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Chapter 5 A/P

Chpt 5 Human Anatomy/Physiology review

Acidosis A dangerous condition in which the pH of the blood is abnormally low (acidic)
Alkalosis A dangerous condition in which the ph of the blood is abnormally high (alkaline)
Alveoli Tiny air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place
Anabolism A constructive process by which the body converts simple compounds into complex substances needed to carry out the cellular activities of the body
Anatomic position The position of standing erect,arms at the side,with eyes and palms facing forward.In describing the direction or the location of a given point of the the body, medical personnel normally refer to the body as if the pt were in the anatomic position
Anatomy The structure of an organism or the science of the structural composition of living organisms. In humans, the structural composition of the body
Anterior Pertaining to or referring to the front of the body; also called ventral
Avascular Without blood or lymph vessels
Axons Threadlike fibers that carry messages away from the nerve cell body
Body cavities Large, hallow spaces in the body that house the various organs
Body plane A flat surface resulting from a real or imaginary cut through a body in the normal anatomic position
Bursae (singular - Bursa) Small synovial fluid-filled sacs in the vicinity of joints; they ease friction between joint parts or tendons and bone
Cartilage A type of hard, nonvascular connective tissue
Catabolism The process by which complex substances are broken down into simple ones, including the digestion of food
Diaphragm The down-shaped muscle that separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity
Distal Farthest from the center of the body, origin, or point of attachment
Dorsal Posterior or pertaining to the back
Endocrine glands Glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream
Exocrine glands Glands that secrete substances through ducts
Frontal plane Divides the body vertically into front and back portions; also called coronal plane
Gametes Sex cells
Hemopoiesis Production and development of blood cells and other formed elements, normally in the bone marrow
Homeostasis The "steady state" (state of equilibrium or balance)of the internal environment of the body, which is maintained through feedback and regualtion in response to internal and external changes
Hormones Powerful chemical substances that affect many body processes
Meninges Three layers of connective tissue that enclose the spinal cavity
Metabolism The sum of all the physical and chemical reactions necessary to sustain life
Mitosis A type of cell duplication that involves DNA doubling and cell division
Nephron The microscopic functional unit of the kidneys
Neuron The fundamental working unit of the nervous system
Phalanges (singular - phalanx) Bones of the fingers or toes
Physiology The function of an organism or the science of the functions of living organisms
Pituitary gland Endocrine gland, under the control of the hypothalamus, which secretes hormones that control other glands; sometimes called the master gland
Proximal Nearest to the center of the body or point of attachment
Sagittal plane The plane that divides the body vertically into right and left portions
Supine/supination Lying on the back with the face up - The condition of being supine or the act of turning the body or body part face up
Surfactant A substance that coats the walls of the alveoli, lowering the surface tension and helping to keep the alveoli inflated
Synovial fluid Viscid (sticky), colorless fulid found in joint cavities
Transverse plane The plane that divides the body horizonatally into equal upper and lower portions
Ventral cavities Internal spaces located in the front
Prone/pronation Lying face down - The condition of being prone, or the act of turning the body or body part face down
Human anatomy deals with structural compostion of the body
A perosn who is standing erect with arms at the side and eyes and palms facing foward is said to be in the anatomical position
Pronation of the hand is the act of turning the hand palm down
Which body plane divides the body into equal portions Midsagittal
When you are facing someone in normal anatomical positon, at which body pane are you looking Frontal
Which body plane divides the body into upppe and lower portions Transverse
Which of the following is a true statemnet The big toe is on the medial side of the foot
Which of these statements is true The abdominal cavity is inferior to the diaphragm
The term distal means Farthest from the point of attchment
The plantar surface of the foot is the sole or bottom
An example of a dorsal body cavity is the spinal cavity
The heart and lungs are located in the body cavity Thoracic
Which body cavities are separted by the diaphragm abdominal and thoracic
Simple compound are transformed by the body into complex substances in the process called anabolism
This term describes the balanced or steady state condition normally maintained by the body Homeostasis
The result of all chemical and physical reactions in the body that are necessary to sustain life is called medabolism
Human chromosomes are strands of deoxyribonucleic acid
Which one of the following cellular structures play a role in assembling proteins from amino acids Ribosome
The cellular structure contains the chromosomes and is called the command center of the cell Nucleus
This are oval or rod shaped organelles that play a role in energy production Mitochondria
Which of the following is adipose tissue fat
The skeletal system produces blood cells
Which of the following is a disorder associated with the skeletal system Osteochondritis
Which of the following laboratory tests is associated with the skeletal system Alkaline phosphatase
Skeletal system structures include phalanges
Which of the following bones are categorizeed as short bones Carpals
Which of the following is one way muscle type is determined Nervous control
Which of the following is an abbreviation for a test that is associated with the muscular system CK - Creatine kinase
Wasting or decrease in size of a muscle because of inactivity is called atrophy
Which type of muscle is under voluntary nervous control Skeletal
Which of the following is a function of the muscular system Maintenance of posture
The skin layers or structures are identified by numbers 1,2 and 3 epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous
Which of the following is a function of the skin Temperature regulation
Which skin structure give rise to fingerprints Papillae
Blood vessels of the skin are found only in the Corium (dermia) and subcutaneous tissue
Which of the following tests is often associated with the integumnetary system Fungal culture
Mitosis takes place in this skin structure stratum germinativum
Which of the following is an integumentary system disorder impetigo
This skin layer is avascular epidermis
The integumnetary system produces melanin
Cells in this skin structure can be described as stratified and keratinzed epithelial cells epidermis
The brain and spinal cord comprisse the central nervous system
Which of the following is a nervous system test CSF - cerebospinal fluild analysis
The structure of a motor neuron dendrites, cell body, cell nucleus and axon
Which of the following is a nervous system disorder encephalitis
The spinal cavity is enclosed and protected by three layers of connective tussue called meninges
Which of the following structures belong in the peripheral nervous system afferent nerves
The fundamental units of the nervous system are the neurons
This disorder involves destruction of the myelin sheath of nerves Multiple sclerosis
Which of the following glands is an integumentary system structure Sebaceous
Erythropoietin is a hormone secreted by the kidneys
Excessive growth hormone in adulthood can cause acromegaly
A disorder in which the pancreas is unable to produce insulin is diabetes I
Although they are not glands these body structures secrete a hormone called b type natriuretic peptide (BNP) Ventricles
The glands in order hypophysis(pituitary), thyroid, thymus, and adrenals
T4 and TSH are abbreviations for tests that measure the function of the thyroid
This gland is called the master gland of the endocrine system Pituitary
Growth hormone (GH) levels test the function of the Pituitary
Which of the following substances is secreted by the islets of Langerhans glucagon
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is also called vasopressin
This gland produces fight or flight hormones adrenal
Calcitonin levels test the function of the thyroid
Which gland is most active before birth and during childhood thymus
This gland is affected by light and helps create the diurnal rhythm of the sleep wake cycle pineal
This hormone increase metabolism thyroxine
Which of the following structures is part of the digestive system gallbaldder
Which of the following is a test of a degestive system organ bilirubin
Hepatitis is a disorder that primarily affects the liver
Bile is stored in the gallbladder
Diagnostic test of the digestive system include amylase and lipase
Digestive system structures include the esophagus and salvary glands
Reproductive system functions include production of gametes
Which of the following is a structure of the make reproductive systme epididymis
What of the following is an abbreviataion for a test of the male but not the female reprodcutive system PSA - prostate specific antigen
Which of the following are male gametes sperm
Female gametes are producted in the ovaries
Which of the following is an abbreviation for a female reproductive system test FSH - follicle stimulating hormone
Which of the following is a structure of the female reproductive system Oviduct
This disease is associated with the reproductive system Gonorrhea
Which of the following is a urinary system test creatinine clearance
Which of the following are urinary system structures glomeruli, nephrons, ureters
Which of the following is a function of the urinary system electrolyte balance
Which of the following is normally a urinary system disorder cystitis
This substance, secreted by the kidney, plays a role in increasing blood pressure Renin
These tufts of capillaries are the filtering components of the urinary system glormeruli
Which of the following is an abbreviation for respiratory system test ABG - arterial blood gase
During internal respiration oxygen enters the cells in the tissue
During normal respiratory function, bicarbonate ion acts as a buffer to keep blood pH within a steady range of 7.35 to 7.45
Acidosis can result from increased blood pH leves
The ability of oxgen to combine with this substance in the red blood cells increases by up to 70 times the amount of oxygen that can tbe carried in the blood hemoglobin
A major cause of respiratory distress in infants and young children is infection with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Which of the following are rspiratory system structures Bronchioles, epiglottis, pleura
The exchange of 02 and CO2 in the lungs takes place in the alveoli
Decrease partial pressure of oxygen (PO2)in the capillaries of the tissues causes oxygen to disassociate from hemoglobin
Infant respiraatory distress syndrome (IRDS) in premature infants is most often caused by a lack of surfactant
This is the abbreviation for a respiratory system disorder caused by an acid fast bacillus Tuberculosis (TB)
A person is having difficulty breathing. The team used to describe this condition is dyspnea
Which body system controls and coordinates the activities of all the other body systems nervous
Elimination of waste products is a functins of this body system digestive
The medical term for elevated blood sugar is hyperglycemia
This body system is responsible fo releasing hormones directly into the bloodstream endocrine
Pancreatitis is a disorder of this system digestive
Powerful chemical subsdtances secreted directly into the bloodstream by certain glands are called hormones
Hematopoiesis is a function of the body system skeletal
Created by: mmfleischer



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