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ANS Pharmacology

Fill-in-the-blanks about adrenergic and cholinergic drugs

Drug is used to treat...because it is a(n)...Major effect...
Methyldopa Hypertension alpha-2 agonist decrease SNS effects on vasculature
Prazosin Hypertension AND urinary retention from BPH alpha-1 antagonist decrease SNS effects on vasculature and smooth muscle
Terazosin Hypertension AND urinary retention from BPH alpha-1 antagonist decrease SNS effects on vasculature and smooth muscle
Doxazosin Hypertension AND urinary retention from BPH alpha-1 antagonist decrease SNS effects on vasculature and smooth muscle
Phenoxybenzamine Hypertension in PTs with excess catecholamines nonselective alpha antagonist decrease SNS effects on vasculature
Phentolamine Hypertension in PTs with excess catecholamines nonselective alpha antagonist decrease SNS effects on vasculature
Guanethidine Hypertension adrenergic neuron blocker decrease SNS effects by promoting degradation of NE
Amphetamine ADHD, obesity, fatigue, narcolepsy indirect sympathomimetic (blocks NE reuptake and potentiates its effects) potentiate NE effect in synapse
Reserpine Hypertension (formerly) indirect sympathoplegic (prevents NE entry into vesicles and promotes NE degradation) promote NE degradation --> decrease SNS activity
Dopamine poor renal perfusion by increasing natriuresis; shock; CHF, hypotension direct sympathomimetic AND activates D1 receptors increase SNS activity, increase natriuresis
Epinephrine Brochospasm, anaphylactic shock, restoration of cardiac activity following MI direct sympathomimetic activate all adrenergic receptors
Norepinephrine Hypotension direct sympathomimetic increase SNS effect on vasculature
Isoproterenol Bradycardia or heart block in emergencies nonselective beta agonist increase SNS effect on heart and CO
Dobutamine CHF (mainly) beta-1 agonist; also some alpha-1, beta-2 agonist effects increase inotropy
Phenylephrine Hypotension, induce mydriasis alpha-1 agonist increase peripheral resistance, constrict pupillary dilator muscle
Methoxamine Hypotension, induce mydriasis alpha-1 agonist increase peripheral resistance, constrict pupillary dilator muscle
Albuterol Asthma, bronchospasm, emphysema, suppress premature labor beta-2 agonist bronchodilation, smooth muscle relaxation
Metaproterenol Asthma, bronchospasm, emphysema, suppress premature labor beta-2 agonist bronchodilation, smooth muscle relaxation
Terbutaline Asthma, bronchospasm, emphysema, suppress premature labor beta-2 agonist bronchodilation, smooth muscle relaxation
Ritodrine Relax uterine smooth muscle, suppress premature labor beta-2 agonist bronchodilation, smooth muscle relaxation
Ephedrine Nasal congestion, orthostatic hypotension, bronchiolar asthma, induce mydriasis alpha-1 and beta-2 agonist, indirect sympathomimetic (stimulates NE release) increase BP, decrease secretions, bronchodilation, CNS stimulant
Yohimbin erectile dysfunction (formerly) alpha-2 antagonist increase SNS tone - hypertension, some peripheral vasodilation
Propranolol heart disease, hypertension, arrythmias, angina nonselective beta blocker decr inotropy, decr heart rate, decr CO, decr myocardial O2 demand, may cause bronchospasm (B2)
Pindolol heart disease, hypertension, arrythmias nonselective beta blocker; partial beta agonist less likely than propranolol to cause bradycardia, also less likely to help w/angina, may cause bronchospasm
Atenolol heart disease, hypertension, arrythmias, angina beta-1 antagonist (some relative B2 activity) decr inotropy, decr heart rate, decr CO, decr myocardial O2 demand
Metoprolol heart disease, hypertension, arrythmias, angina beta-1 antagonist (some relative B2 activity) decr inotropy, decr heart rate, decr CO, decr myocardial O2 demand
Labetalol heart disease, hypertension, arrythmias, angina beta-1 antagonist, partial alpha-1 antagonist + beta-2 agonist decr inotropy, decr heart rate, decr CO, decr myocardial O2 demand, some peripheral vasodilatory effects
Acetylcholine direct cholinergic PNS activation (muscarinic and nicotinic receptors)
Arecoline Recreational drug muscarinic agonist Potentiate PNS effects
Atropine Bradycardia, organophosphate toxicity, mydriatic, noninfectious diarrhea muscarinic antagonist (nonselective) Incr HR; "red as a beet, blind as a bat, dry as a bone, hot as a hare, mad as a hatter"
Botulinum Toxin Muscle spasticity, wrinkles spasmoloytic, anticholinergic inhibits presynaptic vesicle fusion (+ ACh release) at NMJ
Curare (formerly) paralytic/muscle relaxant for surgery antinicotinic, nondepolarizing NM blocker, nonselective for all ACh receptors, competitive antagonist Muscle paralysis, considerable histamine release (edema, hypotension, tachycardia)
Edrophonium diagnose myasthenia gravis noncarbamate AChE inhibitor Tensilon test - transient incr ACh --> sudden, short-lasting improvement in MG Sx
Glycopyrrolate Preoperatively: reduce secretions muscarinic antagonist (nonselective) Blocks ACh @ PNS sites on smooth m., secretory glands
Hexamethonium (formerly) paralytic and treatment of hypertensive crises Nn antagonist at PNS and SNS ganglia Loss of ALL autonomic tone
Neostigmine Reverse nondepolarizing NM blockade from surgical anesthesia; myasthenia gravis anticholinesterase reverse nondepolarizing block; PNS stimulation of heart
Muscarine muscarinic agonist bradycardia, vasodilation, miosis, PNS stimulation
Nicotine smoking cessation nicotinic agonist, relatively selective for Nn receptor Crosses BBB: PNS + SNS activation: EPI release from adrenal medulla, incr HR, BP, vasoconstriction
Parathion insecticide anticholinesterase, organophosphate insects metabolize into active AChE inhibitors
Physostigmine glaucoma, atropine overdose, myasthenia gravis, Alzheimer's anticholinesterase crosses BBB, miosis
Pilocarpine glaucoma muscarinic agonist (nonselective) miosis, increased muscle tension in ciliary body --> decr intraocular pressure
Pralidoxime (2-pam) Organophosphate toxicity cholinesterase regenerator Remove phosphorylating group from AChE
Rocuronium surgical paralytic antinicotinic, nondepolarizing NM blocker, Nm selective, competitive antagonist Prevents depolarization at NMJ --> skeletal muscle paralysis
Sarin Organophosphate toxin (nerve gas) anticholinesterase ACh accumulates @ NMJ, ganglia: DUMBELS (diarrhea, urination, miosis + muscle weakness, bronchospasm, excitation, lacrimation, seizures, sweating, salivation), coma, death
Scopolamine motion sickness; preanesthetic for sedation, amnesia, drying of secretions antimuscarinic decrease GI tone, motility, secretions; more CNS FX than atropine
Succinylcholine Paralytic for emergency tracheal intubation depolarizing blocker, Nm selective nicotinic agonist Rapid onset of paralysis, Na+ channels inactivated until endplate repolarizes
Varenclinine (Chantix) smoking cessation partial Nn receptor agonist CNS, nausea, suicidal ideation (??)
Clonidine Hypertension alpha-2 agonist decrease SNS effects on vasculature
Created by: eemolee27
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