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Test1_Chapter 6A

Anxiety Kaplin

Anxiety feeling of dread or fear in the absence of an external threat or disproportionate to the nature of the threat
What are the levels of anxiety mild, moderate, severe, panic
Mild Which anxiety is described with high degree of alertness, mild uneasiness, "butterflies in stomach"
Moderate which anxiety is described with increased perspiration, light-headedness, muscle tension, urinary frequency, nausea, anorexia, diarrhea, heart-pounding, increased BP, dry mouth, cold, clammy pale skin, selective inattention, poor comprehension
Severe Which anxiety is described with most symptoms of moderate anxiety intensified, hyperventilation, dizziness, vomiting, tachycardia, panic, inability to hear or speak, further decreased perception, hallucinations, delusions
Panic Which anxiety is described with symptoms of severe anxiety and inability to function, dread, terror, and personality disorganization
_______ system with anxiety: increased pulse, blood pressure, and respiration, palpitations, chest discomfort/pain, perspiration, flushing and heat sensations, cold hands and feet, headache Cardiovascular
______ system with anxiety: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, belching, heartburn, cramps Gastrointestinal _______ system with anxiety: increased muscle tension, tendon reflexes, generalized fatigue, tremors, jerking of limbs, unsteady voice
________ system with anxiety: poor comprehension, inability to follow directions, poor concentration, selective inattention, focus on detail, impaired problem solving, unable to communicate Intellectual
_____ system with anxiety: feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, feelings of increased threat, dread, horror, anger, rage, and use of defensive mechanisms, crying, denial, shouting, withdrawal social and emotional
Phobia apprehension, anxiety, helplessness when confronted with phobia situation or feared object
anorexia nervosa Most common in females 12-18 years old; characterized by fear of obesity, dramatic weight loss, distorted body image, anemia, amenorrhea, cathartics and enemas for purging, induced vomiting, excessive exercise, electrolyte Imbalance
bulimia Characterized by all the characteristics of anorexia plus binge eating followed by induced vomiting; may be overweight or normal
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) obsession-repetitive, uncontrollable thoughts; compulsion-repetitive, uncontrollable acts, rituals, rigidity, inflexibility
conversion disorder physical symptoms with no organic basis, unconscious behavior-could include blindness, paralysis, convulsions without loss of consciousness, stocking and glove anesthesia; lack of concern about symptoms
Denial Failure to acknowledge an intolerable thought, feeling, experience, reality
Displacement Redirection of feelings to subject that is acceptable or less threatening
Projection Attribution to others of one's own unacceptable thoughts, feelings, qualities
Undoing An attempt to erase an unacceptable act or thought
Compensation An attempt to overcome a real or imagined shortcoming
Symbolization A less threatening object or idea is used to represent another
Substitutional Replacing desired, impractical, or unobtainable onject with one that is attainable
Introjections Characteristic of another incorporated into oneself
Repression Unacceptable thoughts kept from awareness
Reaction formation Expressing attitude directly opposite to unconscious one
Regression Returning to an earlier stage of development
Dissociation Detachment of painful emotional experience from consciousness
Rationalization Attempts to justify, via logical or acceptable explanations, acts or feelings that are not logical or acceptable
Idealization Glorifying another's characteristics
Identification Incorporating certain attributes of another into one's own thoughts or behavior
Crisis Period in which there is a major change in a person's life, either from an event or a percieved threat
Precipitating factors that are characteristics of crisis would be: (3) 1)developmental stages (birth, adolescence, midlife, retirement) 2) situational factors (natural disaster, financial loss) 3) threats to self-concept (loss of job, failure at school, onset of serious illness)
What process is used for a crisis intervention? ADPIE
What does APIE stand for? Assessment, diagnosis, Plan, Implement/intervention, Evaluate
What are the 5 stages of death and dying Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
Depression Can be manifested as a single episode or recurrent pattern, varies according to age, race, gender; mood disorder
Anxiety Negative affect; somatic symptoms of tension; apprehension; future-oriented.
Fear An immediate reaction to current danger characterized by a strong escapist action.
Panic Attack Abrupt experience of intense discomfort, anxiety, or fear.
3 Symptoms of a Panic Attack Heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness.
3 Types of Panic Attacks Situationally bound, Unexpected, Situationally Predisposed
Situationally bound panic attack Expected in a specific situation.
Unexpected panic attack Unanticipated; occurs without warning. (Common in people with panic disorder)
Situationally predisposed panic attack Occurs in a specific situation sometimes, but not always.
Biological contributions to anxiety Can be inherited; low levels of GABA and seretonin; Limbic system
6 Anxiety Disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder, Phobias, Separation Anxiety, PTSD, OCD
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Excessive worry about minor life events
DSM-IV Criteria for GAD (4) Excessive worry, ongoing more often than not, Persistent for at least 6 months, Physical symptoms
4 Physical symptoms of GAD Muscle tension, fatigue, irritability, difficulty sleeping and/or focusing
Treatment of GAD Benzodiazapines and/or Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Phobia Extreme or irrational fear of a specific object or situation that interferes one's ability to function; chronic course, 11% prevalance.
Social Phobia extreme and irrational fear/shyness, focused on social and/or performance situations; Most prevalent psychological disorder at 13%
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Interferes with one's ability to function;(Acute, Chronic), 7.8% prevalance.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Cognitive-behavioral therapy is most effective; most afflicted with OCD are female; runs a chronic course.
OCD: Obsessions Intrusive and nonsensical thoughts, images, or urges that one tries to resist or eliminate.
OCD: Compulsions can be behavioral (hand washing, checking) or mental (counting, praying).
Created by: jhrobins99
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