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Part G,H,I

Kaplan vocab

galvanize to shock; to arouse awareness (v)
gamely spiritedly, bravely (adj)
gauche lacking social refinement (adv)
grandiloquence pompous talk; fancy but meaningless language (n)
gregarious outgoing, social (adj)
grotto a small cave (n)
harangue to give a long speech (n)
hedonist one who pursues pleasure as a goal
hegemony the domination of one state or group over its allies (n)
heretical departing from accepted beliefs or standards, oppositional (adj)
hiatus a gap or interruption in space, time, or continuity (n)
histrionics deliberate display of emotion for effect; exaggerated behavior for effect (n)
hubris excessive pride or self-confidence (n)
husband to manage economically; to use sparingly
ignoble having low moral standards, no noble in character, mean (adj)
illusory producing illusion, deceptive (adj)
imbibe to receive into the mind and take in, absorb
impassive expressionless (adj)
imperious commanding, domineering, urgent (adj)
imperturbable unshakably calm and steady (adj)
implacable inflexible; no capable of being changed or pacified (adj)
importunate troublesomely urgent; extremely persistent in request or demand (adj)
imprecation a curse (n)
impudent marked by cocky boldness or disregard for others (adj)
impugn to call into question; to attack verbally (v)
impute to lay the responsibility or blame for (v)
incandescent shining brightly (adj)
incarnadine red, especially blood red (adj)
inchoate being only partly in existence; imperfectly formed (adj)
incipient beginning to exist or appear; in an initial stage (adj)
incorrigible incapable of being corrected or amended; difficult to control or manage (adj)
incredulous unwilling to accept what is true, skeptical (adj)
indomitable incapable of being conquered (adj)
ingratiate to gain favor with another by deliberate effort (v)
inherent involving the essential character of something, built-in, inborn (adj)
inquest an investigation, an inquiry (n)
insensate lacking sensibility and understanding, foolish (adj)
insolent insultingly arrogant, overbearing (adj)
insular characteristic of an isolated people (especially having a narrow viewpoint) (adj)
insuperable incapable of being surmounted or overcome (adj)
inter to bury (v)
interlocutor ones who takes part in conversation (n)
internecine mutually destructive (adj)
interregnum a temporary halting of the usual operations of gov. or control (n)
intimation a subtle and indirect hint (n)
intractable not easily managed or manipulated (adj)
intransigent uncompromising, refusing to abandon an extreme position (adj)
intrepid fearless, resolutely courageous (adj)
inundate to cover with a flood; to overwhelm as if with a flood (v)
inveterate firmly established, especially with respect to a habit or attitude (adj)
irascible easily angered, hot-tempered (adj)
irreverent disrespectful in a gentle or humorous way (adj)
itinerant wandering from place to place; unsettled (adj)
Created by: 88do
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