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doppelte 10-12

das doppelte lottchen kapital 10-12

schmal thin, narrow
das Ferngespräch long-distance call
die Sorge worry, trouble, problem
das Gefühl feeling, sense, emotion
lauschen to listen
verwirrt confused
verworren machen to confuse
hastig hasty
berichten to tell
fehlen to want, to lack (of)
besorgen to get, to provide
besorgt concerned
überstehen to survive
tüchtig able, clever
schweigen to remain silent
ratlos sein to be at a loss for sth.
ratlos helpless
hinein into
erlösend saving, redemptive
abwinken to decline
betrachten to view, to regard
die Tapferkeit courage
der Mut courage, nerve
die Willenskraft willpower
wohl nicht probably not
bildhübsch pretty as a picture
der Bescheid word
Ich weiß Bescheid! Say no more.
besprechen to talk about
falls if
die Sorge worry
während while, during
heruntergehen to desend, to step down
fragend quizzical
umdrehen to turn, to reverse, to skew
zünden to ignite, to spark
verleugnen to deny, to disown
pikant tart, sour
denen those
der Bums thud
starren to stare, to gaze
das Blatt sheet
modulieren modulate
spiegeln to mirror
selbstgebacken home baked
der Schemel stool
herum around, about
tief Atem holen to draw a deep breath
versuchen to try, to attempt
die Träne tear
umklammern to clutch, to clasp
gedrückt pressed, squeezed
tonlos soundless
beten to pray
absehen to foresee
bestimmt certain, affirmative
greifen to grasp, to grip
wonach whereupon, after what
sich sehnen to crave, to yearn
auszusprechen to express
wagen to attempt
unbescheiden immodest, presumptuous
bescheiden modest
erfüllen to fulfil, to accomplish
umwenden to turn, to reverse
das Schlüsselloch keyhole
schieben to push
richten to level, to point (at)
strahlend radiant, beaming
das Standesamt registry office
die Beamte civil servant
der Bezirk borough, district
die Trauung marriage-ceremony
ab und zu from time to time, off and on
die Braut bride
das Brautpaar bride and groom
mächtig mighty, powerful
stolz proud
herrlichen magnificent, glorious
die Lüge lie
überreichen to present
Created by: giromiora
Popular German sets




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