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equivocal ambiguous, often intended to confuse
specious having the ring of truth but actually false
modicum small or token amount
obsequious attempting to please to a great degree
solicitous concerned
belie to misrepresent
philanthropic humanitarian
diffidence timidity, shyness
flag to decline in strength
scintillating brilliant
impetuous impulsive and passionate
distend to expand from internal pressure
abstruse difficult to understand
variegated varicolored, multicolored
quiescent quiet, at rest
surreptitious sneaky
prodigious enormous
capricious impulsive and unpredictable
felicitous appropriately suited; fits
palliative relieving symptoms without curing
arcane known by only a few
precocious exhibiting early ability, especially intelligence
inscrutable difficult to understand
burgeon to grow and flourish
flippant disrespectfully humorous or casual
pedantic concerned with book learning and rules
stymie to get in the way of
circumspect careful, discreet
adroit dexterous, deft
conjecture inference; guesswork
perspicacious shrewd, clear
redolent aromatic; suggestive
parity equality
euphemism mild or vague substitute for harsh or offensive term
vituperative marked by harshly abusive condemnation
lugubrious mournful, especially to an exaggerated degree
effrontery to have the nerve; boldness
expurgate to remove objectionable content
staid serious
multifarious diverse, various
gratuitous unnecessary
ebullience intense enthusiasm
ignominy humiliation; disgraceful conduct
extirpate to destroy
penchant strong inclination or liking
flagrant deliberately shocking
rancorous marked by bitter ill will
docile ready and willing to be taught
dirge funeral hymn or lament
strident loud, harsh
rectitude being morally correct in judgment
remiss slacking off; lax in performing duties
ingenuous lacking in sophistication; straightforward
castigate to scold
pernicious irreversably harmful; deadly
didactic instructive
impugn to attack as false or questionable
fastidious attentive to detail; difficult to please
insipid uninteresting; unchallenging
acumen accuracy, keenness
prosaic unimaginative; dull
mendacious untruthful
soporific inducing sleep
scrupulous principled
tawdry tacky and cheap
censure to issue official blame
anachronistic in the wrong time period
bombastic given to snobby speech or writing
cantankerous ill-tempered
sanguine optimistic
byzantine complicated or devious
dogmatic attached to insufficiently proven beliefs
banal boringly commonplace
pejorative insulting
dilatory habitually late
Created by: 507421571
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