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DZ GEO Unit 2

Geo Unit 2 Review

Population Density The average number of people in a square mile or a square kilometer
Birth Rate Number of births each year per 1,000 people
Death Rate Number of deaths each year per 1,000 people
Immigrants People who move into a country
Emigrants People who leave the country to live other places
Urbanization The growth of city populations
Cultural Health A place where important ideas begin and from which they spread to surrounding cultures
Monotheism Worshipping of one God
Polytheism Worshipping of multiple Gods
Social Mobility The ability of a person to rise in social class
Cultural Convergence When the skills, arts, ideas, habits, and institutions of one culture come in contact with those of another culture
Diffusion Process by which a cultural element is transmitted across some distance from one group or individual to another
Cultural Divergence Restriction of a culture from outside cultures
Sovereignty Nation's freedom from outside control
Unitary System When one central government makes laws; local government only has power that national government gives to them
Confederation System where smaller political units keep their sovereignty and give the central government only limited powers
Dictatorship Government where a small group or single person holds power
Monarchy Type of government where a person or group inherits their positions of power through genealogy
Federation System where some powers are given to the national government and other powers are reserved for more local governments
Confederation System where smaller political units keep their sovereignty and give the central government only limited powers
Natural Resources Materials in natural environments that people value and use to satisfy their needs
Democracy Government where people choose their leaders and have power to choose policies
Traditional Economy System in which families produce goods and services for their own use, with little surplus and exchange of goods
Market Economy System combining several different degrees of government regulation
Fossil Fuels Fuels formed from the remain of animals and plants
Command Economy System that is controlled by single central government
Renewable Resources Natural resources that are constantly being regenerated or replaced by the environment
Nonrenewable Resources Resources that cannot be replaced once used
Geothermal Energy Energy that comes from the earth's internal heat
Solar Energy Energy produced by the sun
Nuclear Energy Produced by fission which is the splitting of uranium atoms to release energy
Subsistence Farming Farming where people grow only enough food for their own family's or village's needs
Water Power Use of falling water to generate electricity
Commercial Farming Farming that produces food and other agricultural products for sale
Cottage Industries The production of products by hand; usually near a home
Commercial Industries Industry that employs thousands of workers and creates large quantities of manufactured goods
Exports Goods sent out of the country
Imports Goods brought into the country
Created by: dougzerjal
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