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a & p chap 1

medical terminology involves use of word roots, prefixes, suffixes, & combining forms to construct terms related to the body in health & disease
eponyms commemorative names
terminologia anatomica (TA) worldwide standard of anatomical vocab
how are A & P closely integrated? all specific functions are performed by specific structures
gross anatomy macroscopic anatomy (i.e. surface, regional, systemic, developmental, clinical)
surface anatomy study of general form & superficial markings
regional anatomy focuses on anatomical organization of specific areas of the body
systemic anatomy study of structure of organ systems
developmental anatomy describes changes that occur between conception & physical maturity
histology examination of tissues, which combine to form organs
levels of organization molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
nervous system directs immediate responses moderates other organ systems interprets sensory info about external conditions
skeletal system provides support & protection for other tissues forms blood cells
endocrine system longterm changes
autoregulation adjusts the activities automatically in response to the environmental change
extrinsic regulation results from the activities of the nervous system & endocrine system
3 parts of homeostatic regulatory mechanism 1. receptor 2. control center 3. effector
negative feedback counteracting an effect (hypothalamus = big part)
positive feedback produces response that exaggerates the original change in condition
supine & prone face up & face down
cephalic head
mental chin
axillary armpit
pedal foot
buccal cheek
patellar kneecap
crural leg
same as anterior ventral
superior & inferior above & below
caudal tail
medial toward the longitudinal axis
lateral away from body's longitudinal axis
proximal toward attached base
distal away from attached base
diaphragm separates thoracic cavity & andominopelvic cavity
essential body cavity function 1. protects delicate organs from shocks & impacts 2. permit significant changes in the size & shape of internal organs
viscera internal organs that are enclosed by these cavities
pleural cavities holds the lungs, separates right & left by mediastinum
pleura serous membrane lining a pleural cavity
visceral pleura covers the outer surfaces of a lung
parietal pleura covers the mediastinal surface & the inner body wall
pericardial cavity small chamber surrounding the heart
visceral pericardium layer covering the heart
parietal pericardium outside surface of pericardial cavity
subdivisions of abdominopelvic cavity superior abdominal cavity & inferior pelvic cavity
Created by: vdipierro
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