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#je$$ stack112 wk 3

#1jess pharm 112 term week 3

acetylcholinesterase enzyme that degrades acetylcholine and reverses acetylcholine induced depolarization
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis degenerative disease that causes muscle wasting and weakness
anaphylactic shock acute, life threatening allergic reaction
blepharoptosis condition that causes the eyelid muscles to droop
botulinum toxin poison produced by the bacterium clostridium botulinum that causes muscle paralysis
centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxant drug that produce relaxation of muscles through central nervous system depression blocking nerve transmission between the spinal cord and muscles
cerebral palsy neurological disorder that affects muscle movement and coordination
clonus rhythmic muscle contradiction that causes the feet and wrists to involuntary flex and relax
depolarizing neuromuscular blockers drugs that act as agonists at acetylcholine receptor sites and produce sustained depolarization
diaphoresis excessive sweating
endotracheal intubation process of inserting a tube down into the trachea to facilitate mechanical ventilation
endplate projection extending off the end of a motor neuron where the neurotransmitter acetylcholine is released
lower motor neuron neurons that branch out from the spinal cord to the muscles and tissues of the body
multiple sclerosis autoimmune disease that causes progressive damage to nerves resulting in spasticity, pain, mood changes. etc.
negative symptoms spasticity symptoms that can produce muscle weakness, decreased endurance, and reduction in the ability to make voluntary muscle movements
neuromuscular junction space between motor neuron endplate and the muscle soleplate that neurotransmitters must cross
nondepolarizing competitive blockers drugs that compete with acetylcholine for binding sites
peripheral acting muscle relaxants drugs that cause nerve transmission between the motor endplate and skeletal muscle receptors
phenylketonuria disease marked by failure to metabolize the amino acid phenyalanine to tyosine
positive symptoms spasticity symptoms that cause muscle spasms and hyperexcitable reflexes
sarcomere contracting unit of muscle fibers
soleplate portion of the membrane of muscle cells that receives messages transmitted by motor neurons
spasticity motor disorder that causes increased muscle tone, exaggerated tendon jerks and hyperexcitable muscles
tetanus fatal condition characterized by continuous muscle spasms
upper motor neurons neurons that carry messages from the brain down to the spinal cord
Created by: je$$tech
Popular Pharmacology sets




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