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anatomy s.o.

nervous system

The _______ nervous system consists of all nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. Peripheral
The _______ nervous system controls involuntary actions of the internal organs. Autonomic
Chemical messengers that relay impulses across nerve junctions are called. Neurotransmitter
The bio-electrical signals conducted by nerve cells are known as. Neural Impulse
Conditions or events that cause the body to react are called. Stimuli
The _______ nervous system is reponsible for voluntary movements and the senses. Somatic
The _______ nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. Central
A quick involuntary response to a sensory stimulates (e.g. knee-jerk) is called. Reflex Action
What kind of actions are controlled by the somatic nervous system? Involuntary
The 12 pains of nerves that emerge directly from the brain are collectively called. Cranial Nerves
Which nerves carry smell impulses from receptors in the nose to the brain? Olfactory Nerves
The 31 pairs of nerves that emerge from spinal cord segiments are collectively called Spinal Nerves
What kind of actions are controlled by automatic nervous system? Voluntary
Which nerves carry light impulses from the retina to the brain? Optic Nerves
Name the thick column of nervous tissue that connects the brain to all parts of the body. Spinal Cord
Neuron that carries stimuli impulses to the brain or spinal cord is termed as. Sensory Neuron
What part of the brain controls thought, voluntary movement, language and reasoning? Cerebrum
Neuron that carries signals from brain to the muscles to control movement is called. Motor Neuron
What type of response protects your hand when it touches a hot surface? Reflex
The right hemisphere of the brain controls which side of the body? Left
Heartbeat, breathing, digestion are functions controlled by which nervous system? Automatic
The left hemisphere of the brain controls which side of the body? Right
What part of the brain controls the balance and coordinates body movements? Cerebellum
Nerve ending that recognizes a stimulus in th4e environment and converts it into a signal. Sensory Receptor
Short bushy fibers of a neuron that receive impulses from other neurons are called. Dendrite
Neuron that carries stimuli impulses to the brain or spinal cord is termed as. Sensory Neuron
What is the scientific term for a nerve cell-cell that conducts bioelectrical signals? Neuron
Name the tiny gap between nerve fibers where impulses pass from one neuron to another. Synapse
Neuron that carries signals from the brain to the muscles to control movement is called. Motor Neuron
Chemical messengers that relay electrical impulses across a synapse are called. Neurotransmitter
Long extension of a nerve cell that carries impulses to other neurons, muscles or glands is called. Axon
What part of the brain controls hunger, thirst, body temperature, and sleep cycle? Hypothalamus
What specific part of the brain controls breathing, heart rate and blood pressure? Medulla
Protective cushion of liquid that circulates in the brain and spinal cord. Cerebrospinal Fluid
Name the large band of neural fibers that connects the two brain hemispheres. Corpus Callosun
Name the part at the top of the spinal cord that controls body's involuntary actions. Brain Stem
What part of the brain controls the balance and coordinates body movements? Cerebellum
Large part of the brain that controls thought, voluntary movement, language and reasoning? Meninges
Name 3 protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. Cerebrum
Progressive disease that destroys brain cells and causes muscular tumors and rigidity. Parkinson's Disease
Damage to brain tissue due to sudden bleeding or blocking of blood vessel in the head. Stroke
Swelling of the brain due to water retention usually after head injury. Cerebal Edema
Abnormal growth of brain tissue that can compress and destroy healthy brain tissue. Brain Tumor
Brain disorder resulting in gradual loss of memory, reasoning, language and physical functioning. Alzheimer's Disease
Injury to the brain caused by sudden impact, usually causing unconsciousness. Concussion
Central nervous system disorder characterized by loss of consciousness and severe convulsions. Epilepsy
Infection and inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis
The chemical product of an endocrine gland is called. Hormone
Feed back mechanism that maintains hormone levels within narrow ranges is called. Negative Feedback
Diabetes, a common disease, is a disorder of which endocrine gland? Pancreas
To produce a response, what do hormones bind to on the surface of target cells? Receptors
An example of a fast-acting hormone is. Adrenaline
Feedback mechanism that steadily increases hormone levels during stimuli is called. Positive Feedback
An example of a slow-acting hormone is. Human Growth Hormone
Endocrine glands secrete directly into what area of your body? Blood System
Releases hormones including insulin that control the blood sugar level and fat metabolism. Pancreas
Releases hormone that affects the wake-sleep patterns and biological rhythms. Pineal Gland
Releases hormone that control the amount of calcium in the blood and within the bones. Parathyroid Gland
Releases hormones that control growth, blood pressure, reproductive functions, and other glands. Pituitary Gland
Releases hormone that controls body's reaction to stress(fight or flight response). Adrenal Gland
Releases testosterone that causes development of male reproductive organs and features. Testis
Releases hormones that regulates basal metabolic rate, oxygen use and heat production. Thyroid Gland
Created by: frenchfry



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