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Ears & Eyes

A & P

Astigmatism Odd or irregular shaped lens or cornea
Cataracts Irreversible and progessive clouding of the lens leading to blindness Caused by long-term exposure to ultraviolet light, radiation, certain diseases, ect.
Conjunctivitis Inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva caused by viral pink eye
Myopia Near-sightedness
Retina Innermost layer Contains light sensitive receptors
Conjunctiva thin, blook-rich transparent membrane covering the white portion of the eye and lining the eyelid
Choroid thin layer of blood vessels between retina and sclera
Sclera White of the eye Outer layer
Lacrimal Glands Tear glands~slightly antimicrobial Upper portion of the eye
Auricle Capture and funnel sound waves External appendages on each side of the head
Ceruminous Glands Glands that produce ear wax
Tympanic Membrane Elastic membrane that stretches over the internal end of the external auditory canal End of the inner portion of the external auditory canal
Middle Ear begins on the inside of the tympanic membrane Contains Auditory Ossicles & Eustanchian tube
Auditory Ossicles Three small bones: malleus incus stapes
Eustachian Tube Connects the middle ear to the upper part of the pharynx Equalizes air pressure
Inner Ear 3 areas: Vestibule Semicircular canals Cochlea
Vestibule Collects sound vibrations from the middle ear to the inner ear
Semicircular Canals Control balance, sense of body position, and equilibrium
Cochlea Spiral-shaped hollow cone filled with fluid Picks up vibrations from stapes and transforms sound waves into electrical signals for the brain
Organ of Corti Within Cochlea Contains sensitive hair cells that converts sound waves into nerve impulses
Acoustic Nerve The Otic Nerve and the Vestiular Nerve Connects the inside of the inner ear to the brain
Mydriasis When a radial (dilator) muscles contracts on the iris and the pupil dilates
Miosis When the iris's sphincter (circular) muscles contract and shrink the pupil
Focal Point Retina
Accommodation Ability of the lens to change shape in order to focus on objects at various distance
Rods Responsible for non-color vision under dim light conditions and sense motion
Cones Perceieve colors (red, green, blue)
Where are cones and rods located? Retina
Lacrimation Liquid product of a process Main purpose is to clean and lubricate
Lysozyme Natural substance in tears that fights off infection
Punctum Tiny ducts that ten to twenty percent of tears are forced into via blinking
Nasolacrimal Duct Tears go through from the Punctum to the Nasal Cavity
What does the horizontal canal detect? Head movements, such as turning the head or doing a spin
What is the fluid inside the Semi-circular canals? Endolymph
Provides proctection and assist in the lubrication of the eye Eyelids
Lies over the white portion of the eye and lines the eyelid Conjunctiva
Created by: lacythecoolest
Popular Pharmacology sets




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