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Pharmacy Technician

Peripheral Nervous System Drugs

What are local anesthetics used for? Minor surgery
How do local anesthetics work? Blocks conduction of impulses along nerves and prevents the sensation of pain from reaching the brain.
What are the side effects of local anesthetics? Allergies
What are Lidocaine (Xylocaine), Benzocaine (Anbesol, Orajel, and Solarcaine), Tetracaine (Pontocaine), and Cocoain (Schedule I) examples of? Local anesthetic drugs
What are Parasympathomemetic (Cholinergic) Agents used for? *Glaucoma *Bladder problems *Gastrointestinal problems *Alzheimer's Disease
How do Parasympathomemetic (Cholinergic) Agents work? *Salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, enhance the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system, opposes the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. *May be direct action on cholinergic receptors or indirect through inhibition of enzymes
What are the side effects of Parasympathomemetic (Cholinergic) Agents? *Diarrhea *Bradycardia *Hypotension
What are Pilocarpine (Pilocar) and Carbochol (Miostat) and what are they used for? Parasympathomemetic (Cholinergic) Agent that are used for glaucoma.
What is Bethanechol (Urecholine) and what is it used for? Parasympathomemetic (Cholinergic) Agent used for bladder problems.
What are Donepezil (Aricept) and Memantine (Namenda) and what are they used for? Parasympathomemetic (Cholinergic) Agent used for Alzheimer's Disease
What are Parasympathomemetic (Anti-cholinergic) Agents used for? *Anti-spasmodic *Anti-Parkinson's *Bronchial Disorders *Eye exams *Motion sickness *Overactive bladder
How do Parasympathomemetic (Anti-cholinergic) Agents work? Inhibit or reverse the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system and bind with cholinergic receptors and prevent binding of acetylcholine (they are antagonists).
What are the side effects of parasympathomemetic (Anti-cholinergic) Agents? *Urinary retention *Tachycardia *Dry mouth *Constipation *Mydriasis (pupil dilation)
What are Atropine and Benztropine (Cogentin)? Parasympathomemetic (Anti-cholinergic) Agent
What is Scopolamine and what is it used for? Parasympathomemetic (Anti-cholinergic) Agent used for motion sickness.
What is Oxybutynin (Ditropan) and what is it used for? Parasympathomemetic (Anti-cholinergic) Agent used for overactive bladder.
What are Neuromuscular Blocking Agents used for? Pre-operational muscle relaxant
How do Neuromuscular Blocking Agents work? *Block transmission of nerve impulses to skeletal muscles resulting in paralysis. *There is a narrow therapeutic index- when used, life sustaining respiratory support equipment must be available.
What are the side effects of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents? *Respiratory distress *Cardiac distress
What are Cisatracurium (Nimbrex), Succinycholine (Anectine), Pancuronium (Pavulon), and Vecuronium (Norcuron) examples of? Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
What are Adrenergic Antagonists (blockers)/ Sympatholytic Agents used for? *Hypertention *Heart disease *Migraine Headaches
How do Adrenergic Antagonists (blockers)/ Sympatholytic Agents work? Oppose the action of the natural messengers, epinephrine and norepinephrine, as their receptor sites.
What are the side effects of Adrenergic Antagonists (blockers)/ Sympatholytic Agents? *Dizziness *Syncope *Nasal Stuffiness
What are Propanolol (Inderal), Atenolol (Tenormin), Metaprolol (Lorpressor), Nadolol (Corgard), Timolol (Blacadren), Acebutolol (Sectral), Betaxolol (Betoptic), and Penbutolol (Levatol) examples of? Adrenergic Antagonists (blockers)/ Sypatholytic Agents-BETA BLOCKERS
B-1 receptors effect what organ? Heart
B-2 receptors effect what organ? Lungs
What is Ergotamine and what is it used for? Adrenergic Antagonists (blockers)/ Sympatholytic Agent- ALPHA BLOCKER used for migraines
What is Prazosin (Minipress) and what is it used for? Adrenergic Antagonists (blockers)/ Sympatholytic Agent- ALPHA BLOCKER used for blood pressure
What is Terazosin (Hytrin) and what is it used for? Adrenergic Antagonists (blockers)/ Sympatholytic Agent- ALPHA BLOCKER used for blood pressure
What is Tamsulosin (Flomax) and what is it used for? Adrenergic Antagonists (blockers)/ Sympatholytic Agent- ALPHA BLOCKER used for enlarged prostate
What is Labetolol (Trandate) and what is it used for? Adrenergic Antagonists (blockers)/ Sympatholytic Agent- ALPHA BETA BLOCKER used for blood pressure
What are Indirect Acting Sympathomimetic Agents used for? Facilitate the release of norepinephrine or block the re-uptake of norepinephrine in the neuronal membrane.
How do Indirect Acting Sympathomimetic Agents work? Increase the release of norepinephrine
What are the side effects for Indirect Acting Sympathomimetic Agents? *Habitual abortion *Blurred vision *Irritability *Insomnia *Nausea *Loss of appetite Dizziness *Tachycardia *Trouble Sleeping
What is Adderall and what are its side effects? Schedule II Amphetamine Indirect Acting Sympathomimetic Agent. Can cause; *HA *Blurred vision *Irritability *Insomnia *Nausea *Loss of appetite
What is Dextrostat, Dexedrine and what are its uses and side effects? Schedule II Amphetamine Indirect Acting Sympathomimetic Agent. Used for; *ADHD *Narcolepsy Side effects: *HA *Dizziness *Tachycardia
What is Methylphenidate (Ritalin) and what are its uses and side effects? Schedule II Amphetamine Indirect Acting Sympathomimetic Agent. Used for; *ADD/ADHD Side effects; *HA *Insomnia *Nausea *Trouble sleeping
What are Sympathomimetic Agents (Direct) used for? *HTN *Shock *Heart block *Ashma *Depression -Effects are complex and depend on where drugs take effect
How do Sympathomimetic Agents (Direct) work? Depends on where the drug takes effect
What are the side effects of Sympathomimetic Agents (Direct)? *HTN *Increased heart rate *Depeds where the drug takes effect
What is Clonidine (Catapres) and what is it used for? Sympathomimetic Agent (Direct) and legend used for blood pressure
What is Dobutamine (Dobutrex) and what is it used for? Sympathomimetic Agent (Direct) and legend used for increasing cardiac output
What is Levalbuterol (Xopenex) and what is it used for? Sympathomimetic Agent (Direct) and legend used for breathing
Created by: Martinafulgieri
Popular Pharmacology sets




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