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MCPHS - MedChem I Exam 2 (c)

Enzyme-Linked Domains? E.C. = N-terminal & Intra-cellular = C-terminal cytosolic domain (gen. Enzymatic)
What do Enzyme-Linked Receptors do? +/- phosates on proteins (cell signaling)
What does Phosate addition do? causes large neg charge added to protein. Changes 3D structure & activity. Teversible (reg in time & space)
Enzyme-Linked Rcptr Reactions are? Slower than GPCRs (min-Hrs)
What Functions do Enzyme-linked rcpts do? cell metab., growth, differntiation..
Four types for Enzyme-linked ? Tyrosine Kinase, Tyrosine Phosphatase (removes phos.), Ser/Thr Kinase, Guanylyl Cyclases (conv. GTP to cGMP)
Two types of EZ-Linked Tyr Kinase? (two ligands) Dimerized/Intrinsic Trans-PO4 (Growth Fxtrs, EGF, Insulin, BCR-ABl, Hormones) & Intracellular Domain Recruts (NTKs) possessing Kinase Activity ( Cytokines, Immune Cells - JAK Phos STAK that causes Gene Trans.) one ligand
Ez-Linked Tyr-Phosphatase? Single, Signal mech (immune cells) Removes Phos.
Guanylyl Cyclase? Ez-Linked, Smallest trans-membrane rcptr, B-Type Nat. Peptide, Particulate cGMP is Intrinsic
Guanylate Cyclase ? cGMP by NO in cytosol (solu)
Intracellular rcptrs? Reg Domain (where on gene attached), DNA Bind Domain (hsp 90 cover Zn fingers), Hinge Domain, Ligand Binding Domain (Which ligands will bind)
Cross Talk? %of types of rcptrs present on cell determine net effect
PSD - 95? Post Synaptic Density Protein has PDZ domains that link to trans-membrane receptors (example of how rcptrs don't fxn' alone)
Tubocurarine? Antagonist on nACh receptor binds to rcptr
Nicotin? Agonists on nACh rcptr
Affinithy? small amt drug needed, low Kd
Efficacy ? effecacy aka intrinsic activity (full or partical) ability to produce effect
Full Agonist? Same efficacy but diff affinity (epi acts on alph1 incr. BP, Phenylephrine acts to produce equ. response )
Phenylephrine is? Specific Agonist (w/less affinity than epi)
Epinephrine? Non-specific agonist
Partial Agonist? Incr. Conc. does not produce Max Response even if max rcpts are occupied
Can partial agonist have same affinity? yes, but less efficacious
Pilocarpine? partial agonist on mAChR (less salvation than ACh)
Inverse Agonist ? Opp to norm. response. 1) Allosteric Binding decrease Affinity for Agonist decreasing Response. 2)Spontaneously/Constitutively act. rcptr, Normally act. w/out ligand binding. Binding to a constitutive rcptr reduces response.
Constitutive 5-Ht rcptr? no ligand = activated, leads to schizophrenia, Olanzapine binds = inactivates, antipsycohotic effect)
Antagonists? Bock same site as endogenous ligand, but No Intrinsic activity/efficacy.
Phentolamine? Antagonist blocks Epinephrine on alpha1 Increasing Systolic BP (only part of the story)
Phentolamine w/out Epi? no real response
Epi in system before Phentolamine is administered? decreases BP by blocking Epi (which is a complecated net result of what other rcptrs epi works on)
Epi after Phentolamine ? Drop in BP
Two types of antagonists? Competitive (reversible) & Non-competitive (binds tight or on to allosteric site)
Cimetidine ? H2 Receptor Blocker (Competitive)
Propranolol? Beta-adrenergic Receptor Blocker (Competitive)
What does cimetidine look like? Histamine, so it blocks H2 receptor reducing acid secretion
What is an Irreversible antagonist? Non-Competetive (binds to either allosteric or active site, but dissociation is slow to none)
Phenoxybenzmine? irreversible antagonist strong bonds with alpha-adrenergic receptors
What does Penoxybenzamine block? Norepinephrine
Tubocurarine? Allosteric Binding Antagonist Non-Competitive blocking ACh stopping skeletal muscle contraction
tolerance is also called? adaption
receptor activity is regulated by? tolerance
angonists are ? down regulated (desesitization)
antagonists are? up-regulated (super-sensitivity)
what happens to receptors when morphine is administered for a long time? adaption
reversible adaption? can occur after a period of rest
rapidly developed tolerance is called? tachyphylaxis
What is Heterologous desensitization? sharing of effector that to receptor activations by different drugs cause both to be desensitzed
What else can cause decreased response? decrease in recptr synthesis by inhibition of trans/translation recptr encoding gene by drug
Receptor Phosphorylation does what? desensitization: Beta-adrenergic Rcptrs by B-ARK to Ser or Thr on C-terminal
What does Beta-arrestin do? binds to phosphate groups to prevent g-protein interaction
What happens when agonist is removed from desensitized receptor? B-arrestin dissociates and phos. is removed from G-Protein and now a response can be activated again
How does BARK do this? conformational change of tail on C-terminal that blocks cytosolic binding site of G-Protein
How long does BARK Cycle take? few min.s
What is another name for internalization? recycling of receptors
How long does receptor sequenstration ? sequestration cycle can take hours
What is CURL Compartment of Uncoupling of Receptr and Ligand where receptor is recycleed while ligand *(agonist) is degraded
What is retro endo cytosis some receptors and ligands are returned to cell surface
What is receptor degradation? Sim. to Sequestration but receptors & ligands are degraded. leads to loss of receptor number. Cycle takes DAYs to be able to respond again. Problematic in Asthma Tx.
What are states of VGSC? open, closed, closed -but unable to be activated
How fast are VGSC desensitized? Rapidly Sec.s
Amphetamine releases catecholamines doing what? Amphetamies deplete catecholaminess faster Exhausting Mediators
Degradation does what to drugs? Drugs like Barb's & Etoh activate enzymes that degrade them
What is supersensitiveity? Opp of Tolerance - Agonist causes a greater responce than normal
How does Supersensitiveity usually occur? Antagonists for polonged exposure may cause upregulation of receptors and when the antagonist is removed the natural endogenous ligand may cuase a much greater responce
What must pts do when on propranolol for a prolonged period of time? propranolol is a comptve blocking antagonist, so it must be tappered off, not stopped completely
What is Ser/Thr Kinases? Dimerzied (two ligands) Ser/Thr Kinases (CA progression - TGF-Beta rcptrs & MAPK ) phosphoralates either ser or thr
Created by: MCPHS
Popular Pharmacology sets




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