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what class of drug is amikin in? Aminoglycosides
What class of drug is gentamycin in? Aminoglycosides
What class of drug is nebcin in? Aminoglycosides
What class of drug is Keflex in and what generation? Cephalosporins, fisrt generation
What class of drug is kefzol, ancef in and what generation? Cephalosporins, first generation
What class of drug is cefaclor in and what generation? Cephalosporins, second generation
What class of drug is cefuroxime and what generation? Cephalosporins, second generation
What class of drug is cefdinir and what generation? Cephalosporins, third generation
What class of drug is ceftiaxone in and what generation? Cephalosporins, third generation
what class of drug is cefepime and what generation? cephalosporins, fourth generation
what class of drug is erythromycin in? Macrolides
what class of drug is clarithromycin in? Macrolides
what class of drug is azithromycin in? Macrolides
what class of drug is penicillin G in? Penicillins
what class of drug is penicillin Vk in? penicillins
What class of drug is ampicillin in? penicillins
what class of drug is extended-spectrum in? penicillins
what class of drug is amoxicillin-claculanate in? penicillins
what class of drug is piperacillin-tazobactam in? penicillins
what class of drug is carbenicillin penicillins
amikacin, gentamycin, and tobramycin are in what class? aminoglycosides
what are the cephalosporins first generation drugs? kelfex, and kefzol/ancef
What are the cephalosporins second generation drugs? cefaclor and cefurozime
what are the cephalosporins third generation drugs? cefdinir and ceftriaxone
what are the cephalosporins fourth generation drugs? cefepime
erythromycin, clarithromycin and azithromycin are what class of drugs? Macrolides
penicillin G, penicillin VK, amoxicillin, ampicillin, extended-spectrum, amoxicillin-clavulanate, piperacillin-tazobactam, an carbenicillin are what class of drug? penicillins
What is the first step of treatment to infections? identification of the causative oranism and the specific medication to which it is sensitive.
The results of C&S test will not be acailable for how many hours and what will the physician order in the meantime? 24-48, broad-spectrum
What is one example of organism resistant to most antibiotics? Methicillin resistant staphyulococcus aureus MRSA
A pt. comes in diganosed with MRSA what is the mostly liking medication the physician order? Vancomysin IV
What are serious side effects of Vancomysin IV? ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity
Some strains of enterococci have become resistant to most of the antibiotic including? Vancomycin
What are some infections in which treatment is limited and mortality rates are high and what are they caused by? UTIs, bacteremia, endocarditis cause by Vancomycin-resistant enterococci VRE
Section of anti infective drugs are based on what factors? status of hepatic and or renal functions, age of pt., pregnancy or lactation, likelihood of organisms developing resistance, and known allergy to the anti-infective drug.
what are some adcerse reactions to anti infectives? Allergic hypersensitivity, direct toxicity, and indirect toxicity
what is a overresponse of the body to a specific substance? hypersensitivity
A mild reaction with only rash, urticaria (hives) or mild fever is usually treated with? corticosteroids or antihistamines
A pt. who has a mild reaction to anti infectives the physician will more then likely lower the dosage of the medication or discontinue the medication? Discontinued
Sever allergic reactions may be manifested as? anaphylaxis
A pt. comes in complaining of chest constriction, dyspnea, signs of shock, and collapse this pt. is showing signs of what and how will it be treated? If not treated what may result? anaphylaxis, epinephrine, corticosteroids, and CPR. Death!!!
What is an important thing to do for the first sign of toxicity? discontinuance of medication
What results in tissue damage such as ototoxicit, nephrotoxicity hepatotoxicity, bld dyscrasias, phlebitis or phototoxicity Direct toxicity
Indirect toxicity is also known as? superinfection
What is manifested as a new infection with different resistant bacteria or fungi as a resulf of killing the normal flora in the intestines or mucous membranes esp with broad-spectrum antibiotics. Indirect toxicity
a pt. comes in complaining of diarrhea, vaginitis, stomatitis, and glossitits this pt. mostly likly has what? and what is the treatment? Superinfection. antifungal medications, butter milk yogurt in the diet or administering lactinex.
What is used to prevent superinfections esp severe colitis? probiotics available OTC in capsule form
Two pts come in one with escherichia coli a gram-negative bacteria infection the other with staphylococcus aureus a gram-positive bacteria what is the mostly likely medication the physician will order? Gentamycin in combination with other antibiotics
how are aminoglycosides usually administered? parenterally (IM or IV)
What are some serious side effects from aminoglycosides? Nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, Neuromuscular blocking, headache, tremor, lethargy, numbness, seizures, blurred vision, rash or urticaria
One is one important nursing duty when caring for a pt. taking aminoglycosides? Monitoring intake and urinary output.
There should be prompt reporting of what if any side effects when taking aminoglycosides? Kidney or hearing problems
semisynthetic antibiotic derivatives produed by a fungus Cephalosporins
Some pts allergic to penicillin are also allergic to Cephalosporins
In general cephalospoorins are what and active against many what? Broad spectrum, gram positive and negative bateria
Cephalosporins are classified as? first second and third or fourth generation
Cephalexin is usually effective against gram-positive organisms such as those causing some ___ ? Pneumonias or UTIs
Cefaclor is usuallly effective against many gram-positive and negative organisms such as ___? many strains causing bacterial influenza
Ceftriaxone are usually effective against more gram-negative bacteria than the others and sometimes used for __? STDs such as chancroid or gonorrhea.
What is essential to determine which cephalosporin is appropriate? C&S
What are the side effects of cephalosporins? Hypersensitivity, bld dyscrasias, renal toxicity, mild hepatic dysfunction, n/v/d, Phlebitis with IV an pain at site of IM injections, respiratory distress and seizures.
A pt. taking a cephalosporin drug would want to include what in their diet? buttermilk or yougurt to restore normal intestinal flora
pts. taking cephalosporins should watch for signs of __ ? abnormal bleeding checking stools an urine for bld.
Created by: brilacole
Popular Pharmacology sets




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