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med term 2 Noyce

LMP Last menstral period
-gravida pregnancy
Glyc/o glucose, sugar, sweet
-graphy process of recording
Fibr/o fibrous
Endo within
Per through
-ectomy surgical removel
-arche beginning, onset
ADH antidiuretic hormone
Colp/o vagina
PID pelvic inflammation disease
Dips/o thrist
Adren/o adrenal gland
Hyper- above, excessive
aden/o gland
Crin/o secreate, chemical
a- without, no not
Dys- painful
Part/o give birth, labor, childbirth
cele hrernation, protrusion
-otomy cut into
crypt/o hidden
hyster/o uterus
sperm/o spermatic cord
prostat/o prostate
thyroid/o thyroid
TURP transurethral resection of the prostate
orchid/o testis, testes
-para to resemble
-rrhea flow, dicharge
primi first, one
vagin/o vagina
olig/o few, diminished
scopy visualization with a scope
spermat/o spermatic cord
uter/o uterus
tropin stimulating effect of a hormone
-oma tumor
-rrhagia hemorrhage
poly many
nulli none
thyr/o thyroid gland
ochi/o testis, testes
ition act of
RAIU radioactive iondine uptake test
-osis condition, abnormal condition
NSD normal spontaneous delivery
T4 thyroxine
salping/o fallopin tube, oviducts
-pexy surgical fixation
momma breast
-ologist specailist
lapar/o abdominal wall
-itis inflammation
mast/o breast
L&D labor and delivery
magaly enlarged
hypo less, lower
-ia condition, abnormal condition
men/o menstruation
orchiopaty disease of the testes
ovariotomy incision into the ovaries
vaginosis a condition of the vagina
adrenomegaly enlargement of the adreno glands
endocinologist specialist of the endocrine system
cervivitis inflammation of the cervics
spermatocyte sperm cell
orchidorrhapathy to suture the teste
adrenal peraining to adrenal glands
metrography picture of the uterus
meno does not mean uterus
gonadotropin means stimulation, nourishment, and growth of the sex organ
salpingocele means protusion of the falloian tube
hypophysitis means inflammation of pituitary gland
amenorrhea means without meneses flow
colposcopy is the process of veiwing the vagina
renal means pertaining to the kidney
ooplaia means abnormal formation of the eggs
oophorectomy is the surgical removal of the ovary
a tumor in the gland is adenoma
INE in adernaline means secretion, chemical substance, and name of hormone
downward displacement of the gland is thyrooposis
GH growth hormone
ADH antidiuretic hormone
ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone
D&C dilation and curettage
FSH follicle-stimulating hormone
LH luteinizing hormone
Meconi/o 1st feces of newborn
-ism condition of
Created by: quece79
Popular Medical sets




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