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Duke PA ph antiarrhy

Duke PA pharm antiarrhythmics

Amiodarone (Pacerone, Cordarone) Considered class III but has properties of all three classes
Digoxin (Lanoxin) Inhibits the sodium potassium ATPase pump
A system of classifying antiarrhythmic medications based on simplified electrophysiologic actions Vaughan-Williams
Procainamide (Procan SR, Procanabid) Type IA
Modulation/blockade of sodium channels Type I antiarrhythmics
The class that exhibits slow conduction velocity and prolongs action potential duration Type IA
Quinidine (Quinidex) Type IA
Disopyramide (Norpace) Type IA
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Type IB
Mexiletine Type IB
Class that has no effect on conduction velocity, May shorten action potential duration Type IB
Flecainide (Tambocor) Type IC
Propafenone (Rhythmol) Type IC
Moricizine Type IC
Slows coduction velocity and may prolong action potential duration (mildly) Type IC
Mexiletine Oral analog of Lidocaine
Lidocaine unlike other class I antiarrhytmics it can be used in patients with active ischemia
Beta blockers Type II
Beta blockers Inhibit phase IV (depolarizing current) and prolong repolarization
Beta blockers decrease sympathetic stimulation of myocardium
Beta blockers slow the sinus rate
Amiodarone (Pacerone, Cordarone) Type III
Sotalol (Betapace) Type III
Dofetilide (Iikosyn) Type III
Ibutilide Type III
Blockade of potassium channel Type III
Prolongation of action potential plateau, repolarization, and refractor period Type III
Verapamil Type IV
Diltiazem Type IV
Calcium channel blockers Type IV
Blockade of calcium channel Type IV
slows conduction velocity through AV node and prolongs refractory period Type IV
Sets of the initial depolarization Phase IV
Does not increase mortality in high risk patients-has a higer safety level than the other classes Type III
Ibutilide IV administration only -one time use for conversion-no long term treatment
Anticipated ECG change for this type is prolongation of the QT interval Type IA
Usually no ECG changes in therapeutic doses Type IB
Anticipated ECG changes for this type is prolongation of the PR and QRS intervals Type IC
Anticipated ECG change for this type is prolongation of the QT interval Type III
This type is used for atrial and ventricular tachyarrhythmias Type IA
This type is used for ventricular arrhythmias Type IB
This type is used for atrial and ventricular arrhythmias Type IC
Procainamide (Procan SR, Procanabid) Used for WPW
This type is used for atrial and ventricular arrhythmias Type II
This type is used for atrial and ventricular arrhythmias Type III
This type is used for atrial arrhthmias Type IV
Procainamide (Procan SR, Procanabid) SE-lupus like syndrome, torsades
Disopyramide (Norpace) SE-anticholinergic symptoms, heart failure, torsades (QT prolongation)
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) SE-seizures, CNS
Amiodarone (Pacerone, Cordarone) SE-many toxic side effects (Pulmonary fibrosis, hypo/hyperthyroidism, photophobia, liver toxicity, blue staining of skin.
Amiodarone (Pacerone, Cordarone) Has a very large volume of distribution
Amiodarone (Pacerone, Cordarone) Has a half life of 15-180 days
Amiodarone (Pacerone, Cordarone) If patient is on Warfarin at the time of prescription, cut the Warfarin dose by 30-50%
Procainamide (Procan SR, Procanabid) Used for hemodynamically stable VT
Procainamide (Procan SR, Procanabid) Limited role in a-fib/a-flutter
Quinidine (Quinidex) SE-include chinchonism, hypotension, torsades, hemolytic anemia
Quinidine (Quinidex) Use with digoxin leads to increased digoxin concentration
Disopyramide (Norpace) Indicated for conversion/maintenance of sinus rhythm in patients with a-fib/a-flutter
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Used for management of VT or pulseless VT/Vfib
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Dose determined by liver function
Flecainide (Tambocor) used in a-fib/a-flutter for maintenance of sinus rhythm
Flecainide (Tambocor) Avoid in patients with structural heart disease or history of CAD
Propafenone (Rhythmol) Indicated for conversion/maintenance of sinus rhythm in patients with a-fib/a-flutter
Dofetilide (Tikosyn) Indicated for conversion/maintenance of sinus rhythm in patients with a-fib/a-flutter
Dofetilide (Tikosyn) Starting dose based on estimated creatinine clearance. Contraindicated in patients with CrCl <20 ml/min.
Sotalol (Betapace) used in a-fib/a-flutter for maintenance of sinus rhythm
Stroke risk index based on a point system, integrating risk based on various co-morbidities CHADS2
The C in CHADS2 stands for Cardiac failure (one point)
The H in CHADS2 stands for Hypertension (one point)
The A in CHADS2 stands for Age >75 years (one point)
The D in CHADS2 stands for Diabetes (one point)
The S2 in CHADS2 stands for Sroke or TIA (you get 2 points for this one)
CHADS2 score of 0-1 Low risk-treat with full dose asa
CHADS2 score of 2 and above High risk-treat with Warfarin
Most common arrhythmia A-fib
Characterized by rapid and disorganized atrial activation with ventricular responses of 120-180 bpm A-fib
A-fib management in the hemodynamically stable patient Ventricular rate control with beta blocker, calcium channel blocker, or digoxin
A-fib management in the hemodynamically stable patient Anticoagulation therapy
A-fib management in the hemodynamically unstable patient Cardioversion
When a-fib is symptomatic, recurrent and failed response of greater than or equal to 1 AAD plus rate contrel consider ablation
Beta blockers safe and effective treatment for Ventricular Premature Beat suppression
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Sustained monomorphic V-tach with LVEF <40% and expected ischemia/MI
Created by: bwyche
Popular Pharmacology sets



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