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composed of four chambers: two upper and two lower
anatomy of the heart : Atria, venticles, and septum
top two chambers atria
bottom two chamber ventricles
divides heart into right and left sides septum
Valaves of the heart: tricuspid, pulmonary,mitral/bicuspid, aortic
located between the right atrium and the right ventricle tricuspid valve
located between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery Pulmonary valve
located between the left atrium and the left ventricle mitral/bicuspid valve
located between the left ventricle and the aorta aortic
layers of the heart: pericardium, endocardium, myocardium
fliud-filled sac that surronds and protect the heart, permits freee movement of the heart during contraction pericardium
innermost wall layer; covers the inside surface of the heart endocardium
surronds heart and causes chamber contractions myocardium
function of the heart: provides oxygenated blood throughout the body by a pumping mechanism; pxygenated blood deposits materials necessary for growth and nourishment; recieves from tissues the waste produts resulting from metabolism.
sustained elevation of systemic arterial blood presure Hypertension
sympotoms for hypertension: severe headache; chest pain; irregular heartbeat; fatigue
pharmaceutical treatment includes diuretics, vasodilators, ace inhibitors, beta blockers and calcium channel blockers hypertension
congestive heart failure heart pumps out less blood than it recieves; results in weakened and enlarged heart
symptoms of CHF: upright posture or leaning forward; anxiety and restlessness; cyanotic and clammy skin; persistant cough; rapid breathing; fast heart rate; and edema of the lower limbs
pharmaceutical treatment includes cardiac glycosides, diureticd, vasodilators, ace inhibitors, beta-blockers, and phosphodieterase inhibitors CHF
Coronary Artery Disease CAD occurs when,, there is insuficient blood flow to the heart
CAD can lead to: Angaina; heart attack; arrythmias; stroke; pulmonary embolism; heart failure
pharmaceutical treatment includes platelet aggregation inhibitors, anticoaglants, tissue plasminogen activatios; and thrombin inhibitors CAD
restore normal rhythm patterns but do not cure the cause of the irregular heartbeat antiarrthythmic
used to increase the force of myocardial contraction, withour causing an increase in the consumption of oxygen cardiac glycosides
used to elimate excess sodium and water via the urinary tract diuretics
allow more blood to exit the heart, preventing or mitigating congestion; lower blood preassure vasoldialtors
lower high blood pressure; thought to reshape the heart; prevent the body from producing natural vasodilators ACE inhibitors
similar to ACE inhibitors; block the bodys natural vasodilatros Angiotensin II receptors blockers
used to block cells from recieving natural vasoconstrictors beta-adrenergic blockers
interfere with the manufacture of vasoconstrictors at nerve endings antidrehergic agents
reduce the ability of the blood to coaglate platelet aggregation inhibitors
prevent clots from forming or excisting clots from getting bigger anticoaglants
break down clots by reversing the clotting order and interfering with the synthesis of various clotting factors tissue plasminogen activators
inactive bound thrombin by binding to the enzyme and blocking its interaction with its substrates of fibrin thrombin inhibitors
help prevent the progression of coronary artery disease by lowering plasme lipid levels antihyperlipidemics
anticoaglants do: not thin out the blood; prevent clots from forming; prevent exsisting clots from getting bigger; cannot dissolve essxisting clots
oral DOC as an anticoaglant Warfarin
works by preventing the synthesis of clotting factors II,VII, IX and X Warfarin
used n the long-term prevention or managment of venous thromboembolic disorders Warfarin: Deep vein thrombosis; pulmonary embolism; and clotting associated with atrial fibrillation and prosthetic heart valves
____ may be used as an antidote when too much warfarin has been given Vitamin K
Parenetally administrated DOC Heparin
works by inactivating clotting factors IX,X,XI, and XII Heparin
Heparin used prophylactically to : prevent and treat deep vein thrombosis; Prevent and treat pulmonary embolism; treat thrombophlebbitis; prevent clotting during cardiac and vasculr surgery
the only antidote for heperain overdose is protamine sulfate
high density lipoprotiend or "good" cholsteral HDL
low density lipoprotiend or "bad" cholesterol LDL
a form of energy stored in adipose and muscle tissues triglycerides
often measuerd to depict fat ingestion and metabolism; and can be used to access CAD risk factors triglycerides
Created by: kaisudd
Popular Pharmacology sets




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