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Part E-F

Kaplan vocab

effluvia waste; odorous fumes given off by waste (n)
elegy a mournful poem (n)
elude to avoid cleverly; to escape the perception of (v)
emollient soothing, especially o the skin (adj)
emulate to strive to equal or excel; to imitate (v)
jencumber to weigh down, to burden (v)
enjoin to direct or impose with urgent appeal, to forbid (v)
epochal momentous, highly significant (adj)
eponymous giving one's name to a place, book, restaurant
equivocate to avoid committing oneself in what one says, to be deliberately unclear (v)
ersatz being an artificial and inferior substitute or imitation (adj)
eschew to shun; to avoid (v)
espouse to take up and support as a cause; to marry (v)
espy to catch sight of, glimpse (v)
euphemism an inoffensive and agreeable expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive (n)
euthanasia assisted suicide (n)
excoriate to censure scathingly; to express strong disapproval of (v)
exponent one who champions or advocate (n)
expound to explain or describe in detail (v)
expunge to erase, eliminate completely (v)
extirpate to root out, eradict
extrapolation prediction (n)
extrinsic external, unessential; originating from the outside (adj)
extrude to form or shape something by pushing it out; to force out (v)
facetious witty, humorous (adj0
facile easily accomplished; seeming to lack sincerity or depth (adj)
fallacious tending to deceive or mislead; based on a fallacy (adj)
febrile feverish; marked by intense emotion or activity
feckless ineffective, worthless (adj)
feral suggestive of a wild beast, not domesticated (adj)
fictive fictional (adj)
flibuster to use obstructionist tactics in order to delay something (v)
fitful intermittent, lacking steadiness; characterized by irregular bursts of activity (adj)
flippant marked by disrespectful lightheartedness or casualness (adj)
flout to scorn, to disregard with contempt (v)
fodder raw material, as for artistic creation, readily abundant ideas or images (n)
forego to precede, to go ahead of (v)
orgo to do without, to abstain from (v)
formidable fearsome, daunting tending to inspire awe or wonder (adj)
fortitude strength of mind that allows one to encounter adversity with courage (n)
fortuitous by chance (adj)
frenetic frantic, frenzied (adj)
fulsome abundant; flattering in an insencere way (adj)
furlough a leave of absence, especially granted to a soldier or a prisoner (n)
furtive sly, with hidden motives (adj)
Created by: 88do
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