, decreased Vit D absortion
Contraindications/precautions of Tetracyclines Use during pregnancy after 4th month causes staining of teeth except for the permanent teeth, Pregnancy cat. D, Should be admin to pts with renal impairment except for doxycycline and minocycline
Med/Food Interactions of Tetracyclines Taken on empty stomach with full glass of H2O, Decreases oral contraceptives, Milk products, Ca supps, iron supps, Mg containing laxatives, most antacids, Admin at least 1 hr before or 2 hr after taking foods and supps contain Ca and Mg
Interventions of Tetracyclines take until full course is complete, not given with food except for doxycycline and minocycline, avoid giving at bedtime
Other Medications of Tetracyclines tetracycline hcl, vibramycin
Action of Macrolides bacteriostatic inhibitors, slows growth of microorganism by inhibiting protein synthesis
Therapeutic Action of Macrolides reat infections in pt with penicillin allergy, pertussis, diphtheria, chlamydia, Strep, Pneumonia mycoplasma, legionnaires
Side/Adverse Effects of Macrolides GI discomfort, Thrombophlebitis, Hepatotoxicity, Vertigo, hearing loss, dysrhythmias
Contraindications/precautions of Macrolides Contraindicated in pts with liver disease
Med/Food Interactions of Macrolides Minimize toxicity avoid using with antihistamines, asthma meds, anticonvulsants, anticoagulants (increased risk for bleeding), antifungals (causes macolides to become toxic)
Interventions of Macrolides take until full course is complete, administer on empty stomach, infusion should be slowly and diluted- ask for pain and irritation at IV site, admin with meals when has N/V/D, get baseline EKG
Other Medications of Macrolides erythromyosin, clindamycin, zithromax, biaxin, azithromycin, clarithromycin
Action of Aminoglycosides destroy microorganisms by disrupting protein synthesis
Therapeutic Action of Aminoglycosides med of choice against aerobic gram negative bacilli and oral aminoglycoside used for intestinal amebiasis and tapeworm
Side/Adverse Effects of Aminoglycosides ototoxicity – tinnitus, vertigo, more common in gentamycin than vancomysin !stop aminoglycoside if Sx occur! nephrotoxicity, intense neuromuscular blockage = respiratory depression
Contraindications/precautions of Aminoglycosides caution with pt with renal impairment
Med/Food Interactions of Aminoglycosides penicillin inactivates aminoglycoside when mixed in same IV solution
Interventions of Aminoglycosides peak and trough levels collected, monitor I&O, BUN, creatinine levels
Other Medications of Aminoglycosides *gentamicin*, streptomycin, tobramycin
Action of Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim (TMP-SMZ) inhibit bacterial growth by preventing synthesis of folic acid
Therapeutic Action of Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim (TMP-SMZ) med of choice for UTI, PCP, shigella, and bronchitis
Side/Adverse Effects of Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim (TMP-SMZ) hypersensitivity, St-John syndrome, Bleeding problems, Crystalluria, Jaundice, increased bilirubin levels, Photosensivity, Neurological toxicity- hallucinations, depression, agranulocytosis - decreased immune system, first sign sore throat
Contraindications/precautions of Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim (TMP-SMZ) Contraindicated in pts with folate deficiency, Do not use if creatinine clearance is <15ml/min, avoid women who are preggo near term, breastfeeding moms, infants less than 2 months
Med/Food Interactions of Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim (TMP-SMZ) Coumadin, dilantin, orinase – sulfonamides can increase effects of these meds by inhibiting hepatic metabolism
Interventions of Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim (TMP-SMZ) take until full course is complete, take on empty stomach with full glass of water, draw pts baseline and periodic CBC levels, increase fluid intake; 8-10 glasses of water/day
Other Medications of Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim (TMP-SMZ) Cotrim, Septra,*Bactrim
Action of Urinary Tract Antiseptics Broad spectrum urinary antiseptic with bacteriostatic action at low doses and bactericidial at high doses, Bacterial injury occurs by damage to DNA
Therapeutic Action of Urinary Tract Antiseptics Acute UTI, Prophylaxis for recurrent lower UTIs
Side/Adverse Effects of Urinary Tract Antiseptics GI discomfort, Peripheral neuropathy (numbness, tingling, muscle weakness)
Contraindications/precautions of Urinary Tract Antiseptics Contraindicated in pts with renal dysfunction and creatinine clearance less than 40ml/min
Med/Food Interactions of Urinary Tract Antiseptics admin with milk or meals
Interventions of Urinary Tract Antiseptics Urine will have brownish discoloration, Complete full therapy
Other Medications of Urinary Tract Antiseptics Macrodantin
Action of Antituberculosis Inhibits growth of mycobacteria by preventing synthesis of myocolic acid in cell wall
Therapeutic Action of Antituberculosis Indicated for active and latent TB, and leprosy, Latent(only daily for 6 mos) Active(mult meds therapy includ INH, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and or pyridoxine daily for 6 mos) penetrates CSF, and lesions
Side/Adverse Effects of Antituberculosis Peripheral Neuropathy (numbness/tingling in extremities), Hepatotoxicity, hyperglycemia
Contraindications/precautions of Antituberculosis INH contraindicated in pt with liver disease, do not give to pts who are poor acetylators
Med/Food Interactions of Antituberculosis Phenytoin – interferes with metabolism of phenytoin = accumulation; Alcohol, rifampin, and pyrazinamide increase risk for hepatotoxicity
Interventions of Antituberculosis take until course is complete, empty stomach, Serial monthly LFTs, Educate about color of body fluids(red/orange), admin 50-200mg of Vit B daily, stop if liver function tests results are elevated, teach about S/S of Dm (increased urine, thirst, hunger)
Medications of Antituberculosis INH, streptomycin, ethambutol, pyrazinamide
Action of Antivirals Acyclovir prevents reproduction of viral DNA
Therapeutic Action of Antivirals Med of choice for herpes simplex, herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus
Side/Adverse Effects of Antivirals Phlebitis and inflammation at site of infusion, Nephrotoxicity
Contraindications/precautions of Antivirals Caution in pt with renal impairment, dehydration, pt taking nephrotoxic meds
Interventions of Antivirals Never admin by IV bolus, Complete therapy, rotate IV sites, admin slowly over 1 hr
Medications of Antivirals Acyclovir, rebetol, Epivir HBV,
Action of Fluroquinolones Bactericidal as a result of inhibition of enzyme necessary for DNA replication
Therapeutic Action of Fluroquinolones Alternative to parenteral abx for pts with severe infections; Med of choice for prevention of anthrax in pt who have inhaled spore; Resp, urinary, GI tract inf; inf of bones, joints, skin and soft tissue
Side/Adverse Effects of Fluroquinolones GI discomfort, Achilles tendon rupture, Superinfection, headache, dizziness
Contraindications/precautions of Fluroquinolones Not admin to children <18
Interactions of Fluroquinolones with ____ _____(Al-Mg antacids, iron salts, sucralfate, milk and dairy products) causes a decrease in an absorption of cipro Cationic compounds
Interactions of Fluroquinolones (cipro) with Theophylline and Coumadin causes ____levels to increase plasma
Interventions of Fluroquinolones IV admin slowly over 60 min, For anthrax infection(admin q12h/60 days), Complete therapy, refrain from strenuous exercise, monitor PT, INR
Medications of Fluroquinolones Cipro
Action of Antifungal Acts on fungal cell membranes to increase cell permeability = leakage of intracellular cations leading to death
Therapeutic Action of Antifungal Med choice for systemic fungal infection-mycoses
Side/Adverse Effects of Antifungal Bone marrow suppression, Hypokalemia, Nephrotoxicity, Thrombophlebitis, fever and chills (shake & bake), cardiac arrest, N/V/D & hepatotoxic
Contraindications/precautions of Antifungal pt with renal impairment
Med/Food Interactions of Antifungal Aminoglycosides – nephrotoxic risk; Flucytosine – potentiated with concurrent use of amphotericin B; no anticoagulants with difucan may increase bleeding; increased oral DM-difucan lowers glucose
Interventions of Antifungal Highly toxic-life threating inf; Amphotericin B should be infused slowly over 2-4 hr by IV; Admin Heparin prior to THx; admin K supps; infuse 1L of saline on day of amphotericin B infusion; could admin muscle relaxants
Medications of Antifungal Fungizone, nystatin, nizoral
Action of Antiprotozoals Slows growth activity against anaerobic microorganism; interferes w/ erythrocyte phase of vector proliferation; polyenes
Therapeutic Action of Antiprotozoals used to treat H. Pylori in combo with tetracycline and bismuth salicylate; Plasmodium which causes malaria when bit by a mosquito
Side/Adverse Effects of Antiprotozoals metallic taste, darkened urine, CNS symptoms (numbness, ataxia, seizure), Retina toxic-blurred vision, photophobia, get baseline vision
Contraindications/precautions of Antiprotozoals Avoid during first trimester; use with caution in rest-can pass through placenta, caution with pt with renal impairment
Med/Food Interactions of Antiprotozoals avoid alcohol, inhibits inactivation of warfarin
Interventions of Antiprotozoals take until full course is complete (preventing:2 weeks, departure 4-6)
Medications of Antiprotozoals Flagyl
Created by: BrandiLynn
Popular Pharmacology sets




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