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Good ole Exam 1

Exam 1

Agricultural Revolution Food producing revolution. Middle east, 10,000 years ago. Domestication of plants and animals.
Brain drain Exodus of educated/ skilled people from a poor country to a rich country.
Deforestation Removal of trees by people or their livestock. Global warming as a result.
Digital divide % of people in the world that have access to computers vs. those who don't.
Domestication Control breeding and cultivation of plants and animals.
Dry farming Africa, Asia, India. Planting and harvesting according to seasonal rainfall cycle.
Extensive land use Requires use of large area. An area of hunting/ gathering
Globalization Spread of free trade, free markets and ideas across state borders.
GDP Gross domestic product. Value of goods and services produced in a country in a given YEAR.
GNP Gross national product. Value of goods and services produced in a country in a given year + transactions from products abroad.
Guest workers Migrant from less developed countries who rare employed sometimes illegally i the MDCs.
Hunting and gathering Mode of livelihood based on hunting animals and gathering plants.
Industrial Revolution Europe, 1750
Intensive land use Requires the use of a small area. An area of farms or gardens.
Irrigation Artificial placement of water to produce crops.
Less Developed Countries World's poorer countries. Africa. High population growth rate, low life expectancy, no middle class.
Malthusian scenario Model that states that human population will out-pace any food production. More people, but not enough food.
Migration Temporary periodic or permanent move to a new location. BOTH increase and decrease.
More developed countries World's wealthier countries.
Multinational companies. Companies that operate at least in part outside of home countries. Ex: GM, McDonald's.
Newly industrializing countries More prosperous of LDCs. China and Brazil.
Push and pull factors of migration Push- pushes away. Disaster. Pull- pulls you to. Jobs.
Zero population growth Births and deaths are equal.
Aquaculture Science, art and business of cultivating freshwater fish.
Biodiversity Number and variety of organisms found within a specified region.
Biomes Worlds major communities classified according to their prominent vegetation. 1. Fresh water 2. Marine water 3. Desert 4. Forest. 5. Grassland 6. Tundra
Climate Long term weather phenomenon
Continental drift Relates to plate movement. Pangea. Wegener 1960.
Front Boundary separating two air masses.
Green revolution 1965- introduction of high healing seeds, fertilizers, and cultivation techniques.
Hydrologic cycle Water cycle
Hydrosphere Compromised of oceans. 71% of earth is water. One of 4 earth's spheres.
Kyoto Protocol 1997 UN convention in Japan; global warming.
Montreal Protocol 1989- Vienna; ozone layer
Natural hazards A threat of a naturally occurring went that will have a negative effect on people/ environment. Ex: earthquake, tsunamis, drought, etc.
Richter scale Measures the amount of seismic energy released by an earthquake; 1-10.
Tsunami Large earth waves caused by an underwater earthquake.
Weather Short term atmospheric phenomenon
Xerophytic A dry plant that is able to adapt with little water.
Precipitation Atmospheric water. Rain, snow, sleet and hail. #1: rain.
Geography Study of earth
Regions Unit of earths surface that contains distinct patterns of physical features and human development.
Cartography Art and science of map making.
Large sale map Small area in more detail
Small scale map large area in more generalized terms.
Relative location Defines a place in relationship to other places.
Absolute location Coordinates or addresses. Provides a unique address for each plane.
Parallels Parallel to equator. Latitude lines run E-W.
Meridians Longitude lines. Run N-S.
Latitude Flat. 90N-90S. Parallel. Run E-W.
Longitude 180W-180E. Run N-S.
Equator 0. Imaginary line running E-W. Latitude
Tropic of Cancer 23.5 N
Tropic of Capricorn 23.5 S
Statue mile Land mile.
Nautical mile Sea mile. LONGER than statue mile.
International date line Longitude. 180N. Half around world from prime meridian (0. Divides E&W hemisphere). When cross over going W, you add a day.
Reference maps Concerned with locations of various features of earth's surface and relationships with each other. Highway map.
Thematic map Statistical map with a theme.
Mental map Personal geographical information map.
Geographic Information System Computerized system to help people analyze, manage and visualize geographic data.
Geomorphology Study of land forms.
Climatology Study of patterns of climate
Biogeography Geography of plants and animals. (False, not the study of plant and animals)
Political geography Politics of geography that relate to nationalism, boundaries and military conflict.
Created by: 678218318
Popular Geography sets




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