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Week #2 DE


Which of the following describes an Automatic Block Signal System (ABS)? A block signal system in which the use of each block is governed by an automatic block signal, cab signal, or both.
Which of the following describes a Return Movement? The movement of an uncoupled engine (or engines) or leading portion of a train, directed back toward the remaining stationary portion of the same train.
Which of the following describes a Distant Signal? A fixed signal used to govern the approach of a train to a home signal.
Which of the following describes a Home Signal? A fixed signal governing entrance to an interlocking or controlled point.
WHich of the following describes a Main Track?(Definitions) A track designated by Timetable upon which train movements are autorized by ABS, DCS, or interlocking rules.
Which of the following describes a Bulletin Order(BO)? A publication used to notify employees of changes to rules, procedures, or other instructions affecting the movement of trains. Bulletin Orders are issued periodically by the designated officer.
Which of the following describes a General Order(GO)? A publication used to summarized changes to the Timetable and other instruction manuals.
Which of the following describes a Division Notice(DN)? A publication issued periodically by the designated officer, which contains instructions or information which do not affect the movement of trains.
Which of the following describes Medium Speed? Not exceeding 30 MPH.
Which of the following describes Limited Speed? For passenger trains, not exceeding 45 MPH; For freight trains, not exceeding 40 MPH.
Which of the following describes Slow Speed? Not exceeding 15 MPH.
Which of the following describes Normal Speed? The maximum authorized speed.
While performing service, A Personal Cellular Phone may: Must be turned off and stored out of sight, along with any earpieces, headphones or other similar peripheral devices.
Which of the following describes prohibited activities in regard to alcoholic beverages or intoxicants? While on duty or reporting for duty members are prohibited from: Using alcoholic beverages or intoxicants, having them in their possession, or being under their influence. 2 Using or being under the influence of any drug, medication,
When are prescription drugs or Over-The-Counter (OTC) medications allowed to be used by employees while on duty or on company property? over the counter medication that does not in any way adversely affect their alertness, coordination, reaction, response or safety.
Which of the following describes a hand, lantern or flag signal to Apply Air Brakes? Swung horizontally above the head, when train is standing.
Which of the following describes a hand, lantern or flag signal to Release Air Brakes? Held at arm's length above the head, when train is standing.
What is required when a train encounters an unattended fusee, burning on or near its track? It must stop then proceed at restricted speed until the head end is 1 mile beyond the fusee.
When is Day and Night Signals used? Day are used from sunset to sunset(A red flag or fusees or Nights are used from sunset to sunrise(A white light and fusees)
Once Blue Signal (flag) has been displayed, who may remove it? Only a person of the same group or craft that displayed the signals may remove it, after all workmen are clear.
What whistle signal must be sounded when approaching and passing roadway workers or equipment on or near the track? --0
Before a utilty worker is authorized to work a crew what must happen? The enginee if no conductor is assigned, must notify and identify the work to the entire crew before the utility worker is authorized to work with the crew.
In addition to ringing the bell continuously, what is required if horn or whistle fails en route and there is no other operable forward-facing horn or whistle? Stop before each public highway crossing at grade and provide on-ground warning until crossing is occupied.
When must the engine bell be sounded, in addition to approaching and passing public crossings at grade? When train is about to move, when running through tunnels, when passing a train standing on an adjuscent track, emergency and when approaching locations where Roadway Workers may be at work on tracks, bridges and other points.
When a passenger train is equipped with a communicating signal appliance, what signal indicates; When running stop at once? --
The headlight and both auxiliary lights have failed en route. In addition to ringing the bell continuously, illuminating all external lights, notifying the dispatcher and sounding the horn frequently, what is required? Illuminate all external engine lights that can be illuminated (except red and strobe lights), 2. Notify the Dispatcher as soon as prctical. 3. RIng the bell continously, if equipped. 4. Sound the engine the engine whistle or horn frequently.
What is required if all auxiliary (ditch) lights fail en route, but the headlight remains operable? Train must not exceed 20 MPH while the leading end of the train is operating over public highway crossings at grade.
What is required if all auxillary (ditch) lights fail en route, but the headlight remains oprable? The train must not exceed 20 MPH while the leading end of the train is operating over public highway crossings at grade and the auxiliary light(s) must be repaired at the next forward repair point.
When must a passenger train display an illuminated marking device and when must the proper functioning of the device be confirmed? When no marker lights are on the rear car or engine. It must be tested before train leaves its initial terminal and at all crew change locations.
Which of the following describes the requirements for breaking seals or tampering with appliances and other equipment? Employees are prohited from altering, nullifying or in any manner restricting or interfering with normal intended function of any device or any device or equipment on engines, cars or other railroad property, except when specifically authorized to do so.
What are the required books? The operating Rules and Timetable, Safety rules for their department, and Air Brake Instructions.
What is Interlocking Limits? The tracks between the opposing home signals of an interlocking.
A train that is discovered to have flat spots on the wheel of a car must reduce speed to 10 MPH if: A Flat spot is found in excess of either of the above dimensions 2 1/2", but less than 4 inches, and no other defects is observed, two actions must be taken 1 report to dispatcher or operator, 2. Speed must not exceed 10 MPH.
A train that is discovered to have flat spots on the wheel of a car must remain stopped if: A flat spot 4 inches or greater is found until dispatcher or operator authorized safe movement of the train.
Which of the following best describes Restricted Speed? Applied when the following conditions has to be followed; 1 Control movement to permit stopping within half the range of vision 2. looking out for broken rail and misaligned track and do not exceed 20 MPH outside interlocking limits and 15 MPH within.
What is required of employees qualified on the operating rules, who are located on the leading engine, if the engineer does not operate the train in accordance with the requirements of a signal indication or restriction? Each employee who operates a hand-operated switch or fixed detail is responsible for its use, and must confirm switches and derails are in proper position before, during and after use. Employees must be qualified, make visual confirmation, visible switch
Where must movements be made at Restricted Speed? Movement on a siding other than controlled signals, movement on a running trak and movement on a trak not governed by ABS, DCS or interlocking rules.
Which of the following is the responsibility of the crew member who operates a hand-operated switch? (104b) Get permission from the dispatcher or Operator. Operate "Hand Throw" lever until mechanism engages and switch points move with the lever.
When hand-operating dual control switch, after the "Selector" lever has been moved to the hand-0peration position, how is the "Hand Throw" lever used? (104k) WHen authorized by the Dispatcher or controller.
How must a return movement be made when a portion of a train is left on a main track or controlled siding? Return movements must be made at Restrited Speed. A crew member must be stationed on the leading end of the return movement to protect against the detached portion of the train. Return movement from an interlocking or controlled point may be made on signa
What is required when the engineer operates a train from other than the leading end of the movement? (116) A crew member or other quailified employee must provide point protection to ensure the movement is made safely. The person providing point protection must be PC qual, positioned on leading end or in an advance position, observing conditions ahead.
When may a passenger train, routed to a track that will result in a station stop for receiving or discharging passengers across a main trak or controlled siding intervening between that train and the station platform, proceed into the station? (121) Before proceeding get permission from Dispatcher that protection is provided, or when verbal or written assurance of protection has been previously provided, when the track adjacent to the station platform is out of service.
Where may a train make an unscheduled stop to receive or discharge passengers or employees? (122) With authorization from the Dispatcher.
What is required if the "Dead Man" or "Alertor" features fails en route on a passenger train in CAB SIGNAL territory? (123) An employee must immediately take position in the control compartment with the engineer. This employee was be instructed on how to stop the train should the Engineer become incapacitated.
What is the maximum distance an employee must go, when flag protection is required, where the maximum authorized speed is between 41 MPH and 90 MPH? (130a) 1 1/2 miles
When required to provide flag protection on adjacent tracks, after going at least the minimum distance as required by Rule 131, what must the employee providing protection then do? (130b) (All) Go out to at lease the distance presribed by the table in section (a) of this rule, display a lighted fusee if they see or hear a train approaching, Give a stop signal to approaching trains that may be affected.
What action must be taken by a qualified employee assigned to protect work locations of railroad construction or private contractors, upon reporting for work each day? (131) Secure flagging equipment, ensure that tracks are not fouled without permission, get permission to foul without permission, get permission to foul track etc.
What action must be taken by a qualified employee assigned to protect work locations of railroad construction or private contractors, before permitting workers to foul a track? (131) Get permission from the person in charge of the track.
If an event occurs or conditions are found that may interfere with the safe passage of trains and no protection has been provided, employees must: (132b) Employees must immediately attempt to stop trains be radio communication to trains and Dispatcher. They must provide flag protection in both directions as prescibed by Rule 130. Flag protection must remain until unsafe conditions get corrected or Dispatch
When a track is removed from service, when may a train enter the out-of-service limits as designated in a Form D line 4 or 13? (133d) The person named in Form D line 4 or 13 is in charge of the out-of-service limits.
When a track is removed from service, what effect does the Form D Line 4 have on signal indication or DCS rules within the limits of the out of service track? (133d) ABS, CSS, DCS and interlocking rules do not apply within the out-of-service limits. All movements must operate at Restricted Speed.
Movements in the direction of an out-of-service track must: (134a) Be notified be bulletin order, or Form D line 4 or line 13, of the limits of the out-of-service track. Dispatchers (or Operators) must not display signals nor give authority for movements in direction of the out-of-service track until Form D line 4 or lin
When a NON-PASSENGER train is moving and an emergency application of the brakes occurs, what action must be taken immediately to protect adjacent tracks? Crew members must immediately protect adjacent tracks by initiating an emergency radio transmittion; Emergency, Emergency, Emergency train TV-24 engine 6606 is in an emergency moving east on #2 track at MP 18.
When a train receives information that a train is in emergency on an adjacent track, how must a movement operating in the OPPOSITE direction be made approaching and passing the train that is in emergency? Must operate at restricted speed from the head end of the train in the emergency to a point 1 mile beyond the rear end of the train.
What action must the Dispatcher take before permitting an opposing movement to assist a disabled train that is MORE than 1/4 mile from the interlocking and NOT operated by the engineer of the disabled train? Issue a Form D line 8 to the disabled train and a Form D line 9 to the assisting train.
When must a crew member of a disabled train provide flag protection against an assisting train? The dispatcher must issue a Form D line 2 to get within 2 or 1 miles from disabled train and a Form D line 9 to get to the disabled train.
When a train is disabled (MORE than 1/4 mile from an interlocking), how must an assisting train (NOT operated by the engineer of the disabled train) make an opposing movement be governed, when operating in Rule 261 territory? The assisting train must operate at restricting speed to the disabled train.
When a train is disabled, how must an assisting train that is permitted to make an opposing movement be governed, when operating against the current of traffic in Rule 251 territory, or where DCS rules are in effect in both directions? The move will be governed by the Form D line 9.
When may an assisting train make an opposing movement to a disabled train without receiving a Form D line 9? When the disables train is stopped with 1/4 mile of the interlocking or CP and communication between the crew is maintain. 2:The assisting train is operated by the engineer of the disabled train.
After receiving a Form D Line 12 notification of an activation failure of an automatic highway crossing warning device, how must a train proceed if the warning devices are seen to be working? Notify the Dispatcher immediately.
Under what conditions may trains operated from other than the leading end move over a highway crossing at grade? When warning is provided by crew member or quilified employee, or when crossing gate are fully lowered down position, a designated and qualified employee is stationed at the crossing or it is clearly seen that no futher traffic is approaching or stopped.
When an employee is required to provide on-ground warning at a highway crossing, how must signals given to pedestrian and highway traffic? Employee must give stop signals to pedestrian and highway traffic until the leading end of the train is through the crossing.
Which of the following describes a hand, lantern or flag signal to Reduce Speed? Held Horizontally at arm's length.
When a NON-PASSENGER train is moving and an emergency application of the brakes occurs, what action must be taken AFTER THE TRAIN HAS STOPPED, to protect adjacent tracks? Crew member must immediately provide flag protection in both directions on all main tracks and controlled signals including those of a foriegn railroad.
Created by: alamontagn
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