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text 2A voc 250-450

text book vocabulary

to exchange (for) (-으로) 바꾸다
to throw away 버리다
next day 다음날
button 단추
couple of days 며칠
on sale 세일
garbage, trash 쓰레기
receipt 영수증
closet, wardrobe 옷장
this time 이번
to get a refund 환불받다
I felt relieved 마음이 가벼웠어요
to be strong 튼튼하다
to be convenient 편리하다
back pack 배낭
pocket 주머니
owner, proprietor 주인
size 크기
never the less, even though 그래도
to be waterproof 방수가되다
Don’t you have anything cheaper? 더싼거없어요?
You have nothing to worry about 문제없어요?
Why don’t you buy that one 저걸로 하세요
to taste bland 싱겁다
to be young 젊다
hot chicken soup with ginseng 삼계탕
Japanese food 일식
mixed vegetables & noodles 잡채
spring onion pancake 파전
spring onion pancake recipe 파전만드는법
to be greasy 기름기가많다
What will you have 뭐 드시겠어요?
The atmosphere is nice 분위기가 좋아요
The service is good 서비스가 좋아요
I will go and check it out 한번가 볼게요
to take out (of back/pocket) 꺼내다
to put in 넣다
to stir-fry 볶다
to mix 섞다
to cut, to chop 썰다
to season 양념하다
to be cooked, done 익다
noodles made from potatoes 당면
method 방법
mushrooms 버섯
flame, fire
cooking oil 식용유
onion 양파
ingredients 재료
bell pepper 피망
to boil water 물을 끓이다
to put out the flame 불을끄다
to bring (something) 가져오다
to start a business 개업하다
to cut 자르다
neighborhood 이웃집
seat 자리
flower pot 화분
to give out rice cake 떡을 돌리다
please give me that one 그 걸로 주세요
Enjoy your meal 맛있게드세요
Noengmyeon is refreshing 냉면이 시원해요
Here’s your Mullaengmyeon 여기 물냉면나왔어요
Congratulations (polite) 축하드립니다
to be late (-에) 늦다
to pass on (a message) 전하다
To get a job (at) (에) 취직하다
soon, right away
in a moment 금방
to come to school 학교에 나오다
to take a semester off 한학기를 쉬다
there is a traffic accident 교통사고가 났어요
the salary is low 월급이 적어요
to continue 계속하다
to be on sale 세일하다
to be bored 심심하다
bus driver 버스기사
right at the moment 바로그때
already 벌써
to talk to someone (=한테) 말을걸다
to hang up the phone 전화를 끊다
finally he/she hung up the phone 드디어전화를 끊었슴니다
(someone) couldn’t say something 한 마디도 못 했습이다
to be delayed 연기되다
news 뉴스
to make a phone call 전화를 걸다
to get a call on your mobile 핸 드폰을 받다
yes, go ahead (speak) 네, 말씀하세요
could you please give him/her a message 메모좀 전해주시겠어요
What number did you dial? 몃 번에 거셨어요
Isn’t this Youngho’s mobile 영호 씨 핸드폰 아니에요?
It’s been a long time 오랫만이에요
He/she went out for a little while 잠깐 나갔는데요
You’ve got the wrong number 전화 잘못거 셨어요
dialogue 대화
personal information 개인 정보
exchange 교환
task 과제
self-introduction 자기소개
to be dark 어듭다
to turn on a light 불을 겨다
to use 이용하다
wallet 지갑
letter, character 글자
to explain 설명하다
to put in 넣다
the first, for the first time 처음
to greet, to say hello 인사하다
the person being spoken to (in conversation) 상대방
to misspell 잘못쓰다
activity 활동
Korean heritage people 재미교포
lecturer, instructor 강사
East Asian studies 동아시아학
to be correct 맞다
to be incorrect 틀리다
to ask 묻다
hobby 취미
plan 계획
to make a sound 소리내다
contents 내용
to summarise 요약하다
basket 바구니
to take out, to pick out 꺼내다
to guess, to find out 알아맞히다
the main text 본문
letter of self-introduction 자기소개서
to take a test 시험을 보다
to mark, to tick 표시하다
to fill in a blank 빈칸을채우다
to follow, to repeat 따라하다
summary 요약문
to complete 완성하다
role play 역할극
verb 동사
adjective 형용사
noun 명사
adverb 부사
etc. 기타
expression 표현
suddenly 갑자기
night view 야경
parents 부모님
to pass the intersection 사거리를 지나다
middle school student 중학생
public servant 공무원
to remember 기억하다
to cross (road) 건너다
to be happy 행복하다
to comb hair 머리를 빗다
to clean, to wipe 닦다
to sell 팔다
sometimes 가끔
history 역사
suddenly 갑자기
Created by: deleted user
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