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Exam #2 Terms

Phamacology Exam #2 Terms

Andrenergic Drugs that mimic the actions of the sympathetic nervous system
Alpha-blockers (Andrenergic Blocker) Blocks the alpha 1 receptor found in the smooth muscle of the bladder and prostate causing relaxation
Antacids Agents that neutralize gastric hydrochloric acid
Antiandrogens Gonadotropic-releasing hormone anolog to treat prostate cancer
Antidiarrheals reduce the number of loose stools
Antiemetics prevents or treats nausea, vomiting or motion sickness
Antiflatulants used in the symptomatic treatment of gastric bloating
Antifungals used in the treatment of candidal and other specific suseptible fungi
Antineoplastics an agent that prevents the developement, growth or spreading of malignant cell
Anioxidents agents that inhibit or prevent oxidization or cell destruction in damaged or aging tissue
Antipruritics products applied topically to alleviate itching
Antiseptics Substances that inhibit the growth of bacteria
Antispasmodics medications used to reduce the strength and frequency of urinary bladder contractions and to decrease gastrointestinal motility
Antiulcer Drugs that reduce gastric acid secretion and treat or prevent gastric and duodinal ulcers
Antiviral medication used to treat viruses
Autonomic Automatic, self governing of involuntary nervous system
Bactericidal Destroy bacteria
Benign non recurrent or progressive non malignant
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) Benign irregular growth of prostatic glandular tissue
Beta-blockers (Andrenergic Blocker) Blocks beta receptor in the heart lowering rate and force of contraction
Bladder antispasmodics agents that treats urinary incontinence by relaxing the bladder
Chemotherapy Chemicals with specific and toxic effects upon disease producing organism
Cholinergic drugs Parasympathetic drugs that mimic the action of PNS
Cytotoxic substances that destroy cells
Deficiency lacking adequate amount
Diuretics Medication that increase urine excretion
Electrolytes Minerals dissolved in the fluids
Emollients Medication used topically to protect or soothe minor dermatological conditions
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) Backward flow of gastric secretions
Gout Form of arthritis in which uric acid crystals are deposited in and around joints
Herbals Plants or other substances occurring naturally that available OTC and are not regulated by the FDA
Histamine 2 Blockers Agents that block the histamine receptors found in the stomach to reduce gastric acid secretions
Hyerkalemia abnormally high potassium in blood that can cause cardiac arrhythmias
Hypokalemia abnormally low potassium in blood that can cause cardiac arrhythmias
Immunosuppressive Decreasing the amount of antibodies, phagocytes and decreasing inflammatory reaction
Keratolytics agents that promote loosening of scaling on the outer layer of sking
Laxatives Drugs that promote evacuation of the intestines
Malignant growing worse, resisting treatment
Minerals Chemical elements occurring in nature and in bodily fluids
Osmotic agents medication used to reduce intracranial pressure or intraocular pressure
Overactive Bladder (OAB) A sudden intense urge to urinate that may or may not less urination
Inflammatory Bowel disease (IBD) Chronic relapsing inflammatory disease of the GI tract
Palliative referring to the alleviation of symptoms but not producing a cure
Probiotics Agents have favorable or health promoting effects on living cells and tissue
Proliferating rapid reproduction
Protectants medication used topically to protect and soothe minor dermatological conditions
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI) Gastric anti secretory agent unrelated to H2 receptor antagonist used for short term symptomatic relief of GERD, ulcers , heart burn and erosive ulcers
Supplements products intended for ingestion as an addition to diet
Uricosuric agents promoting urinary excretion of uric acid
Urinary analgesics medication used to relieve burning pain and discomfort in the urinary mucosa
Created by: Chunkyscrub
Popular Pharmacology sets




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