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EKG Final 9/6

What are the structures that control movement of the AV valves? papillary muscles
What is the structure that is sometimes referred to as the dividing wall and separates the right and left side of the heart? septum
What chamber of the hear has the thickest myocardial wall and is described as the major pump of the heart? left ventricle
What are the upper chambers of the heart called? Atria
What are the lower chambers of the heart called? Ventricles
What is the function of the heart? to pump blood to the body
The right side of the heart receives blood from? and sends blood to? From body, to lungs
The left side of the heart receives blood from? and sends blood to? from lungs to body
What is the blood flow through the heart? SVC/IVC-RA-TV-RV-PV-PA-LUNGS-PV-LA-MV-LV-AV-AO-BODY
What is the direct effect of ventricular depolarization? Mechanical contraction of the ventricles
What is the resting membrane potential? -80/-90 mv
What is the action potential? +30/+40 mv
What are the areas of automaticity? SA node, Internodal fibers, AV node, Bundle of His, Bundle branches and Purkinje fibers
What areas do not normally use automaticity? Everything but the SA node
What structures have excitability? Pacemaker and muscle cells
What is the All or None principle? The heart muscle will not respond to an action potential less than 30
The ability of the myocardium to initiate its own electrical impulse is? automaticity
The ability of the myocardium to respond to electrical impulses is? Excitability
What is conductivity? the ability to propagate an impulse
What waveform represents depolarization of the atria? P WAVE
What waveform represents AV delay? PR segment
What waveform represents combined atrial depolarization and AV delay? PR interval
What waveform represents depolarization of ventricles? QRS Complex
What waveform represents ventricular contraction? ST segment
What waveform represents re-polarization of ventricles? ST segment
When doing a standardization it should measure? 10mm or 1 mv
Whenever a change is in motion... a current is produced
If the SA node has a permeability change of 60-100 bpm the heart will be 60-100 bpm
When 2 or more limbs are used to form a neutral negative point this is called? unipolar
What are the unipolar limb leads? AVR, AVL, AVF, chest leads
What are the bipolar limb leads? I, II, III
Which lead is usually used for continuous monitoring of the heart? II
Lead I measures current flow between? RA- AND LA+
Lead II measures current flow between? RA- and LL+
Lead III measures current flow between? LL+ and LA-
Current moving toward a positive electrode records a what deflection? positive
A current moving away from a positive or toward a negative records a what deflection? negative
The galvanometer fluctuates due to what? A current flowing through a magnectic field
When doing the chest leads the limb leads act as a positive or negative electrode? negative
What are the two principles stylus works on? Heat and pressure
What is the rate of automaticity fro the SA Node? 60-100 bpm
What is the rate of automaticity fro the AV Node? 40-60 bpm
What is the rate of automaticity fro the bundle of His, bundle branches and purkinje fibers? 20-40 bpm
What is the function of the patient cable? carry the electrical current from the patient to the machine
What is the function of electrodes? Carry electrical current from patient to patient cable
The ECG machine operates on how many volts and what cycle output? 110-120 volts and 60 cycle outlet
What is the usual paper speed? 25mm/sec
When measuring vertically each small square is equivalent to? .1 mv
When measuring horizontally each small square is equivalent to? .04 sec
What is the usual standard knob setting? gain x1
If your receive a wandering baseline during chest leads, how would you correct it? ask the patient to hold their breath, make sure cable isnt hanging
To decrease the amount of muscle tremors where should you place electrodes? On trunk of body
What are the causes of indistinct baseline? too much or too little heat and pressure
AC interference is on the patient or machine end? machine end
If muscle tremor is recorder on leads I and II what would be the probable cause? RA
What is the abbreviation for electrocardiogram? ECG
Why does AVR normally have a negative deflection? Current in the heart is going toward a negative electrode
What supplies the cardiac musculature with oxygenated blood? coronary arteries
Where do the coronary arteries originate from? Aorta
What does systole mean? contraction
What does diastole mean? Relaxation
Cardiac venous blood enters the right atrium via the? coronary sinus
What is the outer layer of the heart? Epicardium
What is the middle layer of the heart? Myocardium
What is the inner layer of the heart? endocardium
The amount of blood pumped out to the body by the LV each minute is?? cardiac output
Created by: lecopple1
Popular Medical sets




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