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Chapter 1 & 2 Ms Westfall

seasons are depended on the angle of the Earth's axis.
• Map is A drawing that shows the distribution & arrangements of features on Earth.
Environment surroundings
revolution journey
axis -imaginary line running through North and South Poles.
rotation spinning motion of Earth. Takes 24 hours per rotation
latitude east west circles around the globe
equator latitude line that circles the Earth exactly halfway between The North and South Pole.
Tropic of cancer- n Summer solstice, the sun shines above it.
Tropic of Capricorn -on winter solstice, the Sun shines above it.
low latitudes tropics
Artic circle 2 latitude lines near the artic.
high latitudes the regions between the Artic and Antartartic circle (polar zones)
low latitudes temperate zones; relieve fairly direct sunlight. Distinct patterns
What are the 5 important latitude lines? Tropic of Capricorn and Cancer, Artic and Antarctic Circles, Equator
What are the 5 themes of geography? location -place -human environment interaction -movement - regions
Geographers 2 BIG questions? Where are things located and Why are they there
degree: unit of measurement to figure out absolute location.
longitude imaginary line also called meridian that runs north & south fromone pole to the other.
Prime meridian runs through Greenwich England.
Spring Equinox March, 23rd
Globe: a round model of the Earth that shows the continents and oceans and their true shapes.
Scale size of an area on a map compared with the area's actual size.
Distortion: change in accuracy of shapes and distances
Projection: method of putting a map of the Earth onto a flat piece of paper.
Arthur Robinson Robinson Projection
Compass rose: map feature that usually shows the four cardinal directions
Cardinal Directions North, South, East, West
Key/Legend: section of the map that explains the symbols for the map features; also called a legend
Grid system use on maps to help locate places; some are based on longitude and latitude, while others are composed of letters and numbers
3 Types of Maps • Mercator Map, Arthur Robison Map, and Interrupted Map
Landforms: shapes and types of land
Mountains: Landforms that are usually more that 2,000 feet above sea level.
Hills: low and less steep than mountains
Plateau: large, elevated, flat piece of land
Plains: large areas of gently rolling land
Pangaea: The Supercontinent that Geologist theorize that one time, Earth only had one land mass called Pangaea
Weathering process that breaks rocks down into tiny pieces.
Three things cause weathering: wind, rain, ice
Erosion Weathered down rocks have been broken off the original piece and drifted off somewhere else
Atmosphere Thick layer of special gases
Natural Resources anything from the Earth that people using meeting their needs for food, clothing, and shelter
Raw materials resources that don't need to be refined of changed in anyway
Vegetation plants that grow naturally
Recyclable Resources: these are resources that recycle through our environment by itself
Renewable resources: these resources can be replaced.
Nonrenewable resources: when used up, they can't be replaced.
Created by: cpiedra
Popular Geography sets




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